As usual the combination of responses varies from outright rude to sensible critiscism. Don't you just love/hate the people on this forum.
In answer to some:
I wasn't trying to make some amazing edit. It's just a record of our day. I had the cameras with me and didn't want to interrupt the day with loads of fannying about. It was a quick one shot edit and the only CDs I had in my laptop bag got used!
I just thought one or two people might like to see it?
The helmet mount is a bit more wobbly than normal – not sure why? Maybe something was loose on the day?
My server is always slow but seems a bit slower than normal. If anyone wants to pay for a dedicated server and a shed load of bandwidth please send used notes….
I understand compression (it's already h264 but at a high bit rate and at 720p res). I went for quality over file size cuz I get p*ssed off with watching sh*te Youtube blockiness.
I warned you it was massive! Your lack of patience is your problem not mine. Either wait or don't bother.