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  • Fabio goes big on snow (again)
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    Saw that earlier.
    He was close to that spiked back tyre a few times! 😳😳😳

    Full Member

    Good to see he’s using a rear mudguard

    Full Member

    Think I’d use a rear mudguard with my ease that close to the spikes! 😳😳

    Full Member

    IMG_7153Oh, that Fabio … I is disappointed.

    Free Member

    Oh, that Fabio … I is disappointed.

    At least there were no bird strikes for Fabio in the video!

    Full Member

    Good to see him still going strong without Grooverider.

    Full Member

    Looking at the photo from the YouTube listing, I am now waiting to see my first trail centre dweller with SICK! emblazoned across their left butt cheek.

    Full Member

    There was a lot of cool stuff in that video, but I can’t get over the paint job on that bike and the fork – 12 year old me would have killed for something like that!

    Full Member

    Wonder if we’ll see him at the inaugural UCI Snowbike World Champs next month? Yes, that’s now a thing..

    Full Member

    I want to know which run he did because I don’t remember seeing any huge man made drops built onto the piste.

    Full Member

    I’ve skied some of the Hahnenkamm (many years ago) and the top section is seriously steep.
    Was this done in one take?

    Full Member

    Glad he used a mudguard, but I am more conviced than ever that he is trying to get his sponsors to pay for a DIY vasectomy.

    Full Member

    Wonder if we’ll see him at the inaugural UCI Snowbike World Champs next month?

    Those arent snowbikes in Chatel, this is a snowbike in Chatel (where ill be again from Thursday). Am disappointed.

    Full Member

    Video was alright but who chooses the music for these? Always cheesy rubbish that detracts (IMO)

    Full Member

    Incredible – the size of those drops/jumps.. and the speed. Seriously nuts.

    Full Member

    Would love to see the condition of the mudguard when he finished filming.
    Is it just me? And I know I’ll prob get some abuse for this but I don’t get excited by these sorts of videos anymore. Impressive riding yes, but just seems to be more of the same. 5 /10/15years ago I’d have been waiting on YT for a vid like this to premier, before that I’d have bought the dvd. I found his day to day vlog stuff much more interesting when he ran his own channel.

    I can also confirm I’ve reached grumpy middle age as terrible fashion from my youth has become trendy again.

    Full Member

    That was ace.

    Free Member

    It was. Wombats not an obvious choice but hey. The landing at 2:03 gave me mild whiplash just watching

    Full Member

    Loved that. The air time is immense. 

    Full Member

    Wombats not an obvious choice but hey. 

    It’s a great song, but yeah, well out of context here. 

    Free Member

    Holy shiznee I can’t imagine how steep that actually is, it looks bad enough on the video but you know it’ll be a whole lot worse actually being there. Unreal the time he’s in the air for. A million views in one day too. Last big jump looked pretty sketchy on the landing, but the reverse nose manual at the end- absolute class. 

    Free Member

    I personally didn’t rate the vid. He didn’t actually ride a fraction of the race route, and was obvious that it was multiple takes, you couldn’t ride that netting with spikes

    Te jumps were very very impressive, but do show how much it’s the bike that lets you get away with it

    I didn’t think the speeds were that high well at least not compared to skiers.

    Full Member

    Think I’d use a rear mudguard with my ease that close to the spikes!

    I spent more of the video wondering why the mudhugger, (and why that song) than being impressed by the riding. At least I know now!

    Saw a clip of a skier doing that race the other day going one hell of a lot faster… and bigger.

    Full Member

    I can confirm that the Mausefalle is pretty bloody steep. Doesn’t look so bad in that video

    Free Member

    I walked up that one summer – from the village to the top… it seemed plenty steep to me.

    Free Member

    and was obvious that it was multiple takes, you couldn’t ride that netting with spikes”

    Yes, as the viewer of a free video on YT I felt betrayed at the lack of single edit riding on a simple and easy downhill ride. I felt robbed. And if you can’t do a ski run mesh netting wall ride at 40mph in that one take on the tyres you’ve chosen then you’re obviously not all that. 🙄

    Full Member

    Probably some desensitisation going on, at least for me.

    Full Member

    A big fat meh from me.
    I’m sure it’s terrifying in real life, but high budget, slick editing, lots of camera angles and plenty of whoopin’ and hollerin’ don’t make it any more exciting to watch than Jez Avery racing a skier down a piste on You Bet in the early 90s.

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