Home Forums Chat Forum Classifieds what’s happened to all the stuff!

  • This topic has 31 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by PJ266.
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  • Classifieds what’s happened to all the stuff!
  • Locoboy
    Free Member

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything for sale or browsed the ads on here and it’s all changed, for the worst I’d say!

    Upon browsing it seems that there are only 3 sets of bars, 3 stems and 4 sets of brakes!

    This kind of stuff was the mainstay of the old classifieds forum, can no one be bothered now because it’s too much hassle to list everything individually?

    so where are all you lot advertising your spare parts now, because it doesn’t see that it is on this forum.

    Full Member

    I’m using Pinkbike and Facebook groups.

    I gave up trying to find stuff on here, and thought that my advert would also be similarly ‘lost’ through the poor search and sorting function.

    Free Member

    Oh eck, ere we go AGAIN!

    Free Member

    You’re wrong; it’s BETTER!

    STW’s clickmetrics say so. So the fact you can’t find anything is your fault.

    Pinkbike hasn’t changed, though

    Full Member

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything for sale or browsed the ads on here and it’s all changed, for the worst I’d say!

    Upon browsing it seems that there are only 3 sets of bars, 3 stems and 4 sets of brakes!

    This kind of stuff was the mainstay of the old classifieds forum, can no one be bothered now because it’s too much hassle to list everything individually?


    Full Member

    To add to this I posted a couple of items on there a few weeks ago.

    With both items I got pms saying “is it still available.” I of course replied in the positive, and not a single one got back to me again 🙄

    With the old classifieds it was mostly done on the thread itself, which seemed to be a more efficient way of doing it. New system is a bit crap.

    Full Member

    it is utterly shyte.

    i was a very busy buyer and seller. sold stuff most days. i now no longer bother because it is far too much hassle.

    Full Member

    Yep completely pants. The old buy/section was a reason to visit daily….. The new one is utter pants.

    Free Member

    Easier to post pictures off phone but does seem to be less stuff.
    Main issue for me is the postal service, currently have wheel somewhere on way to me & a rebound knob somewhere on way to the buyer…

    Free Member

    I quite like it actually in terms of listing stuff. Can’t deny there’s less to look at on it though, some days there’s only ten or so new posts.

    Free Member

    Hard to tell how many ads have been placed each day since the listing date from the front link to the ad has been removed. Need to click into the ads now. I have tried multiple times to sell stuff on there given I had been so critical of it I thought I would give it a fair chance. But had little success.

    Full Member

    I too mourn the ‘forum’ feeling of the old classifieds, but this one ain’t that bad now – it’s different, but it’s quite good, and the promoted listings has probably got the cash-rich overlords of STW more money than the “donations request from a good sale” ever did (at a guess).

    We kind of  need them to make money :)

    Plus, the imaginative wanted ad photos are proving to be a pretty funny quirk!

    Full Member

    This kind of stuff was the mainstay of the old classifieds forum, can no one be bothered now because it’s too much hassle to list everything individually?

    Luckily you post everything in one post still.

    Full Member

    3 sets of bars

    Ah, but they are a great price though eh?
    What annoys me is that there is a limit on ‘active’ for sale ads, but marking an item as ‘sold’ doesn’t make it non-active so you have to wait for sold items to drop off (or delete them) before you can post another ad.

    Free Member

    I find stuff just doesn’t sell like it used to, so presume people aren’t bothering to browse it as much as before. (Not that I’m a big seller!)
    If you put stuff up really cheap it goes ok, otherwise, it’s ebay.
    Ain’t no use complaining though, cos it’s not going back!

    Free Member

    Much as I thought then.
    It’s crap!
    I’ll resort to Facebook/Pink bike then.

    Full Member

    Just posted a couple of things for the first time on the new system and as mentioned above it’s much easier posting photos from the phone. Whether they’ll sell is another matter of course

    Full Member

    I don’t even bother looking on the classifieds anymore, I find it really cumbersome.

