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  • Bikeshop BS? Cube Stereo – problems after new chainstays fitted
  • mtb1234
    Free Member


    I’m back canvas opinion on the quite ridiculous explanation that I have just been given by a Cube dealer. To cut a long story short, the bearings in the chainstays were loose in the frame. After much complaining they agreed to change the chainstays. 6 weeks later I finally get the bike back, only now the two halves of the rear mech hanger are loose when you remove the wheel. I have a look myself and realise it’s because if you tighten it fully, the dropout half doesn’t sit in line with the axle and the axle cross threads when you tighten it. So that makes me think the recess in the chainstay hasn’t been machined properly. I talked to the dealer and they insist that this is by design! It’s designed to be a floating piece because apparently it’s impossible to build the rear suspension with tight enough tolerances to ensure that the dropout surface is completely square with the axle. So the fact that the rear mech is p1ssing in the wind whenever the wheel is removed is completely fine. That sounds like complete and utter BS to me. What do you guys think?

    PS. I also suffered a snapped main suspension pivot bolt prior to this, so my opinion on Cube bikes couldn’t be any lower to be honest. Avoid at all costs.

    Free Member

    sounds like BS.

    Talk to Cube direct, your dealer is trying to resolve the issue the wrong way

    Free Member

    I’ve tried talking to Cube direct in the past. They just tell you to contact the dealer. Their customer service is abysmal.

    Full Member

    Cant picture what you are saying, is it the hanger or deraileur thats loose?

    When i got my 2016 stereo new and removed the rear wheel after a couple of weeks the rear mech fell off. Found that the wee screw that attaches the mech hanger to frame had gone missing. Got a new screw and the mech and hanger are now solid when i remove my wheel.

    Full Member

    Could be any one of the following:
    -Not built correctly (spacers in the wrong place?)
    -Not made correctly (Either the machined piece or the frame is wonky)

    Find a better dealer, they sound like a bunch of idiots.

    Bike industry needs to sort its quality control out, some very sloppy engineering, coupled with woeful manufacturing control.

    Full Member

    Sounds like complete balls. I assume he showed you other bikes in the shop (as all brands must surely do it?) to allay your fears?

    Free Member

    I tried two other dealers the last time there was a problem with it. They both wanted paying to investigate any warranty claims because I didn’t buy the bike from them.

    Full Member

    Hard to follow your description but “So the fact that the rear mech is p1ssing in the wind whenever the wheel is removed is completely fine.”- well, it could be tbh, how much riding do you do with the wheel out? Not saying that your particular bike is correct, but it wouldn’t be a problem in itself to have a hanger that’s only fully tight when the wheel’s in, because that’s the only time it matters if it’s fully tight

    Full Member

    Pop into the shop with the bike, preferably on a busy Saturday. Ask them to demonstrate this ‘design feature’ on a different bike.

    Free Member

    I had similar on a cube cross bike. I did the wheel up with the dropout loose to align it, then tightened the tiny screw, and all is good.

    Mine is conical, which allows it to align, but if you do it without the axle, means it can be aligned wrong.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Mrs M’s Cube E Stereo has just snapped its drive side main pivot bolt, could be a recurring theme here…….

    Free Member

    Cube aren’t a brand I associate with quality. They look cheap from a distance so Ive never got close to one.
    That certainly is bs there telling you.

    Free Member

    “They both wanted paying to investigate any warranty claims because I didn’t buy the bike from them.”
    Why should they do it for free? Cube are not going to give them any money for doing the job/looking/fixing it. So they be out of pocket.

    Why didn’t you send/take it back to where you brought it?

    Free Member

    To add to the cube stories, a mate has also snapped his main pivot bolt on a stereo 140. Cables were also too short out of the factory cussing horrendous rub underneath the bb.
    Wouldn’t ever get one based on his experience.

    Free Member

    My understanding is that the snpping pivot bolts is a thing. I wouldn’t not buy a Cube, but I would give it a thorough twice over with a sceptical eye.

    Free Member

    bolt snapping is a thing on the alloy 140/160 older stereos, basically drive side bolt comes loose slowly people dont notice it and it wobbles about till it either snaps or ruins the thread. pretty simple fix and easily avoided if you check the bolts every few weeks. rear drop out issue is also something i have seen on alloy and carbon bikes, usually caused by riding with loose rear axle should be reasonably solid as long as the little screw is there. souldnt be like that if its a new one though.

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