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  • Favourite alternative to alcohol drink
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    Bin dun another January, or October, or whenever, but….

    Guessing loads will say water, or tea etc, but what do you like that takes the edge off as an alternative when you are trying to go sober?

    Absolute fave for me is a virgin mary, with a really nice tomato juice (not diluted carton muck) – I have an already spicy one, lots of Worcestershire sauce and a really good splash of tabasco. Wouldn’t really want to have too many of them though

    Favourite lager is Corona Cero

    I like a can of draught Guinness zero (I’m weird and have a tiny splash of coke to sweeten it up)

    And I think it’s Robinsons make a really tasty lime and mint cordial for a fake mojito

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    Wa gonna say, the nearest to the real thing I’ve had has been Corona 0.0%.

    If that’s not available, Diet Coke.

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    Celestial Seasons, Lemon Berry Zinger.

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    Tonic water with a splash of bitters

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    I like the ritual/distraction of making a nice cuppa using tea leaves. Otherwise it’s just soda water and lime or Robinson orange barley water for me.

    i don’t get the zero thing. If I want a drink I will have a drink and all that comes with it otherwise I will stick to soft drinks. For me the whole point of an alcoholic drink is the alcohol and it’s affect, that was why I drank it. that said I am nearly 2 years off the drink now and feel having a zero might peak my interest in having the real thing so I just keep away all together.

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    Guinness 0.0, Brooklyn special effects, Athletic brewing (various), lucky saint, Leffe, Ghost ship, Marks and Spencer’s Czech lager is excellent!

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    Get into coffee :) The flavour profiles and complexities are incredible. And it’s perfect for socialising over and enjoying together!

    Decaf from great roasteries is now almost as good as caffeinated.

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    Alternative to alcohol?

    Have you tried cocaine?

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    Oramorph is quite nice, as an alcohol alternative.

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    i like ginger ale.

    but i really like crabbies with guinness 50-50.

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    Cheese and onion pasty.

    Alternative to alcohol?

    Have you tried cocaine?

    Just makes you want more alcohol 🤣

    So I’m told

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    Atopia – it’s a ‘non-alcoholic spirit’ <0.5%; rhubarb and ginger with lots of chilled tonic.

    A post ^^^ referred to ‘…tonic with a splash of bitters.
    Angostura original is 44.7% abv; the orange version is 28% abv so…I don’t really think they count as alternatives to alcohol unless it’s a couple of drops in a pint of tonic!

    Full Member

    Water, Tonic Water, occasionally a decent Lemonade.

    If I want a ‘fake’ alcoholic drink it’s Erdinger Blue every time.

    Alcohol free in the pub it’ll be Fentiman’s Ginger Beer.

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    Can of pink lemonade, couple of ice cubes, splash of Angostura Bitters. Add a slice of fresh lime if you’re feeling fancy.
    Sophisticated and cheap as chipps.

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    (A cheeky) Vimto

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    I love the high quality humour on here!

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    Orange juice, green tea, tea with milk. That’s when I’m at home; if I go out for a drink I’ll have a beer. Or, usually two.

    Also, when I’m at home in the evening I’ll have a beer or two, if I’ve got some in the house, and also a whiskey or bourbon, depending on mood. At the moment, I’ve still got about ten beers, drinking a Trooper at the moment, then I might follow that with a Buffalo Trace.

    Mood dictates, basically, I don’t do dry anything.

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    Add a stick of celery to the virgin Mary to pretend it’s the real deal, and help with the diet

    V8 as an alternative to straight tomato juice

    Had some of that Brooklyn 0% and it wasn’t bad, so may get a few bottles of that in.

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    It’s Irn Bru Extra for me. Lovely and refreshing. I’m stuck of all the various coke flavours around these days.

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    Soda water, either with or without  flavouring of some kind. Tonic water.

    I do like Alcohol Free beer too. Brooklyn special effects, Guinness 0, athletic brew co, erdinger blue are my favourites.

