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  • Dignity in Dying
  • boriselbrus
    Full Member

    Thank you TJ for the update. I signed the Dignity in Dying petition a while back but I will write to my MSP today,

    I just can’t get my head around what sort of cruel person thinks they have the right to deny someone the chance to die when the time is right for them, rather than endure more days of pain and misery with the same inevitable outcome.

    Full Member


    Its almost always those who think their adherence to a deity allows them to impose their world view on others

    Full Member

    Its almost always those who think their adherence to a deity allows them to impose their world view on others

    Absolutely this – see also women’s rights and abortions.

    Full Member

    The main organised opposition group in Scotland has amongst its directors activists from SPUC – the anti abortion group. They also put out an internal briefing paper that stated they they could not win the debate on religious reasons so to dress up their objections on secular grounds)

    I have no objection to them not wanting to take advantage of the provisions. Indeed I have fought for a religious man to have futile treatment because of his religious convictions ( very much against my judgement but my judgement does not count. Only that of the patient)

    I have huge issue with them imposing their worldview on me.

    Full Member

    Final bump to ask once again that folk write to their MSPs

    I have been getting personal responses and some signs that MSPs minds are changing. Its well worth doing the letter writing if you feel we need a change in the law

    Democracy in action!

    Full Member

    Ok I know I said before that it was the final bump but I feel like doing another.  sorry 🙂

    With the change in first minister we now need to lobby him.  We had got Sturgeon to change her view from a firm no to a maybe yes.  We need to make sure Yousaf knows the depth of feeling about this

    I have been working hard at the lobbying.  Several rebuttal letters published in newspapers after anti assisted dying pieces from religious bodies.  I have been invited to do a speech in front of a bunch of politicians.  I have had contact with folk doing a TV documentary on the topic and hope to be in the documentary.

    Lobbying can make a difference.  we are winning the argument in Scotland.  Lets keep the pressure on folks

    anyone who wants help or advice writing letters PM me

    Full Member

    There is very much a case for Dignity in Dying – having sat through a whole week of MIL ‘passing’ after all treatment was withdrawn. The nurses really struggled to get the medication right to keep MIL from getting distressed. It’s remarkable how the body just doesn’t want to ‘stop’, but horrendous to sit through it 24/7 for a week.

    Full Member

    Well yesterday was an interesting day. I was at the scottish conservative and unionist conference. Dinnae fret folk – I’ve not lost my marbles. I was there for a fringe event in support of Liam McArthur’s bill on assisted dying. I spoke at a fringe event and I took part in the debate on the bill at another fringe event.
    One things is clear. The opponents of this bill are even more vile than I realised. They are extremely well funded by Brian Soutar and the american evangelical churches. They will lie, obfuscate and twist to try to block this bill. They prey on the fears of vulnerable people. They invent fake secular reasons to object knowing they cannot win on a religious argument.
    I spent some time staffing the stall Dignity in dying had in the main hall. We had a continuous stream of inquiries that on the surface seemed reasonable but were actually activists from the anti side ( Care not Killing) looking to try to trap us in some statements that they could twist in the debate. They had clearly paid for a large number of activists to be there and the meeting we had they clearly set out to wreck our event
    The so called “debate” was a clear set up and ambush with it being rigged for the anti side and loaded questions that on the surface appear reasonable but where done in a way that it was very hard to answer in any way without giving them ammunition in the vein of ” have you stopped beating your wife yet”
    I have no issue with those of faith making the anti argument based on faith as the moderator of the church of Scotland did recently in the scotsman newspaper where I got a rebuttal piece published. I have huge issue with these fundamentalists who believe its Ok to “fib for god” in their own words and who are dishonest about their motivations
    Do not betaken in by these folk. They are very dangerous. these are the same folk behind the anti abortion movement, they oppose equal rights, they oppose reproductive rights and they have no shame in lying to get what they want.

    Full Member

    Well done TJ for staying so calm when describing these contemptable people and their vile tactics, I find the hypocrisy of the whole lot of ’em infuriating.

    Full Member

    I did get a little intemperate after my question in the debate but the anti arguing against lost his temper completely and looked a complete clown as I didn’t let him away with diverting it and skewered him on a point.  I kept pulling him back to the precise point which was – when even the best palliative care is not enough do people have to remain in pain?  I finally got him to admit yes 🙂

    I’m not calm- I am furious 🙂

    Full Member

    I admire you for what you are doing with this TJ. Keep at it, but also look after yourself.

    Full Member

    Funnily enough I was absolutely fine – no anxiety beyond a reasonable little bit – although I did blow up when the anti doctor tried to patronise me and divert my question away from my point 🙂

    I was fully expecting crippling anxiety but it never happened.  Gawd knows why

    Full Member

    At the risk of boring the arse off you all, anyone who wants to get involved in either Scotland or England please either PM me for pointers or get in touch with Dignity in dying directly

    they need financial support and they need people with stories to tell and I guess other skills as well

    Free Member

    I was fully expecting crippling anxiety but it never happened. Gawd knows why

    I suspect deep down, in the deepest part of your psyche something in you knows it’s too important to let pesky things like anxiety get in the way. So a good dose of adrenalin and you’re good to go.

    Just take time to decompress a bit afterwards though!

