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  • Chilli injuries
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    Twice in one day 😞. Made a veggie chilli for tea. It was great, except I went for a waz afterwards forgetting I’d been chopping fresh chillies.  Ex-****-cruciating!! Like having your 🔔 🔚 simultaneously lashed with nettles and wired up to a car battery ffs!

    Once the pain had subsided and despite having scrubbed my hands, I am in agony again having just absently mindedly rubbed my eye! Sweet baby Jebus that smarts!

    I made it for my wife who is veggie (I’m not) like the caring, thoughtful husband I am.  She is displaying her gratitude by pissing herself laughing at my plight. Dairylea on **** toast next time.

    Full Member

    There’s Tory MPs pay for that sort of thing. Allegedly.

    (Not the veggie chilli obviously)

    Full Member

    I can sympathise.

    I need to do self catheterisation due to spinal injury/spms and I can recommend wearing gloves when chopping a scotch bonnet chilli, inserting a catheter after handling them is not something to ever experience twice as it feels like someone has attached a treble hook to your internal bladder wall then tying to an anvil thrown from a high bridge. I hit the floor and immediately started throwing up from the pain as my bladder tried to escape through the urethra.

    Free Member

    Did it once with my wife (gf at the time). Reading the Yellow Pages and she suddenly jumped out of bed screaming 😹

    Full Member

    @somafunk that puts my experience into perspective. External is bad, internal must be off the chart!


    Full Member

    Never remove contact lenses after chopping chillies……..

    Full Member

    Never remove contact lenses after chopping chillies……..


    Free Member

    Yeh it doesn’t seem to matter how deeply and repeatedly you wash your hands 🤯

    Full Member

    Use a fork to hold the chillis while you chop them.

    Free Member

    Never remove contact lenses after chopping chillies

    Yep, been there, done that. Made a curry up using a fine selection of chillies. Scotch bonnet, Carolina reaper and ghost  chillies. (I had a very high threshold to the hot ones back then). My contact lenses are the monthly verity so you take them out at night, rub them with saline solution using your finger then pop them in a case for the following morning .  Taking them out wasn’t the problem, it was the next day. The night before I basically rubbed the heat of all that fine selection of hotness into the lenses. Think I woke the whole street up screaming like a banshee at five am 😬

    Free Member

    Ring sting…. Jim Royal….

    Full Member

    Never remove contact lenses after chopping chillies…

    Hmmm, reminds me of the days when contacts used a sterilising liquid and a separate neutralising liquid. I was reminded of the need to put the lenses in the second liquid before putting them in my eyes one morning before going to work.

    I was a bit late that morning, getting the lens out of my eye was a bit difficult with my eye clenched shut like a fist, took at least half an hour just to get it open.

    Hydrogen peroxide stings a bit…

    Before finely chopping up a Carolina reaper I always put nitrile gloves on.

    Full Member

    I was a bit late that morning, getting the lens out of my eye was a bit difficult with my eye clenched shut like a fist, took at least half an hour just to get it open.

    The good old days

    Full Member

    Never remove contact lenses after chopping chillies……..

    Yep, been there. I also had a contact lense split in the middle and pinch my eyeball. Excruciating pain and took over half an hour to remove. Not helped by happening at work. Sat in an office with two other idiots laughing at me with my eye clamped shut.

    Full Member

    Many years ago I was on a night shift and made a chilli con carne for me and Mrs Scape. We ate the chilli and with a couple of hours to kill before I set off for work we engaged in an interlude of carnal knowledge. About five minutes into said act Mrs Scape announced that she was experiencing burning, and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.  Being the gentleman I am we broke off and between us we realised that I had managed to transfer the chilli from my hands to her  erogenous zones……..

    Soap and water was pretty much ineffective, and my abiding memory is of poor Mrs Scape making topical applications from a pot of plain yoghurt and inventing new sweary names for me as I got dressed and set off for work.

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