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  • Dr Who – all online. Is there a thread already?
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    Full Member

    Only spotted this had happened yesterday. All of Dr Who and more available on the BBC iPlayer.

    great timing as I was thinking of buying some Tom Baker as the Doctor Blu-ray Discs.


    Some episodes are even older than Star Wars episode 4 for those wanting to challenge their children with SF from the past.

    Free Member

    cant get enough of Jon Pertwee as the doctor – i like Tom Baker also (and hes from Liverpool) – im not really interested in any others. i downloaded them all on a dodgy torrent yrs ago but i do have the legit DVDs so ive paid my bit

    Full Member

    I started a thread but it was ages ago.

    Some years back now I took it on myself to go back and watch some of the classic Who (after hoovering up a load of Big Finish). One thing that struck me was just how brilliant Troughton was.

    Full Member

    cant get enough of Jon Pertwee as the doctor

    Did you know Pertwee once starred as The Doctor in a promotional video? (Watch to the end)

    Different times, folks.

    Full Member

    A classic that one 😂.
    Anyway, as for iPlayer, sadly the very first story that shows how it all began is missing thanks to the son of the now dead writer of those episodes getting in a huff with the BBC and withdrawing the licence for it. He’s a bizarre guy making claims about IP of the show and money owed. He’s been posting racist and homophobic rants on social media about the Beeb, and even claims they killed his father. Conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer too. Bonkers.

    Full Member

    sadly the very first story that shows how it all began is missing

    I have it, should anyone care to hold an offsite backup for me then yell and I’ll stick it in OneDrive.

    Full Member

    5 episodes into Series 1…. black and white… but all good :)

    Free Member

    I tried revisiting a few stories that I remember with affection from the Pertwee and Baker eras. Unwatchable. Not quite Blake’s Seven levels of awfulness, but close.

    Full Member

    Nearly finished series 12 (the first one I remember as a kid).

    My, how things have changed.

    The writing and plotting is great, but so slowly paced compared to modern TV. Lots of silence and gaps between dialogue which seems very odd to modern sensibilities.

    The effects are predictably awful, but what really struck me was how there have ALWAYS been social and environmental themes in the stories.
    Had forgotten that.

    Oh, and how similar is The Ark In Space to Alien?!?

    Full Member

    Different times, folks.

    Was expecting a ‘get back in the kitchen, love’ line. Even I didn’t think the 80s was that bad! Wow.

    Full Member

    black and white… but all good 🙂

    They’re doing a colourised version of The Daleks!


    Though there’s also the 60s technicolour film of the same story with Peter Cushing.

    Full Member

    Not quite Blake’s Seven levels of awfulness,

    Wash your mouth with soap, watched the full series of Blake’s about 18 months ago, it was epic

    Full Member

    ALWAYS been social and environmental themes in the stories.
    Had forgotten that.

    Oh, and how similar is The Ark In Space to Alien?!?

    Don’t forget The seeds of doom ,isn’t that a tad close to the thing :-)

    Full Member

    @cougar 😧 on the last line of that Zanussi video!

    It was all so-so until then. Though unsure why so many ways and so long to say ‘sell your customers this overpriced insurance alongside these goods by preying on their fears of appliance failure’.

    Full Member

    Mad innit.

    It’s easy to forget, Pertwee was Doctor Who in that video. I don’t know exact timings but I’m assuming he was still the current Doctor when that was filmed. It’d be like David Tennant doing it, in character, today.

    It was probably never intended to be shown outside of corporate settings, but even so…!

    Full Member

    It’s easy to forget, Pertwee was Doctor Who in that video. I don’t know exact timings but I’m assuming he was still the current Doctor when that was filmed

    unlikely, Wiki tells me he exited the role in 1974 and the Zanussi vid is clearly 80s (which is when they were running their “Planet Zanussi” campaign which this ties in with)

    More likely he’s just trading on people remembering his role (they’re very careful not to actually mention Dr Who or anything that might spur any litigation! ) & just seeking to make a bit of extra side-cash, it’s a bit tragic and Alan Partridge tbh

    Full Member

    Don’t forget The seeds of doom ,isn’t that a tad close to the thing 🙂

    Funnily enough, I’ve just watched this…..

    ….. after discovering his channel last week.

    I’ll watch SoD again with interest.

    Full Member

    I can still remember the very first episode, those early episodes were some of the best because Troughton was pretty dark. While I watched Dr Who pretty much all the way through, I found, growing up, that it was a bit twee and hammy. Started to enjoy it more after it came back, mainly because the production values were much better.

    Full Member

    Just finished Genesis of the Daleks.

    While I watched Dr Who pretty much all the way through, I found, growing up, that it was a bit twee and hammy.

    Not seen much of the pre Tom Baker stuff yet, but yes, in places (the cliffhangers are a bit ‘Flash Gordon’ and Harry is a bit of buffoon at times) but overall it’s properly dark and very well done.

    I think I must have been a bit in love with Liz Sladen when I was five (still am, tbh) because although I remembered loads of the story I can’t recall Harry at all 🙂

    And again, although both drawing on the Nazis for inspiration I saw parallels between the baddies in this and the Empire in Star Wars.
    Guy Siner was perfectly cast as a slightly camp officer too. He’ll go far, that lad, as.long as he doesn’t get typecast.

    Full Member

    Mad innit.


    I remember the TV ads though… Gordon Kaye.

    Just finished Genesis of the Daleks.

    My eldest has it on DVD. Great slow watch when you have the flu or something.

    Full Member

    That Youtube clip above, about The Thing is 46 minutes long. The whole film is only 109 minutes long! Can anyone tell me why the ending needs explaining? I always thought it was fairly obvious, and pretty bleak.

    I watched two episodes of The Daemons over the weekend. I’ll finish that but it’s probably not going to draw me into watching whole series. I was only looking for The Sea Devils as that’s the one that scared me as a child.

    Full Member

    Was expecting a ‘get back in the kitchen, love’ line. Even I didn’t think the 80s was that bad! Wow.

    Yep, I was a tad surprised, I wasn’t quite expecting the line we got :-)

    Full Member

    Wash your mouth with soap, watched the full series of Blake’s about 18 months ago, it was epic

    oddly was watching ‘Halo’ last night and thought I know that voice , it was Dayna.

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