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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    At least 19 far-right rallies are being planned across England in the coming days, the Guardian understands.


    Full Member

    Oh this is **** hilarious:

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  Pillock deserves to get bitten.

    I’m less convinced at the copper seemingly thumping him repeatedly when he was on the deck, mind.  What was going on there?

    Free Member

    I’m less convinced at the copper seemingly thumping him repeatedly when he was on the deck, mind. What was going on there?

    I’m pretty sure he accidentally fell down the stairs in the police station. That’s what I saw and I can volunteer as a witness to it.

    Full Member

    I’m less convinced at the copper seemingly thumping him repeatedly when he was on the deck, mind.  What was going on there?

    Looks like he’s dragged one police officer down with him, continuing to struggle with the police and gets strikes on his leg to gain compliance

    Full Member

    continuing to struggle with the police and gets strikes on his leg to gain compliance

    Sounds like an old Rock Shox review

    Full Member

    Oh this is **** hilarious:

    I love the shouts of “C’mon then” as they back off rather sharpish

    Full Member

    Some of what Faridge says there sound like a veiled threat rather than a statement to me.

    Came here to say the same.

    Full Member

    Some of what Faridge says there sound like a veiled threat rather than a statement to me.

    Copied from the Trump insurection playbook.

    Full Member

    At least 19 far-right rallies are being planned across England in the coming days, the Guardian understands.

    Hopefully one of them will be in Clacton, but somehow I doubt it.

    Full Member

    Some of what Faridge says there sound like a veiled threat rather than a statement to me.

    My view as well. “I don’t support violence. But…” And the talk of breakdown of law and order. Was half expecting him to offer anyone who wanted to “help” a nice brown shirt.

    Full Member

    Tomorrow in Central London could be interesting. There is a long planned national demo in support of Palestine and apparently the far-right are now planning their own march from Green Park to Buckingham Palace, which sounds very patriotic, no doubt they will be singing Rule Britannia at the gates of His majesty’s residence.

    It is extremely close to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign demo route with according to the police a potential flashpoint at Piccadilly.

    I can’t imagine that the Met have agreed to the far-right demo being so close to one in support of Palestine so I expect things to kick off pretty quickly – it will test the Met’s public order capabilities.

    I am not entirely sure why but the Palestine Solidarity Campaign have repeatedly emphasised that it is not technically the EDL. This might well be true but I am not sure why the PSC are keen to emphasis it.

    I am. particularly concerned about Muslim women in Central London tomorrow as even away from the demo they are very easy for the far-right to identify, and a lot of demonstrators tomorrow will be young Muslim women.  Unless I am doing something obvious like wearing a badge I can easily walk past an EDL muppet without attracting attention. Although the Croydon bloc which is meeting before hand at Victoria Station will include Muslim women so I will have to decide how close to them I want to stand ;-)

    Full Member

    For some reason this evening I’ve been getting a fair few live videos crop up on YouTube from these ‘protests’. I’ve been reporting them to YouTube, check your YT feeds out and do the same.

    Full Member

    At least 19 far-right rallies are being planned across England in the coming days, the Guardian understands.

    More appropriate to say ‘circa 18’, or C18 for short.

    Full Member

    circa 18

    You can’t be speaking forrin!!!! (feel free to add a “you slag!” for knucklehead emphasis)

    Full Member

    The latest figure is 35.

    Nation braces for weekend of far-right violence with 35 protests in wake of Southport stabbing


    If this turns out to be the case I can unfortunately see the real possibility of violent deaths.

    Full Member

    I think we need to look at legislation where the Police can search anyone on suspicion of carrying knives, without the fear of being accused of racism.

    We also need to toughen up on sentencing for carrying knives. There is no need to be out in public with one.

    When we were young we used to be scared of the Police, nowadays some people end up attacking and punching them –  and go on TV demanding action against them!

    The Police have a tough job to carry out.

    Full Member

    We also need to toughen up on sentencing for carrying knives.

    What is it currently?

    Full Member

    I am sure to misquote this , but isn’t there some saying along the lines of ” all it takes for bad people to succeed , is the good people to do nothing”

    I really hope it rains alot more than the forecast tomorrow morning , thus dissuading alot of people from attending.

