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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • fenderextender
    Free Member

    By the way – his supporters really don’t like it if you refer to him as Stephen Yaksmilk-Lesbian.

    Childish, but funny.

    Free Member

    Tenburner is a bit special, isn’t he.

    Best ignore him.

    Full Member

    Awwwwwww… bless little Tommy/Stephen. They let him play with some real guns so he could live out his fantasies of what it must be like to be a Special Army Soldier on the front line and not on a sun bed in Cyprus

    Full Member

    I reckon SYL’s alter ego is posting on here as 10ouchburnyhot

    Full Member

    Not sure if this link will work …


    i like the idea of christening them “the Farage riots “

    Full Member

    They let him play with some real guns so he could live out his fantasies

    In the video (2.50sec) he says “If there was a war I would be there on the frontline fighting for Israel”.

    Someone should remind him of his commitment and ask him why he isn’t on the frontline

    Full Member

    It’s more than a wee bit ironic when a Nazi declares his support for Jews.  I hope the Israelis tell him what he can do with his support.

    Full Member

    It’s more than a wee bit ironic when a Nazi declares his support for Jews. I hope the Israelis tell him what he can do with his support.

    More ironic/tragic that Israel has ended up with a far right government that attracts and supports the likes of Yaxley-Lennon or whoever he is this week

    Full Member

    Tenburner is a bit special, isn’t he.

    Actually (sadly) I think he’s one of many and not so abnormal. He writes well enough; he has a brain. He’s just a typical Braverman wing if the Tories or Farage acolyte. He’s not a mindless riot type – just the sort of middle englander that now feels emboldened to voice their feelings, no doubt revved up by a certain type of newspaper and social media output. He has no personal experiences to make him feel like this but his inner 1970s bigot has been dusted off and made to feel acceptable again.

    To be fair I’m a tiny bit impressed he’s prepared to express his views here as it’s so manifestly not the normal view. When you know someone’s a bigot it’s quite hard to forget it even when the conversation is about brake pads or some other bike unrelated nonsense so it does leave a lasting aftertaste.

    Full Member

    It’s more than a wee bit ironic when a Nazi declares his support for Jews.  I hope the Israelis tell him what he can do with his support.

    He’s previously been on sponsored trips paid for by US based right wing zionist organisations, he’s posed with machine guns on tanks and with IDF fighters in the Golan heights.

    Free Member

    To be Israel is to be a pragmatist with only one aim – survival and self-advancement.

    Israel collaborated on nuclear tech and intelligence with apartheid South Africa in the 1970s – when Vorster was president. Baltazar Johannes Vorster was interned during WW2 for pro-Nazi sympathies.

    Before the US nailed its support to Israel (massively so since 9/11), Israel needed all the friends it could get – no matter how seemingly distasteful. That still persists to a degree to the present day.

    Full Member

    He’s previously been on sponsored trips paid for by US based right wing zionist organisations

    A couple of months ago he went to Canada to do a speaking tour paid for by a very wealthy zionist.

    I think it all went tits up when the Canadian authorities arrested him under immigration legislation, ironically.

    I think Lennon’s main financial backers are all zionists, see my earlier link to the Times of Israel article about it

    Full Member

    Zionists are pseudo-neo-Nazis so it all makes sense now

    Full Member

    Blimey, it looks like His Majesty [Gawd Bless Him] is supporting the anti-fascist counter-demonstrators. I hope all his loyal subjects are paying attention

    King hails community spirit against riot ‘aggression’


    “The King shared how he had been greatly encouraged by the many examples of community spirit that had countered the aggression and criminality from a few with the compassion and resilience of the many,” 

    He doesn’t seem to be very supportive of those trying to defend Britian from immigrants and Muslims.

    Could this be a case of two-tier royal rule? Waddju reckon tenburner?

    Full Member

    King Charles the Woke.

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    Full Member

    So there was another far-right protest today which doesn’t appear to have had much news coverage.

