Home Forums Chat Forum Best apps for a gym routine? Any recommendations or experiences? Or just 5×5 SL?

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  • Best apps for a gym routine? Any recommendations or experiences? Or just 5×5 SL?
  • I’ve got access to a gym for the first time in a long time, but I have no idea what sort of routine to construct – was thinking/hoping that one of the million apps available now would be a good idea to explore.

    I want a general, allround strength routine to follow – and I don’t want to do any of the thinking myself. TIf I leave myself any scope for my own thinking/input, I’m sunk, so the app needs to be prescriptive and then I will happily follow along.

    Has anyone used Freeletics or anything like that? Any recommendations? Thanks.

    Full Member

    I’ve recently been using the free Nike one, NTC. It has quite a few different workouts, for strength and mobility and is well put together.

    Free Member

    I’m using the Stronglifts one at the moment, have used the Stronglifts idea in teh past but this is the first time I’ve used the app. Very easy to use and follow. Whether it’ll cover what you seek though is another thing.

    Free Member

    Using Jefit. Plenty of routines to download or make your own. Can be clunky but very good for tracking weight and reps.

    Full Member

    Not a recommendation for an app but these core exercises are worth including for flexibility and strength

    Full Member

    5×5 SL is a great app and routine, just don’t go thinking a week or 2 in that it’s too easy, you’ll get to a stage where you wish it was that easy again. 5×5 squats, every. single. session.

    Full Member

    IME 5×5 is just too much if you do any meaningful amount of riding as well, I just found recovery impossible. Maybe ok if you’re in your 20s lol (although I don’t think it’s really meant to be mixed with endurance sport anyway). For that reason alone I prefer starting strength 3×5 and even then I’ll probably only do 1 sesh per week alongside riding.

    Both systems are so simple I actually found an app slower than old-school notebook/pencil, YMMV.

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