Oh how I love a fancy dress do....... Caribbean this time, so after ideas from those who know about such things.
NO to: blacking up, naff cultural appropriation, Pirates
Yes to: cheap, Subversive is fine, available before Saturday.
Massive can of Red Stripe?
Please help, I beseech thee brethren.......
Why no pirates? Seriously, they should not be discounted.
Maybe you could go as a shell company/tax haven
It'll be thronged with Black Jacks and Hawaiian grass skirts.....
Panama hat, linen suit, become a plantation owner!
Plantation owner or East India Company captain / Privateer. Avoids cultural appropriation, and despite you being the historical bad guy, no one will quite be able to articulate why your fancy dress is in bad taste and their can of red stripe and blackface isnt.
[Dammit, way too slow at typing]
how's your intimidating stare while chewing gum?
Viv was top of my list, but cricket whites aren't easy when you're lanky.
Che Guevara might work, or Ernest Hemingway.
Can of red stripe or a bottle of rum might work but would be a PITA to spend any amount of time in, I'd probably just follow the herd and go as a pirate...
My Mrs is going to a fancy dress do as a Rasta at weekend. She asked if I can do her hair. I'm dreading it.
My wife went to a Caribbean fancy dress party dressed as an island.
No she chose to wear it.
NO to: blacking up
Go as Yellowman then (Second yellowman hit of the day on STW)
If you go as the plantation owner and it gets a bit awkward, just tell them that you are the man from Delmonte.
You could go as the Bermuda Triangle (and stand at the back and ting)
Robert Burns was a plantation manager for a while. So you could just wear a kilt.
but if you’re lanky people will wonder why you’re dressed as a netball player.
Bermuda business suit?
Mix up and take some Pusser Painkiller along. Then to get the evening off to a start play Ibble Dibble.
It will all be a blur after that and nobody will care what you are wearing.
Or maybe a bit of voodoo...
Have you got three pals ... ?
Man from Delmonte.......good call.
"Stand at the back and ting" - is that a noise effect or are you posting in patois? The Cool Runnings would be awkward with my bladder/drinking habits. Thanks all.
I play triangle for a reggae band....
wear ordinary clothes and take a tin of these with you
Tell anyone that asks that 'I'm carrying a bean'
Go as a massive refer.
Or jam doughnut....
You could go as Nicki menagerie?
You need a chicken suit and a repertoire of exaggerated tics and flinches.
Or maybe a chicken suit and a Jacob Rees-Mogg mask.
Same visual pun.
[strong]mariner[/strong] wrote:
start play Ibble Dibble.
Bloody hell, that brings back hazy memories of 2004 and burnt corks!
Get a tee shirt made up that says:
Meat and potato, $2.00
Pork, $1.50
Chicken and leek, $1.80
Cheese and onion, $1.50
Steak and ale, $2.30
If anyone asks, tell them you're the pie rates of the Caribbean.
You need a chicken suit and a repertoire of exaggerated tics and flinches.
Or maybe a chicken suit and a Jacob Rees-Mogg mask.
Same visual pun.
I don't understand this..
Jerk chicken
JRM is more of a shitehawk really.
No pirates you say - but what about Primates of the Caribbean?
This is a serious request, no monkey business
yeah, dress up as monkey, that should go down well!!