    Apparently 4 muppets with a large union flag  turned up at the Holiday Inn in Crawley West Sussex. I have no idea what they were expecting to do but they were welcomed by hundreds of anti-fascists. They obviously hadn’t received the email informing them that the far-right insurrection is over.


    Free Member

    In the video (2.50sec) he says “If there was a war I would be there on the frontline fighting for Israel”.

    Someone should remind him of his commitment and ask him why he isn’t on the frontline

    Holy shit, seriously? The guy is just memeing now surely???

    Free Member

    He’s not a mindless riot type – just the sort of middle englander that now feels emboldened to voice their feelings, no doubt revved up by a certain type of newspaper and social media output.

    I know where I’m going to”file” him….

    Full Member

    Has everyone watched Douglas Murray talk about sending the army in?, he doesn’t want Muslims here as they came in under false pretences, if you’ve not heard him before he talks like a poor caricature of an English inbred toff holding in a squirty fart.


    Free Member

    Murray is another hanger-on grifting and sniping from the sidelines. He’s a media version of Jenrick – trimming his sails to the current mood within right of centre politics. As the Overton Window has shifted rightwards, so has he – otherwise he loses his USP.

    He’s a smug little shit with about as many genuinely held convictions as the spoon I’m about to use to eat my Frosties.

    Full Member

    Apparently 4 muppets with a large union flag turned up at the Holiday Inn in Crawley West Sussex. I have no idea what they were expecting to do but they were welcomed by hundreds of anti-fascists.

    Great to see my former home town doing it’s thing. We left over 20 years ago and it was already very multicultural* due to all the staff working at Gatwick, never gonna be a great place for a far right protest.

    *admittedly, still had idiots on both sides, but very few

    Full Member

    Crawley is a depressing place as it is, had to go there for work years ago, and i stayed at that hotel, basically filled with people dressing and acting like they’re already in Ibiza 24/7

    Full Member

    I’m not sure that one stay in a hotel years ago is a true read on a place argee. They’ve just voted for a Labour MP, and even Horsham has voted LibDem

    Full Member

    It’s more than a wee bit ironic when a Nazi declares his support for Jews.

    Just for my education, what constitutes being “a Nazi” in Yaxley-Lennon’s case, and in what respects do his political views differ from Netanyahu’s?

    Full Member

    i stayed at that hotel, basically filled with people dressing and acting like they’re already in Ibiza 24/7

    Typical asylum seekers, always living the life of Riley

    Full Member

    Crawley is a depressing place as it is,

    Don’t you go dissing Creepy Crawley!

    Free Member

    polite request, if there is genuinely some content of value you want to share, be it from the ‘socials or MSM, just paste it and own it, I cant be the only one here who “…aint clicking that link…”

    edit – unless the musk app makes it really hard to copy, forcing you to share links…..(enlighten me)

    Free Member

    Soobs +1

    Images over links to Space Karens garbage

    Full Member

    edit – unless the musk app makes it really hard to copy, forcing you to share links…..(enlighten me)

    Not the Musk app,but STW’s current inability to allow direct photo upload.  It used to be easy to grab a screenshot and upload it.  You still sort of can, if you first upload it to an image hosting site and then link from there, but life is too short for all that guff.

    Free Member

    ah, ok, makes sense.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    polite request, if there is genuinely some content of value you want to share, be it from the ‘socials or MSM, just paste it and own it, I cant be the only one here who “…aint clicking that link…”

    edit – unless the musk app makes it really hard to copy, forcing you to share links…..(enlighten me)

    This is in Android but what I do is long hold the link then “open in an incognito tab”, you wont get signed in and you can view the tweet and replies at your leisure then. Doesn’t work on embedded tweets, mind you.

    Edit: on embedded tweets, long press the X in upper right of tweet to use this method.