    Free Member

    Hot Beverage; Heart and Graft ‘Barnraiser’ coffee

    Fizzy Pop style drink; apple cider vinegar and sparkling water

    Beers; Guinness 0.0%, Brewdog ‘Elvis Juice AF’, Shipyard ‘Low Tide’

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    As a long term teetotaler Bundaberg or Virgil’s Root Beer…. I may have a bit of a sweet tooth.

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    Along with some of the suggestions above, I’ve been trying Sentia Spirits recently as an alcohol alternative, as real booze makes me vom and very occasionally I do just fancy something to take the edge off the day. They’re pretty good. I also like Trip who make CBD drinks. Both of them have the effect of equivalent to about 1/4 of a pub G&T, which dissipates quite quickly and doesn’t leave you wanting another.

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    Diet Coke is lush…

    If it’s not quite meeting the needs, I add a splash of rum to it.


    ( Wink wink)

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    Elderflower cordial and fizzy water.

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    Ginger ale

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    Sorry, there isn’t one.

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    Of all the 0% beers I’ve tried, this one is really good. I wouldn’t normally go near a fruited beer, but this one works  IMO.
    Erdinger Grapefruit:

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    Apple Cider Vinegar, diluted with water.  Tastes sophisticated, add a pink umbrella for ponce effect…

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    Erdinger Grapefruit:

    Erdinger Blue was my go-to post ride ‘beer’ if I didn’t want alcohol. But we bought a few boxes of the grapefruit on a whim and it’s really good. I’ll defo be getting some more.

    Otherwise Tea.

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    Orange juice, green tea, tea with milk.

    I initially read that as a list of ingredients for one drink and imagined CZ with a cocktail shaker mixing up the milk and orange juice and straining out the lumps. :-)

    My not-drinking pub drink of late has been ginger beer with a splash of lime cordial. It’s something that works well as a slow drink – a lot of soft drinks you need to sort of consciously eke out otherwise they’re gone to fast.

    I think its great theres such a broad offering of alcohol free beers now but its interesting how hit and miss they are in that someone can really like one beer and others will really hate it – makes it difficult to recommend one or take recommendations because they are far more opinion dividing than the regular beers they are a version of. I bought some St Peters based on a recommendation on one of these threads I thought I was being punished for something.

    Its interesting maybe to look at alcohol free versions of stuff you don’t normally drink as the nuances of alcohol-free/full fat versions are less obvious and you don’t have an exception to be met. I don’t really drink wine these days but I quite like alcohol free wines – especially cava / prosseco types as a meal accompaniment. If I drank wine I might think they are lacking something, but I don’t so I just like them for what they are.

    Interested in the Guiness actually – again becuase its something I don’t usually drink.

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    Mixers like Crodino or the AF one that Lidl does in the little bottles

    Tonic water

    AF beer – Nemo by Brightside, erdinger and all the other wheat based ones seem to work better than lager because the lager ones have a different mouthfeel

    Free Member

    Tonic water and OJ, 50:50

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    I’ve not really touched alcohol for 4 years, but occasionally fancy the sort of refreshing bite you get from a G&T….so i was told about a company called Three Spirit and it’s very nice!https://threespiritdrinks.com/

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    San Pellegrino with a squeeze of fresh lime, or tea.

    Mrs Bazz has been trying a range of CBD drinks recently, they’re not too bad, generally not overly sweet or sickly with sweeteners.

    I’m not really a fan of soft drinks, either too sweet for my palate or I can taste the artificial sweeteners and I can’t stand them, that said Fever tree ginger ale is quite tasty.

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    I’ve just discovered Tashkent tea and I’m happily drinking this instead of alcohol at the moment. When done well the flavours are amazing and it actually feels quite healthy. Recipes are available online but it is best when it’s made by an Uzbek grandmother to a tradition recipe.

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    Favourite alternative to alcohol drink

    Another alcoholic drink? :D

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