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  • Film 4 – Star Trek marathon.
  • parkedtiger
    Free Member

    Film 4 – Star Trek marathon. Is anyone aiming to get through to the end? I’ll be giving Final Frontier and Insurrection a miss I think.

    Full Member

    No, all the originals apart from the Wrath of Kahn are shit. Had the misfortune of watching Star Trek The Motion Picture at the cinema.

    Free Member

    Me too. I’ve always liked it – it’s unnecessarily slow and an hour too long.

    Full Member

    If I didn’t have a life then happily!

    I love it all the motion picture is sloooow tho

    Actually watching the Tomorrow War on Prime (its making Trek look sensible so far)

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    I like the movies 1,2,3,6. The rest – not so much. The Motion Picture is a great film IMHO. It’s a very different type of Trek, more true SF than drama or action in a futuristic setting – which most of them are. Wrath of Khan is a brilliant watch and the Undiscovered Country has great pace.

    Free Member

    The Wrath Of Khan is absolutely ludicrous bollocks and I love it. I think the usual recommendation is even numbers only though tbh I wouldn’t waste time on any of them apart from Khan.

    Full Member

    They are not showing nemesis!

    But its on Paramount channel!

    Full Member

    I take back what I originally said, just watched Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country and really enjoyed it.

    Never realised before that Michael Dorn plays Colonel Worf the grandfather of Lieutenant Worf. Also noticed the locker they stuck the magnetic boot to was the locker of Dax and I thought of Dax from DS9 and also forgot they had a shapeshifter in it played by Iman.

    Full Member

    1st place – First Contact VIII
    2nd place – The Undiscovered Country VI
    3rd place – The Wrath of Kahn II

    Free Member

    Or possibly, 6, 8, 2..nah, youre right

    I quite like the reboots, odds are better.

    Full Member

    No love for The Voyage Home? I always thought that was delightfully silly.

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    Original movie was trying to be all Stanley Kubrick but then reverted to formula at the end. It seems a bit “look at these new special effects we now have available, lets out them all in”

    I saw it at the cinema when it came out, seems like only yesterday but then maybe I’m a temporal agent and it actually was!

    Free Member

    Had the misfortune of watching Star Trek The Motion Picture at the cinema.

    Same here. I was 11 and still remember how boring it was, BUT I still remember parts of the film, so it obviously made some sort of good impression. I’ve never watched it again. Maybe I should.

    Full Member

    No love for The Voyage Home? I always thought that was delightfully silly.

    it’s always been my favourite! Most of the subsequent films (including the awful reboots) have just revolved around battling aliens, which I find pretty tiresome and not particularly Star Trek-y (at least, as Roddenberry envisaged it) This is something a bit (very) different, is thought provoking & has a lot of character!

    Full Member

    If I had to put them in order from worst to best

    V – Final Frontier

    IX – Insurrection
    VII – Generations

    X – Nemesis
    III – Search For Spock
    I – The Motion Picture

    Actually Really Good:
    IV – The Voyage Home
    VIII – First Contact
    VI – The Undiscovered Country
    II – Khan

    Full Member

    VI The undiscovered country had a great opening scene (The Praxis Explosion) especially good in the cinema.
    Saw this with a mate, both of us stoned to the bejesus, and it was pretty spectacular at that.

    Full Member

    VI The undiscovered country had a great opening scene (The Praxis Explosion)

    the special effect that’s so implausible it’s had a cliché named after it? 🤣

    Full Member

    I love The Motion Picture. Think it’s fantastic. But then I like all sorts of arthouse stuff too. It’s certainly a long way from a “crowd pleaser” but then I’m not a crowd 🙂

    Full Member

    Actually Really Good:
    IV – The Voyage Home
    VIII – First Contact
    VI – The Undiscovered Country
    II – Khan

    2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?

    Full Member

    Had the misfortune of watching Star Trek The Motion Picture at the cinema.


    I remember being in awe of the ship and the interior / exterior shots of it. However, film itself was dull as dishwater.

    Full Member

    2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?

    The thing I like about the 4 good ones is they are actually really different films. Not many franchises can say that.

    Khan, is the hero / villain archetype with both the protagonists chewing the scenery

    Voyage Home, is just a daft caper with the cast clearly enjoying every minute, I still love Scotty picking up a mouse “Hello Computer”

    Undiscovered Country is basically just a stand alone who-dunnit film. With added Sulu as Captain of his own ship.

    First Contact is pretty much a straight up action film “Prepare for ramming speed”. Although Picard misquotes Melville, but I’ll forgive him.

    Full Member

    TMP Directors Edition is a big improvement. Better effects where needed, some scenes cut, edited with better pacing. It’s still a show off visual experience rather than all action but I like it (much prefer it to Star Wars action style Abrams Trek flicks).

    For its time it was a wow experience given the original series and cartoons were all that existed before.

    Wrath of Khan is still massively superior though even if on a much lower budget.

    Anyway, Directors Edition has finally been green lit in HD (4K even), at least on streaming initially.


    And ST 5 is not all that bad either. Has fun moments and tongue in cheek throughout.

    First four films are also getting 4K releases as a set, but not the Directors Edition on TMP yet.


    Full Member

    TMP still my favourite. Proper Sci Fi. Most of the others are other movie tropes wrapped up in Star Trek characters (some are arguably much more fun than TMP though).

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