Home Forums Bike Forum Best iron on lycra patch for jersey sleeve repair?

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  • Best iron on lycra patch for jersey sleeve repair?
  • 13thfloormonk
    Full Member

    Stupid crash on the gravel bike yesterday left me with a ripped sleeve on my favourite top (a limited edition Rapha Legion top, although it’s basically just the pattern and colours I like).

    Rapha have been very decent and said they couldn’t repair but gave me 50% off another top which is very handy.

    How do I repair the existing top though? Are those iron patches any good? I would try stretching the sleeve over something with roughly the same bulge as my upper arm (so a very small Gala melon perhaps ☹️) so wouldn’t be relying too much on the stretch of the patch..

    Where are you located? I could have a dig about in the rags bin and try and patch it with a similar swatch of material?

    I ripped a pair of trail trousers on rhe left knee, repaired it with a oval patch, but also stitched one on the right knee, so it looks like it’s part of the original design. 🤣

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    I’m near Perth.

    How do you patch, just by sewing through the lycra? I got the impression this was very difficult to do!

    Full Member

    This stuff works well to fix holes but not massively stretchy so you would need to iron it to roughly the right shape. I’ve done similar on a pair of trousers with a ripped knee and it seems to be holding OK so far. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009E3L8K0?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

    Full Member

    Kampa tent fix tape is pretty good for waterproofs and thin, smooth lycra (fit it to the inside), but isn’t so good on fleecy liner type surfaces.

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    Cut both arms above tear point and convert it to short-sleeved. Hell, just remove the arms and go for the wife-beater look to show off your guns.


    I’m near Perth.

    How do you patch, just by sewing through the lycra? I got the impression this was very difficult to do!

    It’s not impossible, need some similar material, a stretch stitch and some maraflex thread.

    What colour is the section the tear is in?

    Full Member

    a stretch stitch

    Funnily enough I was researching stretch stitches last night, reviews of iron on patches weren’t filling me with confidence!

    It’s the sleeve of the top below, anything white, grey, orange or black frankly would probably work.

    If you thought you could give it a go I would be eternally grateful 😎

    I’ll DM you, but more than happy to try and save it, I’ll try my best to colour match that grey and keep the repair as small as possible.

    Free Member

    @relapsed_mandalorian Is this something you “do” – I spotted one of my jerseys is separating at a three way seam the other day and one of my to do for the weekend was to try find someone to pay or some way to stitch it.

    If it is something you do for a living or the like, would you be so kind as to pm me?

    I’m not too bad with a needle and thread but thin lycra stuff looks like a challenge to do by hand!

    @dangeourbrain sort of. I did a unit repairers course whilst in the military, it was aimed at equipping us with the skills to repair military webbing, bergens, etc.

    I’ve kept my hand in over the years, was making custom pieces of kit for colleagues, repairing riding kit etc. I’m by no means a paid professional and if I can’t do a good job or a task is outside of my skillset I’ll be up front about it.

    A repair and modification for context.

    Full Member

    Update: despite Relapsed_Mandalorian’s generous offer to take a look, I took a chance on the Gear Aid iron on neoprene patch kit.

    The repair itself was super easy and much to my relief I DIDN’T melt a massive hole in the sleeve of my jersey.

    Ultimate test will be if it peels off after a long sweaty ride, or getting rained on, or getting washed, but at least I have enough spare for about 5 more patches, will make it a ‘special occasions only’ jersey 🙄

    Free Member

    @relapsed_mandolorian that’s some very tidy work, don’t sell yourself short 👍 I’ve just started learning to darn to repair socks and jeans. Phew, tough going, but satisfying.


    @dangourbrain your repair. I’ll get this sent back this week.

    Free Member

    Top work thank you! Hope you weren’t too disappointed by the green pigs or could at least put them to good use on small children another adult, the normal ones are about the best things ever but I figured veggie was a safer bet

    No worries, the Percy Pigs were great, Ms. RM is a big fan!

    Full Member

    Does it have a little zipper pocket? You could remove the back part and use it as a repair patch. Take to your local clothing shop. They can unpick the seam and sew it back up once the patch is in place

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