    Full Member

    Bumpity bump

    sorry folks 🙂

    the religious fundamentalists are gearing up their opposition to this bill and spreading vile lies about it.  We need the vocal support of all you supporters

    There are various bits running on facebook where the religious fundamentalists are spreading lies.  Please get involved and counter their lies

    Join dignity in dying, sign the petitions, write to the first minister and your MSPs  OK its a rather loaded poll but even so

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I’ve added my name to the UK one Dame Prue Leith has on the Dignity website

    Full Member

    Ta chaps – every bit helps!  We are winning thew arguement – but we need to get our politicians to be brave and to support this.  Its not easy for them especially given the concerted campaign from the religious right funded by american evangelicals so letting the politic ans know of your support is important

    Full Member

    One of the folk making bogus objections is a paralegal and has the law firm  on their facebook page.  Would I be wrong to out them to their employer for lying on facebook?  i am so angry my judgement is clouded.

    Full Member

    One of the folk making bogus objections is a paralegal and has the law firm on their facebook page. Would I be wrong to out them to their employer for lying on facebook? i am so angry my judgement is clouded.

    That seems a perfectly legitimate thong to bring to their employers attention

    Full Member

    Don’t see why not- I’ve had a few jobs where they had a social media policy so that they don’t get tarred by a numpty posting shite.

    Free Member

    They’ve made their employer public knowledge so you could ask the law firm if they share the beliefs?

    Sad story in the news of a desperate man in Cyprus who euthanized his suffering wife. I speak to so many people now who face that dilemma.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I was “lucky” my Dad got done by a heart attack with no prior ill health big shock & a lot for Mum to deal with, whereas my wife & her family had her Dad deteriorating with dementia for 9 months until he died last month.

    Seeing what he & the family went through (even in the year or so before the last 9 months) makes me believe there has to be a better way.

    Full Member

    Fully support you in this still TJ, but as I’m in Wales I don’t know how I can support your efforts u there as there’s no discussion going on about it here.

    Full Member

    There is also a UK wide proposal as well in a much earlier stage.   https://www.dignityindying.org.uk/latest/

    so you can lobby your MP over it and also lobby the welsh government

    Free Member

    Have signed both the Scottish and UK petitions.
    Will also write to my MP, the dis-honourable robert jenrick.
    Definitely out the paralegal to their employer as they appear to be attempting to establish ‘legitimacy’ for their personal views by quoting their employer’s name.
    Keep up the good work TJ.


    Having watched two close relatives die slowly and painfully I’m fully onboard with this.

    ‘Traditions are rules set by dead people’.

    So let’s get them bloody changed and let people have a choice how they check out.

    Free Member

    Signed, I saw what my mother in law had to suffer and every one of us said it was inhumane.

    You’re doing good work.

    Full Member


    for once in a lifetime of political activism with various causes I actually feel like my efforts might just have made a difference here

    Full Member

    Signed, Pru Leith’s letter. My mother turned her face to the wall to ensure she died as quickly as possible. That took a week and was particularly horrific for my dad (I dissociated from it all and have paid the mental health price since, worth the admittance fee but still crap).

    Free Member

    Scottish survey as posted above
    The first question is a bit weird.

    Should someone with a terminal illness be forced to suffer against their wishes?

    Why use the word “force” in the question? Can a person be forced to have terminal illness?

    Assuming the person has Not been inflicted by someone with the terminal illness like slow poisoning etc (my part of the world they do that), the illness is either inherited in their own DNA or through their own individual consumption like eating loads and tonnes of unhealthy or contaminated or parasites infected food.

    Although I am not an advocate of “suicide” (my belief of karma etc), I have No objection to anyone who wishes to end their own life as they see fit. Their body, do as they like.

    If I had terminal illness (I don’t want treatment btw) and someone says die you silly person, I would happily accept that but if they wish to prolong my suffering that too I am fine as I just want to feel the severity of the suffering (repay my karma etc). End result is the same – death. No, my organs are Not for donation and living beings don’t deserve to have mine. Just cremate me and use me as fertiliser I don’t care.

    I also find the notion that someone would misuse it to “murder” someone with terminal illness is rather weird. I mean, if that’s the case then either you have too many enemies, unloved or just unfortunate to meet someone who want you dead, either way why continue living or avoid the inevitable?

    Free Member

    I get what you are saying chewkw but this is a sensitive subject that requires fairly careful terminology to avoid offending folk. Engage carefully!

    Full Member

    I was on the telly!  OK only STV borders but even so I got a chance to make Julies story heard.

    Very interesting event at Holyrood as well – one fascinating thing from Canada is that the richest folk have the best access to palliative care – but are also most likely to take advantage of assisted dying – so unlike the lies from the anti side that proves that its not poor access to services or poverty that drives assisted dying requests!

    7.50 in this one

    13.40 in this one


    Interesting programmes overall

    Full Member

    A piece in the guardian that could do with a  rebuttal or two if anyone fancies doing so.  and yes I am on my soapbox again


    Full Member

    @tjagain – not sure if you’ll have seen this?

    BBC News – Could assisted dying be coming to Scotland?

    Full Member

    It’s a bill that’s been bouncing around for a while, and by the sounds of it, is not really up to much now after the input from members who’ve discussed it with the churches, pressure groups, etc. The recent assisted suicide of Caroline March shows that this type of bill still leaves many without hope.

    Full Member

    Very personal to me, being a motor neurone disease sufferer.

    I am fully in favour of dignity in dying.

    Full Member


    That really is not so.  The bill has not been weakened at all.  Indeed strengthened in one areas.  Religous groups have not been given the opportunity to water it down and its not been kicking about for ages.

    Liam McCarthys bill is a completely new attempt and has little to do with earlier bills

    Its now heading to committee for detailed scrutiny.

    We have 85% of the population in favour and a majority of MSPs.   All parties have agreeda free vote not whipped

    I think it will go thru this time

    Full Member

    We’ll see, free vote sounded more about allowing MSPs to vote within their personal religious / other beliefs, so that majority of MSPs i don’t think will be as big as you think.

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