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  • Eagle 12 speed setup problems
  • spicer
    Free Member

    I picked up a mates bike (Whyte t130) to put his new 12 speed eagle on today, but kept bumping into problems….

    1. b-limit screw doesn’t give enough distance from the upper jockey wheel to the cassette- even with the screw wound all the way in the jockey wheel is snagging on the cassette
    2. upper and lower limits don’t go far enough. Basically I can’t get either upper or lower limit past their next closest gear, essentially ruling out the easiest and hardest gears so I can only set it up to use the 2nd or 11th gears on each extreme, it’s like it’s only 10 speed?!

    Does anyone know whats going on? I’m completely competent doing everything on bikes other than servicing rear shocks, and have set up many drivetrains without problems- never done 12 speed though. Am I missing something stupid like a new mech hanger required for 12 speed that I’m not aware of?

    It’s a standard freehub with 11-50 cassette (doesn’t require an NX specific cassette or anything)

    Full Member

    Got pic of it mounted on the hanger?

    Does sound very odd tbh.

    Free Member

    For the avoidance of doubt, are you with or without chain at this point?
    Upper jockey won’t clear largest sprocket unless it has chain tensions.
    What drivetrain did you remove?

    Full Member

    11 spd shimano to 12 speed?

    Free Member

    Just to clarify, what new bits do you have?
    You should have a 12spd cassette, 12spd mech, 12spd shifter and 12spd chain.

    I ask because there is some compatibility between 11spd and 12spd SRAM stuff. But if you’re putting on a cassette with a bigger range, you can’t use an 11spd mech.

    Are you using the red SRAM B-tension guide tool thing?

    EDIT: Check the cable routing through the rear mech. That’s caught me out before. It’s easy to put the cable in the wrong place and end up with the wrong cable pull. That doesn’t really explain your B-tension issues, mind.

    Full Member

    Chain length right?

    Free Member

    Yup it’s the whole lot- it was the whole NX 12 speed groupset out of a groupset box, not even individually purchased items. 11-50t cassette.

    This is with the chain installed and chain length adjusted- but the chain length only really affects the position of the lower jockey wheel as the pivot point of the cage is right up around the upper jockey wheel if I remember correctly.

    yes it was Shimano 11 speed to Sram 12 speed- everything is replaced though, is there something I’ve missed?

    the b-tension guide isn’t even helpful yet as I can’t even get the jockey wheel far away enough from the cassette to spin the wheel- I’ll use the guide once thats sorted though. Cable routing is definitely correct- I specifically showed my mate this and told him to keep an eye on that for when he puts a new cable on in the future, as it’s a silly mistake we’ve all made!

    I haven’t got any pics I’m afraid as I left it back at his place.
    I’m more confused at the upper/lower limits just not letting me choose the extreme gears. I reckon I can fix the b-limit with either a longer screw or a different mech hanger

    Full Member

    I’m stumped as to why the B screw isn’t pulling the top jockey away from the cassette?

    Need more info/ pics I think.

    Edit: Just seen spicers new post above. I’ve not heard of anyone having to put a longer B screw in an Eagle mech? Also, you can’t change mech hanger surely. One type and that’s it unless I’ve missed something?

    Full Member

    Sounds like it’s got the wrong hanger on there.

    Full Member

    Chain length

    Free Member

    @poopscoop the hanger points out of the chainstay/seatstay pivot point at around 7 or 8 0’clock which I’ve not seen before (and is definitely not adjustable)- I’m more used to them pointing straight down, so thought perhaps there was a variation of hanger used on this frame. I’ll try and find a pic for reference.

    Free Member

    It’s a rubbish picture off t’internet, but this mech hanger looks the same/similar in how it points backward rather than ‘hanging’ as you normally see
    mech hanger

    Full Member

    I think you can get Shimano hangers and SRAM hangers for that model (Though I could be dreaming). You may need a SRAM version for that bike.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Maybe contact Whyte ?</span>

    Full Member

    You may need a SRAM version for that bike

    You do

    Full Member

    That would make my assertion of only one mech hanger being available totally wrong then.

    No change there.

    That hanger is for shims direct mount mechs, or whatever they are called? I haven’t used shim in years.

    Full Member

    Should be something like this one? What year is that Whyte?

    Full Member

    Yep, that was my first thought. Standard hanger will fix it.

    Full Member

    Wonder what availability is like?

    Free Member

    Excellent, thanks guys- I thought the backward sticking hanger looked a bit funky. Will have a butchers and see if I can get hold of the other mech hanger.

    Still, that doesn’t explain the upper/lower limit problems- but one thing at a time!

    Free Member

    This happened to me, and yes it was the wrong mech hanger

    Full Member

    It should sort that too. The new hanger will reposition the mech sideways as well.

    Full Member

    I have the same bike, about 2 weeks I ordered a replacement hanger from the Whyte bikes website, it arrived 2 days later…excellent service and they show a loads in stock


    use the guide to get the correct one

    Free Member

    Whyte sell them direct, if unsure which type you need and don’t have a local dealer who can advise whyte respond pretty quickly via email.


    Free Member

    I’m having the same problem with my Norco sight. It’s got a direct mount hanger just like yours. Did using the different hanger work? Did the b screw adjust positioning with the new one?

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