    I still miss the old page for listing your last few forum posts, the new alternative is also clunky.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t even shift a Solaris Max frame on there… was practically giving it away. Put it elsewhere and sold it in 40 minutes.

    Used to love the old classifieds. Was like a permanent bike jumble that would real me in on a daily basis.

    Full Member

    Posting things on is easier, but some rules are just silly, £9 to keep an add on first page, crazy if the item your selling is £40 ???? i think they should charge a percentage or just charge a yearly fee to everyone registered to using the site, the 7 day rule before re-posting is a pain, but the amount of adds has decressed

    Full Member

    Plus, the imaginative wanted ad photos are proving to be a pretty funny quirk!

    I actually go in there just to look at these. What’s happened to my life?

    Free Member

    I want to sell a bike and can not see how you list a proxy advert. Pinkbike took 5 minutes..

    Full Member

    It’s awful. I can’t be bothered to browse it even weekly unlike I did the old forum based one which I’d be on several times a day. I also couldn’t sell anything on 3 recent clear out posts when I’ve had no problems previously.

    I can’t quite figure out how the new format is better for any user, seller or buyer. No point crying about it though as there’s no way they’ll bring the old version back as they seem convinced it’s the great in spite of the anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

    Full Member

    I’m just playing with it for the first time… How do you search without wanted ads coming up? How do you stop Sold items coming up in your search? These things should be obvious but don’t seem to be

    Or are teh SOLD items just included so that it’s less obvious how little there is listed?

    Full Member

    Used to buy and sell loads of stuff on the classifieds. Dont use it anymore. Doesnt seem to attract much traffic (and yes I know Tractor production is at an all time high).

    Also cant see a buyers history now, which was a key factor for me when buying to have confidence.

    Shame as was great in the past.

    Free Member

    I think someone said it well above – the old classifieds was like a big bike jumble sale that I browsed through every day, without any particular needs in mind, just to see if anything took my fancy. Can’t do that easily with the new one, everything is segmented and there’s far far less stuff for sale (and yet tractor production is at an all time high, comrade…)

    That said, it has saved me a fortune – I’ve not made a single purchase since the system changed!

    Full Member

    Used to love the old classifieds. Was like a permanent bike jumble that would real me in on a daily basis.

    This! I was on it all the time. Buying and selling bits. You could dive into a posters forum ativity and see what else they were selling too.

    I used to sell 85% of stuff I posted on the classifieds. Recently I haven’t even had any interest here.

    I don’t even bother looking at it now. It’s FB, PB & Ebay for me.

    Bring back the Bike Jumble!

    Full Member

    Same here! Used to love the interesting randomness of the old page and have bought loads of stuff over the years. Tyred Jr’s first 26″ HT was built by the two of us as a summer project with nearly everything sourced from the old classifieds. It just did exactly what it needed to do for me. Didn’t need to see pictures unless I was actually interested in buying something.

    Saw this thread and had a quick browse of the new site out of interest. Died on its arse, hasn’t it? Shame, looks like a classic case of starting out with best intentions but ultimately giving users something they didn’t ask for with the inevitable result.

    Full Member

    Browsing the history of the seller was a big plus for me too. Likewise I have sold loads and bought loads in the past. Reminds me of the Monty Python Parrot sketch, it’s dead, no it’s not.
    It was like a quirky jumble, where can I get a Silent Clutch hub?

    Free Member

    Yeah the new classifieds is terrible.

    The forum based one was soon much better I visited it numerous times a day and bought and sold a fair few things. Now I don’t even bother.

    Full Member

    That said, it has saved me a fortune – I’ve not made a single purchase since the system changed!

    +1 The useful addition of pictures has been countered by it’s basic lack of usability but it’s alright “traffic is up!” doncha know.

    Shame I’ve slacked off this forum in general considerably without it’s draw and I can’t imagine I’m alone.

    Thanks for saving me money though STW. ;o)

    Free Member

    Yeah same story here, its reduced my use of the forum too if Im honest.

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