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  • Designed a new cycling product – how do magazine reviews work?
  • fettling
    Free Member

    Do I just send the product with a suitably worded press release in to a magazine, and ask if they would be kind enough to review it?

    Free Member

    Is it actually in production and available in shops? If so, yes. Some mags just reprint the release but that is much less common in the UK.

    Free Member

    Is your IP fully protected before you send it out to the wider world?

    Another option might be to do a cheeky show and tell on here, use us to gauge opinion. Hell, if Brant can use the forum for guerilla marketing, why shouldn't you! ;-)

    Free Member

    Generally if its a really good product get it prototyped, release a copy of the idea / specs / projected RRP to the mags who will pretty much re-print any half descent press release.

    Have the item tested (ISO / EN whatever) and then look at getting into production in a small way.

    Release to mags for testing and review.

    Have idea stolen by mega-corp who are happy to fight the legal battle knowing that they have enough $$$ to drag it out for years.

    Give up and have a nice quiet life.


    It's not that easy, according to the second item down here.

    Free Member

    Unlikely to be available in the shops, limited production run only. I don't have time to make very many. Will probably sell direct to people through a website I am building. Once the site is up the plan was to send a few pairs out of singletrackworld road.cc and other sites to generate a little intrest.

    Free Member

    I like! Lots.

    Can you do 'em with top end SRAM chains too? Price? Availability?

    Free Member

    Cheers flash. If I get my act together they might make this weeks "fresh goods".

    Don't want to fall foul of the singletrack trading rules so you will have to hang on till then.

    Free Member

    They're beautiful! Good work :D

    Free Member

    I'd buy them – what sort of price is likely?

    Free Member

    very cool, if i needed any of those, those would be the ones i'd buy

    Free Member

    Sorry for being ignorant, but what do they do?

    Free Member

    Super nice!

    Free Member

    If you like wearing fancy shirts, they hold your cuffs together.

    Free Member


    kinda like ties but for your arms?

    Free Member

    they look great – well done

    Free Member

    They're lovely. I just lost my old cufflinks and am after some more…

    How much?


    Free Member

    I like them a lot too.

    Free Member

    I want a set!! where can I buy them from?

    Free Member

    I think you can call that a pretty positive reaction so far!

    Good luck, and make sure you let us know where and when!

    Full Member

    Bike jewellery isn't exactly a new idea but those are very nice, I'd buy a set. :-)
    Similar kind of things here:
    used as earrings.

    The night before a job interview about 3 years ago I was getting all my stuff together and realised I'd left my cufflinks at my parents house so I bodged a set together with some spare Powerlinks I had. It worked quite well! :-)

    Full Member

    they'd be nice to have, almost worth wearing a shirt to work for!

    Free Member

    Surely there are copy right issues?

    Free Member

    Very positive thanks guys. If STW review them for me then that would be cool. If push comes to shove I will take out one of their trade classified ad things.

    I am not expecting to make millions, I have just started up my own design consultancy and this was a way of generating a little cash to help fund some of the kit I need.

    Free Member

    solamanda, not sure how. I have to buy shimano chains to make them as long as I market them generically all should be fine. It probably won't event figure on the big S's radar.

    Full Member

    Put me in for a pair as well please!

    Free Member

    I'd like some too! How much and how?

    Free Member

    Those are cool – interested in a pair

    Free Member

    Move like the wind if you can fettling. Christmas is coming and that is exactly the kind of thing people would get cyclists for a present. Guess you won't be able to advertise much but get a simple site up somewhere to let people buy them if they want (if you can make a few).
    Oh, and another vote for SRAM ;-)

    Full Member

    I'll take a pair too

    Full Member

    Look great. I'd be in for a pair.

    Free Member

    Yep get promoting them to the websites first, with Christmas coming up it would a shame to wait for the mags.

    If i was doing it i would try and make them stand out whether that was different packaging or beer or sweets, dont forget they get sent silly amounts of kit to test/review (the scrounging gits).

    Full Member

    If I was wearing business shirts for much longer I'd get some for sure. Tracker is right – do it fast – perfect christmas gift.

    Full Member

    Give me a call on Monday if you like..

    01706 813344


    Free Member

    I'd have a set as well. Nice work.

    Free Member

    Yep, I'd probably be interested in a pair depending on price.

    Free Member

    Price, I might even buy a hounesqye shirt just to wear them :D

    Free Member

    Hi Fettling,
    If you don't have time to set up a website I'm happy to pop them up on mine in the xmas run up?
    I do that for a couple of my mates who make random things, like these buckles
    http://www.ananichoola.co.uk/gallery_280980.html. Send me your personal email address and I'll message you.
    If you then want to put them on a different website instead after xmas then no worries, just an idea…:-)

    Free Member

    Etsy is a great place to sell this kind of stuff, dead easy to set up your own shop and commission is fairly small – http://www.etsy.com/

    Free Member

    Yep, I like those too, though I'm more of a SRAM man…

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