    Full Member

    Police have the power to stop and search anyone, regardless of race.

    Punishment for carrying knives have been ramped up over the 10-12 years.

    Full Member

    C18 for short.

    Combat 18 or Farage’s Fascists

    Full Member

    ” all it takes for bad people to succeed , is the good people to do nothing”

    Very much so.

    Trouble in Sunderland tonight near a mosque according to BBC

    Full Member

    Faridge is a total shit stirrer.

    The meeehah need to stop giving the tossbandit any air time.

    Full Member

    I know that he has been careful with his choice of words but it is clear that Nigel Farage’s comments have been a huge encouragement to those engaging in rioting and other criminal activities.

    I wonder if there are serious discussions taking place about the possibility of prosecuting Nigel Farage, and that there is a ‘wait and see how things pan out over the weekend’ before taking it any further?

    Full Member

    I know that he has been careful with his choice of words but it is clear that Nigel Farage’s comments have been a huge encouragement to those engaging in rioting and other criminal activities.

    I wonder if there are serious discussions taking place about the possibility of prosecuting Nigel Farage,

    I’ve been a big fan of that idea through this thread, but I reckon he’s just been clever enough with his words so far, and I doubt there’s an offence of having an obvious underlying message.

    Not for the first time I think back to his plane crash and wonder “what if…”

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Oh this is **** hilarious:

    Hope that poor dog has had it’s tetanus jab! :D

    What a shock to see one of these protestors with a beer in their hand.

    True patriots are always pissed.

    Full Member

    Farage is well versed with being just ambiguous enough to stay within the law.

    Hell a prosecution attempt on him would probably be a great outcome for HIM anyway.

    I still think him being an MP gives us a greater chance of him making some epic fudge up at some point though. We will have to be patient.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    We also need to toughen up on sentencing for carrying knives.

    What is it currently?

    Whatever it is, its not working.

    According to the Ben Kinsella Trust (he was stabbed and killed in 2008) – reported knife (sharp instruments) crime increased by 78% in the last 10 years.

    Full Member

    Hope that poor dog has had it’s tetanus jab! :D

    I feel sorry for the poor bloke.

    As he pointed out “I pay your wages” so its a bit unfair for him to have to provide a chewtoy for their dog as well.

    Full Member

    As he pointed out “I pay your wages” so its a bit unfair for him to have to provide a chewtoy for their dog as well.

    Yep, life can sometimes give you what you need rather than what you want. ;)

    Full Member

    Farage is well versed with being just ambiguous enough to stay within the law.

    Yup. He would go full martyr after getting away with it since he dances around the “beyond reasonable doubt” requirement.

    I still think him being an MP gives us a greater chance of him making some epic fudge up at some point though

    I dont know about that since he is going to put the same effort into doing that properly as he did as an MEP. Might be some chance of “bringing parliament into disrepute” but he would just go full martyr again.

    About the one thing to hope for is him having to reveal who is sending him money including in the previous 12 months since he might not have thought that part through when he saw the opportunity.

    Full Member


    Some interesting comments from the imam from Liverpool in that article. I know exactly what he means by drawing a distinction between those in the crowd and the intentions of the organisers.

    I wish him luck and I hope it goes well for him. I don’t think it is the first time that sort of tactic has been used

    Full Member

    Farage is well versed with being just ambiguous enough to stay within the law.

    Hell a prosecution attempt on him would probably be a great outcome for HIM anyway.

    I don’t think he is as clever as he thinks he is. Obviously I wouldn’t expect a prosecution unless there was an extremely good chance of it being successful. And I know nothing about what might be legally available.

    It seems reasonable to me that it should be some sort of public order offence for someone with a high profile to publicly question whether the police are unacceptably withholding information concerning a suspect in a very serious crime, when that person is fully aware that his or her actions are likely to invite public disorder. Which is exactly what Farage has done.

    And if it isn’t perhaps legislation should be reviewed. Just look at the low level of tolerance shown towards climate change protestors.

    A successful prosecution of Farage would be a serious blow to his political career. Politicians don’t tend to benefit from falling foul of the law.

