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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • ThePinkster
    Full Member

    GB News polls are fascinating. Not leading questions at all, oh no. Here’s another…

    SNAP POLL: Do Britons have a right to feel angry about what is happening to our country without being branded far-right? VOTE NOW

    Good to see there’s no subconscious bias in their polling then. ;o)

    Full Member

    To answer their poll you have to be a fully paid up subscriber to GB News, not just a freeloader watching it without paying

    Lets just take a moment to imagine what kind of person spends good money to subscribe to GB News?

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    Well I’m not the left elite, but I am the leftie guardian reading wokerati. A picture of me and my wife at a climate protest accompanied the guardians reporting of priti patels infamous “guardian reading wokerati” quote.

    Full Member

    People are quick to blame the country’s ills on (well, anything other than accepting responsibility themselves, but) social media and that surely plays a part in enabling the dissemination of misinformation, but really this is primarily a mainstream media issue IMHO.  For years we’ve been conflating regular immigration, refugees and asylum seekers as all being the same thing.

    …all as a way of basically putting an acceptable, discussed in legitimate respectable media, face on racism. “don’t like them, they look funny”.

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    I am dressing to the left today, and I am the boss. So me?

    Full Member

    Remember these far right 4r5eholees are very much in the minority, and as for GB news, they like to promote themselves as the ‘peoples’ news channel, which they do because they are very much in the minority.

    The mob is made up with a core group of thugs, with a lot of hangers on. Once the law kicks in and they see others getting a stiff sentence, they’ll be less likely to attend,lest they end up in pokey themselves.

    At best its a hundred or so causing the trouble, which out of the millions of adults in the UK is nothing.

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    According to binners et al on numerous political threads it’s anyone who thinks inequality and poverty can be reduced by the power of the state. Hardly a surprise that the extreme right feel emboldened when as a country we’ve allowed politics to drift ever rightwards by dismissing and ridiculing the views of the traditional left wing.

    Full Member

    Aside from the fact that they probably don’t know or care themselves beyond flame-fanning for clicks, who are they supposedly referring to here?  Labour and Starmer who have been in power for *checks calendar* about 11 minutes?

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the “bad actors” are enacting a previously determined plan to give Labour some headaches early in their first parliament.

    Full Member

    a previously determined plan

    No disrespect like but  Stw isn’t the only echo chamber I frequent, I am also on some local WhatsApp Palestine solidarity groups which are totally dominated by Muslims. It is amazing how quickly they jump on the conspiracy bandwagon.

    As soon as the Southport tragic story unfurled conspiracy theories appeared……”it’s all been planned” I was told. And if I couldn’t see that then it is because I am white and don’t understand racism. Apparently the government and the media were deliberately spreading false stories about Muslims, pointing out that in fact the complete reverse was true had no effect.

    Free Member

    The far right in the UK number around 4 million or about 1 in 10 of the voting population. This is not really any change since UKIP or even the BNP. Many people express right wing views but they are mostly emotional reactions as with the sadness in Southport. The far right has a violence problem that not even Tommy Yaxley grifter can control and this is there undoing. Many Tories drift into this and Reform are proving to not be meeting the right wing. We need to address immigration and it needs to be done with good legislation that enables the people we need (desperately) and ensures the career criminals can’t function in the UK. This is not an easy line to tread.

    Full Member

    Apparently the government and the media were deliberately spreading false stories about Muslims, pointing out that in fact the complete reverse was true had no effect.

    Sad to hear but I’m not surprised. I’m sure there’s idiots on all sides being led astray by some equally nasty people on social media.

    Full Member

    I reckon its the centralists to blame – they **** everything up.

    Full Member

    We need to address immigration and it needs to be done with good legislation that enables the people we need (desperately) and ensures the career criminals can’t function in the UK. This is not an easy line to tread.

    The legislation is there, but the last government cut the resourcing to process the claims and deal with the problem. Because it suited them.

    Free Member

    I also think that legislation in respect to face coverings in public both religious and criminal needs to be put place like France and Switzerland. Knife crime and carrying a blade requires significant sentences possibly in line with the firearms legislation.

    Full Member

    Re the ‘misleading’ Time article….the below is on the article cited….before the confused stuff from a member of a theatre group….seems quite clear to me.

    The 17-year-old suspect, who had moved from Cardiff to Southport, “turned up one day in class, and they said ‘make him welcome, because he’s just moved from quite far away’,” the friend said. The suspect’s Rwandan parents came to the UK in 2002.

    Free Member

    I also think that legislation in respect to face coverings in public both religious and criminal needs to be put place like France and Switzerland. Knife crime and carrying a blade requires significant sentences possibly in line with the firearms legislation.

    And what effect do you think it would have on the actions of either the murderer or the rioters? There’s already a thread for this asinine nonsense.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    We need to address immigration and it needs to be done with good legislation

    Which would then be replaced by something else. The disabled, the unemployed or even pensioners.

