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  • Best Movie Trilogy
  • ali69er
    Free Member

    I always thought there was some rationale for once upon a time in the west, once upon a time in America and a fistful of dynamite but can’t remember what it is.

    The final scene in once upon a time in the west with the hanging is possibly the greatest visual on film. I still remember the first time I saw it.

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    Lethal weapon

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    @cb200 nailed it on the first page.

    I LOVE Kieślowski‘s work!

    EDIT: Oh, and Wim Wenders’ Road Trilogy, including ‘The Wrong Side’ is superb.

    Free Member

    Star wars is a decent romp but nothing beyond Indiana Jones for me.

    For Sci-fi, I’d put Alien(s) on top as a trilogy.

    Left field shout as not strictly a trilogy, or films, but something that truly fits having three different stories with the same characters in 3 different times/situations would be This is England film and three series.

    Free Member

    In The Heat of the Night, They Call Me Mr Tibbs, and To Sir With Love (admittedly the weakest film in the trilogy).

    Full Member

    Yep, Three Colours.

    Watched them again recently for the first time since they came out. Still wonderful.

    And yes to Wim Wenders, but I’d just watch Wings of Desire 3 times. I love the road movies, but………

    Full Member

    It’s been a while since I watched them but

    Evil Dead
    Evil Dead 2
    Army of Darkness

    Free Member

    probably pushing it a bit but since we’ve allowed the dollars trilogy….

    Seven Samuri

    Full Member

    The taking of Pelham 1

    The taking of Pelham 2

    The taking of Pelham 3

    Free Member

    Jaws, jaws 2, jaws 3…the last of these was so good they made it in 3d..

    Ok, in all seriousness..the first 3 Indiana Jones movies are hard to beat..followed by star wars.

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    IP Man

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    Rocky 2
    Rocky 4

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    Rocky 3 better than Rock 4. I pity the fool who thinks otherwise.

    Full Member

    Rocky 3 better than Rock 4. I pity the fool who thinks otherwise.

    Rocky 4 is second only to Rocky, has to be in

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    I’d actually go Rocky 1,3,4 and drop 2.

    Free Member

    Oh dear me, STW. A series of four or more films with some missed out ISN’T a trilogy.


    Time Bandits
    The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen

    Full Member

    Jaws has got the biggest difference between the best and a worst of any series of films, based on my IMDB ratings research. 8.0 for the original, 3.0 for Jaws: The revenge (36th worst rated film on there).

    Free Member

    Jaws has got the biggest difference between the best and a worst of any series of films, based on my IMDB ratings research. 8.0 for the original, 3.0 for Jaws: The revenge (36th worst rated film on there).

    Jaws is my favourite film ever. Jaws 4 is amongst the worst films I have ever seen. Jaws 3 is barely any better.

    I will argue strongly that jaws 2 however isn’t actually a bad film at all. Far inferior to the original, but can stand on its own as a film I reckon.

    Full Member

    Yeah, Jaws 2 was a decent effort and made me j7mp as a kid.

    Full Member

    Rogue one, New Hope and Empire strikes back is a far far away better trilogy.

    Full Member

    Robocop, Robocop 2 and then as we’re skipping any sub par entries in favour of something else… Ummm, Weekend at Bernies?

    That would actually make a good evening’s viewing…

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    If only they’d make a Weekend at Bernie’s 3. The corpse would be a little too ripe though.

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    There’s too many inconsistencies in the BTTF trilogy to make it enjoyable.

    Free Member

    What about….

    Life of Brian
    Holy Grail
    Meaning of Life


    Full Member

    Rogue one, New Hope and Empire strikes back is a far far away better trilogy.

    Watch out the fun police will be after you!!

    Having said that you clearly dont like happy endings anyway.

    Full Member

    First Blood, First Blood PtII, Rambo III

    Doesn’t the Rambo series follow the form of Alien and The Terminator?

    First film: taught, dark, psychological drama / horror.
    Second film: big-budget action blockbuster.
    Third film: abject shit.

    (disclaimer, I don’t think I’ve seen Rambo 3, if I have it was a very long time ago)

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    First Blood is a brilliant film and then the rest are pure bobbins. Third one is a brilliant bad movie though

    Full Member

    pffft – playing at it

    The horsebox gangbang series every time
    In fact you could easily argue that HBGB IV – “my fist time” is even better than the first three

    Full Member

    First film: taught, dark, psychological drama / horror.
    Second film: big-budget action blockbuster.
    Third film: abject shit.

    Works for the Cornetto Trilogy too!

    (although The World’s End is just way weaker than the other two rather than being truly abject shit)

    Free Member

    Spy Kids… if you have a kid to watch them with, like I did.

    3 films vaguely directed\written by the same person does not make a trilogy!

    Free Member

    Seeing others suggestions, I’d like to second some of them:


    Rocky 1, 4, Creed

    As a bit of a Paul Verhoeven fan, I’d nominate this very topical trilogy of satires about future society:

    Total Recall
    Starship Troopers.

    Followed by a double bill of Basic Instinct and Showgirls, naturally.

    Also, as two are novellas from the same book (Different Seasons, Stephen King, read it yesterday), and a full King novel, then this is a random shout:

    Stand by Me
    Green Mile

    Free Member

    Three films you like mentioned together is not a trilogy!

    Full Member

    Cornetto trilogy sadly let down by a half-baked finale. Wanted to love World’s End as it was filmed in my old stamping ground and I love movies like Bodysnatchers and Stepford Wives, but it was a big disappointment.

    Yeah, remove World’s End which was shit and replace it with Paul which is very funny.

    Free Member



    a group of three related novels, plays, films, etc.

    3 films by the same Director, in the same genre, with the same focus of political satire, counts.

    As does 3 films from stories by the same author, especially when two are linked by being prison stories, two are from the same book and all are told through flashback, use of narration and examine topics of crime, guilt, innocence, race and justice. All are set in mid 20th century America with SBM and Shawshank overlapping.

    The beauty of art is that it’s the watcher that gets to decide what they think. It doesn’t have to be Toy Story 1,2 and 3 to count.

    Free Member

    My two cents…

    The Before trilogy: Sunrise, Sunset & Midnight

    The Spaghetti Eastwood / Leone trilogy: Fistfull, Dollars More, TG TB & TUgly

    Toy Story 1,2 & 3 (and 4!!)

    The Vengeance trilogy: Mr Vengeance, Old Boy, Lady Vengeance (if you havent seen these, stop reading this a get on it!!)

    The Three Colours trilogy

    The original Star Wars (but only through my 6 to 12 year old eyes as Jedi doesn’t hold up too well)

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