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  • Elite triathelopes………honest !!
  • Margin-Walker
    Free Member

    I know this is elewhere but the yellow shoe is just plain funny

    Free Member

    The poor ladies. ๐Ÿ™ Why are you being unkind and laughing at their misfortune?

    If I'd just swum 1500 metres in 20 mins* or whatever madness it is, I doubt I'd be able to walk straight, let alone get on a flipping bike!

    *I can only dream of swimming as fast as such amazing athletes.

    Free Member

    The poor ladies. Why are you being unkind and laughing at their misfortune?

    Is that how it comes across, wasn't meant to. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Free Member

    Well I think you're mean and nasty and I think you should apologise. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    Full Member

    So you're ever so perfect then Mr. Margin Walker? Never fallen off? Never had a bad day? Eh?

    That's my sister – and she'd probably kill you on a gentle training ride let alone a full on race. So she slipped in transition…..that gives you the right to poke fun at her then?

    That fall cost her a top ten place, which as it's her job meant she didn't get paid that week. Professional triathletes get paid a pittance compared to other sportspeople, so that makes a big difference to her.

    When you've achieved half as much as her, then come back.

    Full Member

    Oh and BTW she then proceeded to ride the whole 40k with only 1 shoe and managed to stay in the lead pack. She then finished 13th.

    Free Member

    …sorry. Is she the one with the shoe, or the one that was riding at 90 degree's to everyone else, or one of the other ones that fell off.

    No malice intended but that clip is hilarious, even more so given that its the front of an 'elite' field. You have to agree.

    Free Member

    you beat me to it.

    Full Member

    The one with the yellow shoe.

    Sorry don't find it funny. You probably wouldn't if it was your younger sister hurting herself either.

    She's competed in 100's of races and practices transitions over and over. You ever tried to mount a bike quickly in bare feet, whilst wet, with other people barging around you, having just swam 1500m in about 20 minutes? No, probably not.

    Free Member

    ajantom – out of interest, why's the site in French? French parents so she's on the national team sort of thing?

    Full Member

    Bit of a long story.

    She moved to France pretty much straight out of University. Had been racing for the UK as a Junior, and continued to do so as an Elite whilst living in France – but racing in Europe for a French domestic team (much as many road racers do).

    The traveling back to the UK for team training was not very easy, and at the time (it has since improved) the UK team was having quite a lot of problems with internal politics.

    About 4/5 years ago my she was given a choice of accepting French nationality, as she'd been living there for so long, paid taxes there, owned a house, her partner is French, etc…..and she accepted. It meant she wasn't able to race internationally for a season, but the switch to the French team has been great. Much better support, better training facilities, better everything really – and her performance has improved quite dramatically since.

    She does find it a bit weird that her home Olympics in 2012 (well she hopes to compete anyway!) will be raced as part of the French team! She came 12th in 2008 btw 8) and hopes to improve on that next time.

    Free Member

    Most of the front field in that group really need to improve their transition, they are loosing so many seconds that they could never gain back in the swim/ride/run without a massive amount of additional training.

    OK if they are having a bad day but come one some of them are comical.

    Before we get the moaning fookers on here, my fiancee is a Triantalope and I would make her walk home in her compression socks and arm warmers with sleeveless skinsuit on if she performed like that. (cause she would look a 'helm)

    BTW I can do a 20 min 10, 56 min 25 etc etc and my fiancee is not far behind them times and shes done a ironman.

    Free Member

    Do any triathlons use the equivalent of those mtb telescopic seat-posts?
    Can't help but think leaping on might be a bit reliably successful with an initially lower seat height.

    Free Member

    That's hilarious whether it's your sister or not! And like the post on the Youtube vid said, elite Triathlon = weekend warrior everywhere else!

    I kid…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Free Member

    Ex tri-plod here: and I thought I looked a proper numpty when my pre-clipped shoe hit the floor (days befor lazzy band trickery) right as I was leaping on …thus smashing my nuggets into the saddle?

    What are they all on (or not)? Either the water was v++cold or they were all on the piss tnb4.

    Still laughing at the dufus riding off trailing the shoe, then there's the one getting zapped by the none cycling ability aliens and simply falling to the floor…

    Are you sure it wasn't as spoof??

    An outstanding clip-tastic experience…again, again ๐Ÿ™‚

    Free Member

    She's competed in 100's of races and practices transitions over and over. You ever tried to mount a bike quickly in bare feet, whilst wet, with other people barging around you, having just swam 1500m in about 20 minutes? No, probably not.

