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  • ews 100 entry price
  • flyinbrian
    Free Member

    Hi im thinking of trying to enter ews 100 in scotland in june but the website gives no indication of cost . Any one know the cost last year as a guide ?

    Full Member

    I did the 80 last year and i think it was £130 ish . I did enjoy it and felt pretty proud of myself for finishing given the weather on the day  but it was hard to see where the money went compared to a tweedlove enduro at half the price .

    Full Member

    it was hard to see where the money went compared to a tweedlove enduro at half the price .

    Proper live on stage timing. Much higher level media coverage. A much bigger event over a wide area. A bigger organisation with more overheads. A socialised income model over multiple events around the world.

    Full Member

    How many other World series do you think you could enter for a similar amount of money?
    Seems relatively cheap to me and don’t think they struggled to fill the entrys.

    Free Member

    The UCI is involved. It’s always going to be more expensive.

    Full Member

    As a normal rider you’re definitely paying to prop up the pro event more than for things that benefit you. It’s hard to see how it’s worth the extra…

    Til you do it and it’s incredibly awesome being part of such a massive and crazy event and kids high five you even though you’re shit and near death. I was lucky enough to do the first 2 scottish EWS rounds and I’ve never done anything else like it. Not better or worse than a normal enduro, exactly, but very different. The first year especially was one of the best things I’ve ever done on a bike.

    I guess it’s the same as “why pay money to enter a race when you can ride the trails for free”, I can’t make a good cost argument for it but I’m so glad I did it.

    Full Member

    Yep i get all that Bob and Stu . Like i said i did enjoy it and I will probably try and get an entry for this year too . Its just that i think the tweedlove events put on an equally good event and cost half the price .

    I follow all the world cup and ews stuff quite closely so I loved being around it all so it was worth it for me but if your just looking for a racing experience i think tweedlove can match the EWS event .

    Free Member

    Remind us how much a football Premiership game is to go and watch, all 90 mins of it…

    Full Member

    I’m hoping to get an entry to the 100 when the tickets go live next week and I think the price (if it is £130ish) reflects the scale and status of the event,as mentioned above.

    A ticket to some of the other big UK enduro races later this year sets you back at least 75 quid for a one day race and again, that’s totally fine for helping support the event and organisers for putting these races on in my personal opinion.

    Good luck to everyone who is going for a ticket, hope you get one. My only worry is being online at the start of sales going live and missing out because of the low number of tickets available for the public to race. Fingers crossed though, cheers!

    Full Member

    I think £130 is fair for an event of this scale and prestige, however 2022 entries have jumped to £212 which is extortionate.

    They will still do well due to the novelty of EWS 100, but I hope there’s enough criticism and feedback to make them reconsider. The EWS business model is clearly flawed if the only way to run the pro races is to exploit amateurs.

    Full Member

    Bloody hell!! That’s insane pricing. Where did you get the figure from out of interest please Mark?

    Full Member

    One of my mates was on the priority entry which opened yesterday.

    Free Member

    £212 which is extortionate

    TBF £130 is extortionate as well.

    Full Member

    however 2022 entries have jumped to £212 which is extortionate.

    Not according to this


    EWS/EWS100: £ 173.75
    EWS80: £158.25

    Edit: I suspect your mate has added on an annual EWS membership at £35 in order to collect ranking points across multiple events?

    Full Member

    TBF £130 is extortionate as well.

    In some ways I agree in other ways I don’t. £130 is a lot of money, no getting away from that, but it is one, maybe 2 nights in a hotel, 2 tickets to a gig, a ticket for a premier league football match. The difference is that in this case the price gets you entry to race on the same course as pro’s in a sport that you love. What other sport could you pay to do the equivalent? Someone posted as well about the buzz of having kids high 5 you, plus all the crowd noise, I bet it is an amazing experience. I think I would enter if I thought I would be able to complete any of the course :-)

    Full Member

    Doesn’t have the kudos of EWS but the now cancelled Naughty Northumbrian is on a similar level and has a great setup, including entertainment

    That’s £100 including 3 nights camping

    Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/pl2YhllfFnb

    Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/2yG8ttofFnb

    Full Member

    The difference is that in this case the price gets you entry to race on the same course as pro’s in a sport that you love.

    The tricky part for many (myself included) is that you can rock up and ride that course whenever you want. Ok so you can’t ride the field, but it’s just a field.

    but it is one, maybe 2 nights in a hotel

    You’ll be needing those (or similar) on top of your entry fee too

    Full Member

    you can rock up and ride that course whenever you want

    There is no comparison between riding the course with your mates versus the actual race week experience. I’ve done it 3 times, and there’s no other race, never mind weekend ride, that comes close.