    You need to address the causes not the results of them. So more taxation to those with the broadest shoulders, billion pound companies avoiding taxation with offshore accounting.

    The problems is money is going up, and not being spread around.

    Full Member

    Saw this yesterday and id never heard the quote before. Have to say, it’s aged very well regrettably.

    Pretty much the Farage et al business model.

    Full Member

    Re the ‘misleading’ Time article….the below is on the article cited….before the confused stuff from a member of a theatre group….seems quite clear to me.

    The 17-year-old suspect, who had moved from Cardiff to Southport, “turned up one day in class, and they said ‘make him welcome, because he’s just moved from quite far away’,” the friend said. The suspect’s Rwandan parents came to the UK in 2002

    So his parents came here 5 years before he was born? And “far away”=Cardiff?

    Free Member

    You need to address the causes not the results of them

    Exactly, the biggest driver of inequality is, er, inequality.

    Who knew?

    Full Member

    Looks like Buster Gonad might have been arrested:


    Officers attended a report of a domestic incident in Southport on Wednesday (July 31), where it was reported a man had made threats to a male family member. The suspect was taken to hospital for treatment for a head injury, which he is believed to have sustained during the riot.

    The suspect was also reported to have racially abused a fellow patient while at the hospital.


    Full Member

    ^^ What a mess of a man.

    Buster Gonad

    Lol! :D

    Full Member

    The suspect was also reported to have racially abused a fellow patient while at the hospital.

    Sounds like an absolute charmer, which is no surprise really.

    Free Member

    Knife crime legislation won’t stop certain situations like Southport but to argue against stiffer sentences is alignment with the gun nuts in the US.

    Full Member

    Deleted – Either I failed to read something correctly or it was edited, dunno!

    Free Member

    Knife crime legislation won’t stop certain situations like Southport but to argue against stiffer sentences is alignment with the gun nuts in the US.

    Who’s doing that? Please, point to ONE person in this thread that says knife crime shouldnt have stiffer sentences.

    I’ll answer it for you, nobody has, mainly because the question hasn’t come up. Because why the **** would it?

    Full Member

    >> We literally all learned about it at school, but it
    >> needs spelling out constantly, and more starkly.

    Agreed. I remember my history GCSE was entirely on modern history and it covered both World Wars, but in each case only the lead-up and the causes. The same propaganda and speech coming from the far right is almost identical to a century ago, except it’s on Twitter now.

    Don’t think my dad and brother will be talking to me for a bit after I called them a bunch of fledgling Nazis last night.

    Full Member

    Was I the only one feeling uneasy watching a 7yo give an interview on the BBC yesterday about the stabbings and how a girl in her choir was now dead? What was her mother thinking? And the producer? Clear “I’m on TV-itis” which made for uncomfortable viewing. rfectly happy to hear a parent describe what their child has said and may be feeling, but interviewing children – where is the duty of care?

    Full Member

    I think some of the BBC coverage has been ghoulish. That interview was a cringefest. I know little kids can be very matter of fact but it was awful journalism and they must be breaking code of conduct rules to get that on air

    Full Member

    Was I the only one feeling uneasy

    Said the same thing to the OH after watching it.

    Full Member

    If there is one thing about these demos, it’s made me think I will speak up against any anti migrant rhetoric more often than I already do ?

    Full Member

    Was I the only one feeling uneasy watching a 7yo give an interview on the BBC yesterday about the stabbings and how a girl in her choir was now dead?

    No you certainly were not – it was awful and I cannot imagine why her Mom made her do that. Unless ‘Mom’ simply wanted her 15 minutes (seconds?) of fame :o(

    Full Member

    Hans Moleman/Buster Gonad is 39?! Jeez, hate ages a person.

    Full Member

    I have submitted a complaint. I am very familiar with how children react to death, and matter of factness is standard, but it looked coercive to me and obviously other viewers.

    Full Member

    Who the **** actually is the “left elite”?

    They couldn’t pick one out of a line up, and yet at the same time, everyone who disagrees with them.

    Trying to counter folks belief in conspiracy theories with facts isn’t gong to get them to believe you or stop them from believing nonsense. They either have to come to it themselves, or they just won’t.

    Full Member

    The man-frogs statement that ‘I don’t support street violence and thuggery, but…..’ sounds exactly like every racist nobhead you’ve ever heard start a sentence with ‘I’m not racist, but…..’

    He’s doubling down and upping the ante with his usual casual disregard for the consequences. It’s a sad reflection on this country and on the electorate in Clacton in particular that this oily shyster has now got a seat in parliament. He knows exactly what he’s doing and its incitement

    Full Member

    Some of what Faridge says there sound like a veiled threat rather than a statement to me.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Oh this is **** hilarious:

    He’s lucky that Gnasher’s teeth only sunk into his sexy pale grey gym shorts and not his arse.

    And how ironic that a German Shepherd/Alsatian shouldn’t like the neo Nazi far-right

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