Home Forums Bike Forum Best Ilkley Moor routes – north to south and back again?

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  • Best Ilkley Moor routes – north to south and back again?
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    Am dropping my lad in Ilkley first thing, so figured I might head southwards up over the moor, down towards Bingley, muck around on a version of the bash for a bit, then venture back towards Ilkley.

    Any guidance as to the best ways to cross the moor in both directions? Don’t mind a bit of deviation towards Baildon/Shipley Glen if it’s worth it.

    And as an aside, this variation:


    Should be done clockwise?

    Full Member

    On the way out I’d go up to the Twelve Apostles and then down the footpath to Dick Hudson’s. Then turn left along the road and take the BW down to Glovershaw. I like Baildon Moor and Shipley Glen so I’d do that. Harden and St Ives are riding well if you want to go further.

    Then I’d head up over to Gilstead Moor and down through Prince of Wales Park to the canal, along to Micklethwaite and across to East Morton via a little footpath. Then up Green End road and along the track that eventually comes out on the Keighley Gate road and then up to Keighley Gate. From there just pick a route back into Ilkley.

    Full Member

    The route in the link I’d do anti clockwise but with a few changes to make it better.

    Full Member

    Cheers Simon – will look at that on the map.

    I think I’ve looked for decent variations on the standard BB before. Tricky if you’re not local.

    Full Member

    I can send you a gpx of my take on the anti clockwise Bingley Bash if you like.

    Full Member

    Agree with Simon although there’s fun to be had just buggering about on Ilkley moor.

    Full Member

    Cheers Simon, that would be great. My email is in profile. I’ve done the ‘standard version’ a few too many times.

    Full Member

    @chestrockwell True, I did exactly that this morning😃

    Full Member

    @martinhutch I’ve messaged you through the forum.

    Free Member

    Yep Simon has some great routes and knows the area like the back of his hand. I won’t bother getting involved beyond saying that, but loads of great stuff just staying on the moor but usual local knowledge applies for staying off the boggy bits and on the best stuff.

    Free Member

    Just as an aside, I went running on the moor from Dicks on Friday and it was pretty solid, but it lashed it down on Saturday evening

    Full Member

    Cheers everyone.

    Full Member

    Well, that was ace! Everything pretty much bone dry and dusty. A couple of navigational cock-ups, but back into Ilkley bang on time.

    You were right about buggering-about potential on Ilkley Moor. Singletrack darting off into the heather left, right and centre. I’ll be back!

    Free Member

    Is it now legal to ride a bike up there ?

    There are still signs at Dick Hudson’s that day no riding and I’ve had quite a lot of nasty looks off people when riding up there.

    Full Member

    Ikley Moor – yes, Bingley & Burley Moor – no.

    Knowing where one starts and one ends is the issue!

    Dick Hudsons faces Bingley Moor.

    Full Member

    I’ve had quite a lot of nasty looks off people

    I got lots of friendly hellos today, so perhaps the enlightened attitude of BDC is spreading a bit.

    Full Member

    I ride the footpath from Twelve Apostles infrequently, mainly because it’s awful to ride when it’s muddy, which is most of the year.

    Never had an issue with ”nasty looks”, general rules apply be nice, say hi and don’t be a dick.

    There’s some very nice singletrack on Burley Moor too ;-)

    Full Member

    Cheers again Simon – rode some of your Bingley Bash variations as well, good stuff.

    Full Member

    Slow down, be polite, smile is my mantra for riding cheeky trails. I find walkers either keep to themselves or are chatty. On the very rare occasions I get a spouter I don’t find it helpful to engage in an argument and just carry on.

    A few weeks ago though I was turned around by a bloke on a quad while I was going up Burley Moor track (annoyingly the only one you could easily drive a car up, so an mtb would have virtually no impact) I just apologised, went down then across on a different path. If not the landowner, connected with, so I figured he had me bang to rights. I can be years between this kind of meeting though.

    Free Member

    I’ve also never had any issues with walkers on burley/bingley moor. I did once bump into a ranger sat in his pickup at 12 apostles stones, had a nice chat with him and then had to hide in a drainage ditch to wait for him to leave so I could get back to bingley

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    Free Member


    Bingley/burley moor (and I think addingham) are owned by the moorland trust, the ranger told me that they don’t particularly have an issue with cyclists, but will tell them to leave by the shortest route if caught. The users they do have issue with are dog walkers.

    Free Member

    The yellow posts are the boundary markers between Bradford council land and moorland trust land

    Free Member

    Strangely I’ve had more hassle from walkers when on the bridleway/road over the middle of the moor than when (cheekily) on windy singletracks I’m not meant to be on. It seems to me that what walkers don’t like in general is speed

    Free Member
    Free Member

    anyone got any good Otley routes out of interest

    Full Member

    I’ve been meaning to look into exploring Ilkley Moor and this is all encouraging. Quick look on Strava are helping with some ideas of routes.

    Firestarter, I’ve played with some bits in the Chevin, there must be more in there!

    Full Member

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Wow!!!!!</span>

    First time with the bike up on Ilkley Moor today and really enjoyed it. Fabulous conditions and barely anyone there with it being midweek. Plenty to explore and try  and piece together

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