    If she's practised over and over that makes it even more of a joke.

    It's fashion, plain and simple. It's not "pro" to put your shoes on then mount the bike, so lots of triathletes try and do it the other way – even when they evidently don't have the skillz to do it (and would be much faster putting shoes on first).

    Free Member

    Is it me or do triatheletes come across to others as self professed members of the master race? All the ones I've ever met are so utterly self absorbed in their own physical superiority that it's as if they're fully paid up members of the Nazi Party.

    Free Member

    GT, it's not just you….

    Free Member


    Kill the motor dude ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm not Tri-racing atm due to being skint, having to study and twin bleeding what funds I do manage to fudge together but I'd like to think I'll have another go at IM b4 I'm 50 ๐Ÿ˜†

    Sure, some of em are up their own but it's exactly the same with all the sports I've participated in..climbing, skiing, MTBing etc etc etc.

    If you can't laugh at yourself from time to time, then your becomming a boring twit…IMO

    So, not all Tri folk are condescending twurps…now go and wash your hands and get to bed, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow..!

    PS: Have you a Giant, and did we ride in the Peak a while back โ“

    Free Member

    This has cheered me up no end, I'm doing my first ever tri in just under 12hours, so I'm glad that even the front runners struggle.
    I won't be giving any of them a run for their money that's for sure. i'll be happy to get out of the water still breathing…

    Free Member

    Love Tubs – I'd be very happy to meet the ones you know!

    Serious story though that sort of underlines my point:

    I was at a wedding recently and one of the guests came with her new boyfriend who had got her into triathalon big time. He was apparently pretty good and she looked liked she lost something like 10 kilos. We were all very impressed.

    Right up to the point where the wedding breakfast was served and these two went off to get their own specially prepared food that they'd brought with them in tupperware! How bloody rude was that!

    Anyway, tubs, no I don't ride a Giant and I haven't been up to the peak for a while but I was up there at the begining of the year on a Nicolai and I did meet some random guys up at Marple Cross if that was you.

    Free Member

    Hey docrobster, what distance?

    If it's your first open water then …

    Position half to 2/3 back on either the outside or tight inside due to being swum over..horrible the first time, can become a bit of a 'But Fight' kicking in the face, elbows to the nose, goggle removal are all good and sound tactics ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Keep sighting, nothing worse than 'going for it' and swimming off-line…eats LOADS of time getting back.

    Oh, I'm SO envious..I really am missing the buzz. Good luck, don't forget to smile when you cross the line ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Free Member

    ajantom, what does your sister make of the video? Can she see the lighter side or is it a sore point?

    Free Member

    It's a sprint 750m open water swim 20k bike 6k run. Tatton park in cheshire.
    The bike and run bit I can do but swimming is just not my thing. I'm just going to try and enjoy it and not drown. I'll try to keep out of peoples way, thanks for the tip tubs!

    Full Member

    ajantom, what does your sister make of the video? Can she see the lighter side or is it a sore point?

    Oh she can see the lighter side. She's defo not one of the stuck-up-their-own-arses Tri types – she like a few pints in the off season, and is very self-deprecating.

    I was just annoyed at the OPs attitude & that of the people's comments on youtube – people like to take the piss, but have no idea how much work and training goes in. One slip when jumping on a bike (and we've all done it!) and they all have a good chuckle about 'lame lady try-athletes, blah, blah, etc'.

    Skills wise Jess is very good – in her year off from international Tri racing she did the US Xterra series – basically offroad triathlon – 1500m lake swim, 30 km offroad bike, and 11Km cross country run……and came 3rd overall in the series only doing half the races. She was offered quite good money to race again the following year, but decided to concentrate on the ITU series, etc.

    Free Member

    Nice one, i raced at Tatton back in '08…. really good event, great feel to it. Swimming was/is my weak link, you must 'drink the event in' (if you pardon the pun) as they fly by so quickly….get someone to take loads of phots for you, I really regret not having done so myself.

    Don't forget to use your elbows ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Free Member

    It's very funny – lighten up whether it's your sister or not.
    Looks like most of the field aren't the most adept on a bike…!

    Full Member

    Aha, I'm doing the oly on Sunday ๐Ÿ™‚ good luck!! I've never done a tri at tatton, but it was my old training ride stomping ground and have done a fair few mtb races there back in the day:)

    It's all pan flat except a little rise in the park where you drip to the lake… So not really my course style at all!!

    Free Member

    Keystone cops of tri ๐Ÿ˜†

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