    Part of the reason that Stephen Lennon is widely seen by the public as a thug and not, despite standing for election, a credible politician, is because of his countless convictions.

    A successful prosecution of Farage might well endear him to a small number of his loyal supporters but it would alienate him to the wider voting public. Who aren’t massively keen on him in the first place.

    Full Member

    There does appear to be some corralling going on here with the right wing groups, hopefully the appropriate services have been watching closely, they’ve been waiting for some type of event so they can kick off, and they’ve used this horrific attack to pretend it’s what they’re doing it for, even though the suspect is UK born and bred, and by all accounts, not a muslim.

    At a time where the courts and prisons are overflowing, we now have this across the nation to deal with, patriots indeed.

    Full Member

    Some interesting comments from the imam from Liverpool in that article. I know exactly what he means by drawing a distinction between those in the crowd and the intentions of the organisers.

    I hope it goes as he intends.

    Watching the BBC coverage from Sunderland, talking of youths being encouraged by older men (groomed, if you will) with families out in support. It does sound like it’s moving into a “normal riot” with looting rather than racial attacks.

    Clearly a big risk joining the anti fascist counter demos. I do feel it’s important for communities of all backgrounds and beliefs to stand up and speak out though. Traditionally the area round here was the BNP and UKIP heartland, not sure there’s the appetite now or the religious focal points for anything to kick off nearby.

    Full Member

    Who can doubt this guys just protesting out of concern for those poor bloody girls that were attacked? No one in sure.

    Full Member

    Which is exactly what Farage has done.

    Also what he did was tweet that the disturbances in Leeds were related to Indian/Pakistani tensions, when it was already known that they weren’t,  and he was spreading the immigrant story in relation to the Southport tragedy. Maybe spreading unsubstantiated rumours needs to be an offence.

    Full Member

    Clearly a big risk joining the anti fascist counter demos.

    Yes there were some photos of a single woman holding up an anti **** placard during the initial riots. Like the Green councillor in Leeds I couldnt help but think they were far braver and more patriotic than me.

    Unfortunately the weather forecast suggests they will keep going for a few more days.

    Maybe spreading unsubstantiated rumours needs to be an offence.

    Tricky because that would block most decent investigative journalism especially since the targets often have deep pockets to support prosecutions.

    Full Member

    Who can doubt this guys just protesting out of concern for those poor bloody girls that were attacked? No one in sure.

    If it looks like a duck nazi, walks like a duck nazi and quacks like a duck nazi then treat it like a duck and go duck hunting

    Full Member

    Clearly a big risk joining the anti fascist counter demos.

    Only possibly in accessing the demo but not really once on it. I was on the last anti fascist counter demonstration in Central London a couple of weeks ago and I felt perfectly safe. Had to be a little careful going to and from the demo though.

    We’ve been told to expect two hostile demos tomorrow in Central London, one by the far-right and one by the pro-Israeli zionists, but both are now expected to be small.

    The far-right EDL types are actually quite few in numbers, they had a big turnout a fortnight ago in London because they came from all over the country. Tomorrow with dozens of far-right demos occurring they will struggle to get reasonable numbers in any one place.

    IMO those mostly likely to be at risk this weekend are any non whites and people who are obviously Muslim, not necessarily those on anti fascist demonstrations.

    Full Member

    Farage is well versed with being just ambiguous enough to stay within the law.

    Back when I was a moderator on STW there were a handful of posters who had worked out exactly where the line was and were masters at dancing on the knife edge.  And they knew it.  Always pushing at boundaries but never quite going far enough for us to issue a ban without being inconsistent in our moderation.  And also, knowing full well that if they did get an enforced holiday they could dine out on it for years.

    Farage puts me in mind of those posters, only with considerably higher stakes.  He’s playing a dangerous game and ultimately the house always wins, the only real question is how much collateral damage there will be before his luck runs out.  And sadly, I rather suspect that will be “a lot.”

    Southport is one part catalyst, one part excuse.  This has been coming for decades.  No-one with a swastika tattoo cares about a few murdered kids, they just want to beat up some Pakistanis.

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