    Full Member

    Ali Miraj on LBC earlier from 12pm to 1pm desperately attempting on his phone-in to raise the rhetoric regarding illegal immigration, he was shut down by every single caller into his show despite his efforts to stoke shit up

    Full Member

    Talk about making it easy for the cops… Tagging them in your tweets and claiming to be a legal expert due to watching CSI on TV…

    Full Member

    Twitter/X is a far right hate promoting platform. If you post links to that platform, you are promoting it and helping in their aim.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Twitter/X is a far right hate promoting platform. If you post links to that platform, you are promoting it and helping in their aim.

    It’s a fair point that deserves a fair reply.

    Whilst I have no love for X, MSP, it has proven to be a good resource for those totally opposed to everything you state. As so much of the rioting and counter protests were posted in real time on X it would be very difficult to ignore the platform. Even the police forces post the arrests/convictions on there due to its visibility.

    I’m not an absolutist whether it’s about X, Amazon, eating meat or my carbon footprint. We all dance with the devil a little as it’s the only way to get through life and stay sane.

    If a link to X (which people can choose to read or not) helps illustrate the ridiculousness of the far right/racist stance then I might post it.

    Not a dig, MSP, you are a decent chap and that’s why I wanted to clarify why I link to X tweets. <Thumbs up>

    Full Member

    Jesus Harold Funkin’ Christ, what have I just read? The police are simultaneously turning a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims whilst being accused of being institutionally racist? Who’s running the force, Superintendent Schrodinger?

    Arguing that you did or didn’t mean really ‘immigrants’ when the Right has been conflating immigration, race, religion, refugees and asylum seekers for decades is some spectacular pin-dancing.

    Actually (sadly) I think he’s one of many and not so abnormal. He writes well enough; he has a brain. He’s just a typical Braverman wing if the Tories or Farage acolyte. He’s not a mindless riot type – just the sort of middle englander that now feels emboldened to voice their feelings, no doubt revved up by a certain type of newspaper and social media output. He has no personal experiences to make him feel like this but his inner 1970s bigot has been dusted off and made to feel acceptable again.

    He (I’m assuming ‘he’ here, apologies if I’m incorrect) he is smart enough to mostly hold a coherent discussion, but not quite smart enough to unpick the muslamic rayguns narrative. And there’s little more dangerous than a man who isn’t quite as smart as he thinks he is.  Because people like that, they’re always right.  These arguments always go the same way:

    “Brown people did some bad things.”

    Why yes, they did.  White people did some bad things too.  And various other shades also, no doubt.

    “But, but… brown people!  I’m not racist, but… ”

    What happened in Rotherham is appalling, it’s a clear miscarriage of justice.  Absolutely no-one is disputing that.  But the thing about criminal gangs, their defining qualities one might say, is that they are gangs made up of criminals.  “Wah wah muslims” butters no parsnips here, because they were criminals.  The culprits snagged in Operation Yewtree mostly weren’t known for their swarthy complexion (I could be wrong but I’m struggling to think of any who weren’t white).  High-profile white men who walked free for years despite everyone ‘knowing.’  How’s that work?

    We can’t have it both ways.  Squawking about rape gangs whilst conveniently ignoring all the white nonces says more about the squawker than anything.  How many victims do we suppose Savile got through?  DLT?  Rolf Harris?  Gary Glitter?  Fred Talbot?  Stuart Hall?  And what about Russell Brand, why is he still at large?  Two-tier policing?  Criminals will criminal, nonces will nonce, that’s what they do.  And rotten bastards come in all colours.

    Full Member

    Jesus Harold Funkin’ Christ, what have I just read?

    Dunno?, what did you just read?

    Full Member

    Well said Cougar.

    Not sure if I should twitter link but some top signs from the anti- protest in Newcastle. If my Mum was still here she’d be a proud Geordie tonight.

    Link’s there if you want it


    (and it’s just occurred to me that in my Mum’s accent, an Anti- protest would be her sister moaning about something ;-) )

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