    Full Member

    I’m sure the atmosphere is very different, it’s the same hillside though. Doesn’t help that i’ve grown weary of riding under someone else’s terms over the years

    Full Member

    Edit: I suspect your mate has added on an annual EWS membership at £35 in order to collect ranking points across multiple events?

    Yes, looks that way, my mistake. That’s obviously how he’s gained the pre-release this year.

    TBF £130 is extortionate as well.

    It’s expensive, but not disproportionate to £92 for Tweedlove – maybe that’s the extortionate one skewing perception!

    Full Member

    Someone’s got to pay for those cheesy AF highlights videos, and why should it be the pros?

    Full Member

    You mean the Pro’s sponsors…???

    Full Member

    cheesy AF highlights videos


    The coverage of the events is excellent. Lots of content over the weekend: previews, live race stage videos, very well presented and professional highlights available very quickly after the race has finished.

    This is brilliant coverage. The only justifiable “cheesy” accusation is the music they use, but that’s simply due to the hassles of copyright issues on Youtube, so they have to use bland royalty free stuff

    Full Member

    And for those moaning about how the amateurs are subsidising the pros, here are the team entry costs from 2020 which is the most recent I can find, I expect 2022 costs will have increased


    €11,000 for the top teams.

    10 events

    6 riders max on a team

    That’s €183 per pro rider, per event

    Full Member

    @mashr I am going to stop having these silly thoughts but………………….how difficult is the course? Asking for a friend obviously, chicken runs or survive feature or die?

    Full Member

    Amateurs are always paying for everything. Where do you think the pro teams get the money to enter from and find their team? Customers pay for it all one way or another

    Full Member

    The coverage of the events is excellent. Lots of content over the weekend: previews, live race stage videos, very well presented

    Personally I think the presentation is bombastic and overblown (cheers Ric), the footage is repetitive and inadequate and the editorial line is superficial and lacks insight.

    But the production levels are reasonably high, I’ll give you that.

    Free Member

    @mashr I am going to stop having these silly thoughts but………………….how difficult is the course? Asking for a friend obviously, chicken runs or survive feature or die?

    The course last year was really not too hard from a technical / terror standpoint. It was all stuff I would ride on a normal weekend and I am not a shredder by anyone’s standard. It was a big day though. The problem with the hard trails in the area (IMO) is that they are too short for EWS and might get absolutely destroyed by the traffic.

    Full Member

    @mashr I am going to stop having these silly thoughts but………………….how difficult is the course? Asking for a friend obviously, chicken runs or survive feature or die?

    I did the 80 last year and I was ok on all the stages and I am a very average rider and back marker at races . I think they used probably some of the easiest trails on the golfy so if you have ridden there before and were comfy then you’d probably be fine . There was self seeding as well youbso you don’t end up riding round with the fast guys .

    Having said that due to all the storm damage I’m sure the course will have to be slightly different but I’d imagine a  big finish the same as last time in the field at inners and probably still feed the pony for the cafe stop and ease of access for spectators.

    Full Member

    Amateurs are always paying for everything. Where do you think the pro teams get the money to enter from and find their team? Customers pay for it all one way or another

    Just in case anyone doesn’t know how professional sports work😂

    Full Member

    Personally I think the presentation is bombastic and overblown (cheers Ric), the footage is repetitive and inadequate and the editorial line is superficial and lacks insight.

    Agreed – I watch it because it’s the only option but as a highlights package it’s pretty poor.

    They even brought in the pro stage to make it more spectator friendly but can’t manage to put together a worthwhile highlights package.

    Full Member

    The course last year was really not too hard from a technical / terror standpoint.

    It looked like a walk in the park compared to the Ebike course.
    There were some very broken looking riders the second time they came past my marshal point.

    Free Member

    As with all things ‘cost’, they’ll do their sums and work out how much to charge.

    Too expensive and they won’t fill enough slots, too cheap and demand will be too high and they’d be loosing out on profit, just right and they’ll fill their slots, have a bit of a backup waiting list, and will hit their desired profit margin (they are, after all, a company not a charity).

    Next year they’ll adjust their prices accordingly (as they seem to have done for 2022).


    Full Member

    I agree the highlights package is a bit weak. They don’t appear to have the resources or ability to cover very much of the stages

    Full Member

    They don’t appear to have the resources or ability to cover very much of the stages

    World Cup DH coverage is a joke tbh, you barely see a fraction of the course, quite often the commentators have no clue whether someone has crashed or why they’ve lost a load of time.

    That’s just 1 ‘stage’
    Multiply that by 6 + stages, my expectations for enduro coverage is low, even after the fact

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