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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • mrlebowski
    Free Member

    It matters not which side of the political divide you’re on, the first rule of life applies.

    As should be obvious to all & sundry anyone is capable of breaking that rule!

    Full Member

    This isn’t just Farage winding people up, it’s a clear example of one thoughtless, divisive, ill-meaning individual being just as abhorrent and nasty as another thoughtless, divisive, ill-meaning individual

    Fixed that for you.

    We need to ditch the labels and call out the individuals instead. Knee jerk partisan thoughts and reactions are what got us here in the first place…

    Silly bugger.

    Police in London have held a man in his 50s on suspicion of “encouraging murder” after a Labour councillor allegedly called for far-right protesters’ throats to be “cut”.


    Free Member

    Was just about to post about Ricky Jones, assuming the video isnt cleverly doctored he should get charged for incitement to murder.

    Full Member

    I have a bad feeling the labour councillor could be in a lot of trouble here

    Well he’s been arrested so yes.


    I thought the correct terminology in situations where you want to express your strong disapproval of political opponents was “they should all be lined up against a wall and shot”?

    Throat cutting sounds crude and unnecessary

    Edit: Apologies for posting stuff which has already been mentioned but the forum’s inability to always take me to the latest page results in being unaware of what has been posted

    Free Member

    This isn’t just Farage winding people up, it’s a clear example of the nasty far left being just as abhorrent and nasty as the far right.

    Worse than trying to burn asylum seekers alive in a hotel? Right you are….. literally! Very very right…

    Full Member

    Calm yourself dear, it’s hardly comparable to chucking bricks at people or trying to burn down a hotel full of people……

    Or drawing attention to iminent climate disaster.

    Full Member

    Calm yourself dear, it’s hardly comparable to chucking bricks at people or trying to burn down a hotel full of people……

    You could say thats how these things first start off.

    Full Member

    Anti facist does not mean far left.

    Full Member

    I have a bad feeling the labour councillor could be in a lot of trouble here – it was a properly bloody stupid thing to say in public and plays right into Farage’s hands.

    Suspended from his party, arrested… so yeah. Meanwhile, Farage still leads (and part owns) his party, and there’s no chance of him being arrested for his deliberate spreading of lies to incite hatred.

    Full Member

    So the person who it’s widely reported first tweeted the fake details about the Southport killer has been arrested today. Wonder where the police are going with this? Trying to get to the person who fabricated the information and establish what the motive was?

    If they get access to her devices and communications, this may pull in the web of folks on X who’s job seems to be spreading disinfo and I assume earning money from the views.


    Worse than trying to burn asylum seekers alive in a hotel? Right you are….. literally! Very very right…

    If you can point me in the direction of where I stated one stupid action was worse than any other I’d be grateful. Thanks

    Full Member

    If you can point me in the direction of where I stated one stupid action was worse than any other I’d be grateful.

    You didn’t, you said that it was all the same.

    Perhaps you have forgotten but you made a direct comparison between the actions of the far-right and the far-left. Here it is:

    it’s a clear example of the nasty far left being just as abhorrent and nasty as the far right.

    It seems perfectly reasonable imo to point out that what the far-right have done in the last 10 days is far worse than anything said by that former Labour councillor.

    Btw why do you label him as “far-left”, because he was in the Labour Party? Do you consider the Labour Party to be far-left?

    Full Member

    The events of yesterday evening were a fantastic counter to the hate-filled, destruction of the previous few days.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    You haven’t answered the question though, you’re doing the trolly thing of trying to bog people down in twisted definitions when it’s clear to anyone with half a brain what the actual meaning is. I like how you’ve called the EDL neo-nazi white supremacists btw, I didn’t actually mention the EDL!

    So, to repeat it

    Do you think they should treat a Brownies remembrance day parade the same as an neo-nazi white pride parade?
    Brownies definition: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/what-we-do/brownies/

    Your absolutely ridiculous question does not deserve an answer from anyone, don’t call me a troll when you can’t see the difference.

    In the same thread where people joke about sterilising those on benefits, running over protestors, and that someone is concerned that a labour councillor will get in trouble for calling for people’s throats to be slit you should not be worried about me ‘doing that trolly thing’ as you put it so eloquently.

    Hopefully the three aforementioned posts were trolling or STW really is a hive of villainy.

    Full Member

    Your absolutely ridiculous question does not deserve an answer from anyone

    Yes under normal circumstances “Do you think they should treat a Brownies remembrance day parade the same as an neo-nazi white pride parade?” would indeed be a ridiculous question.

    But since you have specifically moaned about “two-tier policing” it is in that context a perfectly reasonable question.

    It highlights the stupidity of suggesting that all incidents of crowd control should be treated equally by the police.

    Any reasonable person recognises that a drunken hate-filled mob of thugs straight out of a pub presents a very different problem to the police than protesters gathering to make a stand for tolerance and inclusiveness.

    As events across the country yesterday highlighted

    Full Member

    Yawn. get back on topic and stop piling on people for a bad taste joke.


    Full Member

    Some interesting background on who the bad actors might be….it’s felt to me as if there has been more going on behind the scenes than scroats in Southport and Hartlepool

    Exposing the Real UK Race Riot Instigators: The Key Players and Transatlantic Network Around Tommy Robinson

    Full Member

    If anyone has the spare time they could make a list of DM,DE,GBN etc ‘journalists’, and take a look at their archived stories for misinformation and possibly incitement. Sure they are aware now, but go back a few years and i think it will be found they’re a bit cocky and less guarded then they are right now. No doubt there would be a lot to find.

    Then hand that info direct to the police, and maybe another to the PM.

    Full Member

    The police mandate is to do so ‘without fear or favour’

    I can’t really comment on whether they can police without fear if someone’s just thrown a petrol bomb at you – or whether their policing back is supposed to be without fear, I’d like to think that in that sort of instance then rightly the thrower should be in fear of getting pulled in a less than sensitive way, maybe with a dog attached to their arse. If that acts as a disincentive, no bad thing.

    The without favour bit. The mistake many make with their cries about two tier policing is a misunderstanding of fair vs equal. As they have made the same mistake in the past. To treat people fairly doesn’t mean treat them equally. As above, putting on riot gear and picking up batons to a drunken mob who have announced an intent to burn down a mosque seems pretty ‘fair’ to me, putting on rainbow facepaint and picking up a flower and having a dance with the crowd at a carnival or Pride march also seem pretty fair even if it isn’t equal.

    It’s not favouritism, it’s fairness.

    As for the **** councillor calling for throats to be slit. He also needs to be treated fairly, which in this case does mean equally to those on the other side that have done the same. Dickhead, we’re better than that.

    Free Member

    I cant see how that councillor wont end up going to jail. And I do find myself wondering how “hi viz lady” is feeling today.

    Free Member

    “It’s not favouritism, it’s fairness.”

    Far right channels have been all over the “two tier” thing trying to define the narrative that white people are second class. One of the worst examples I’ve seen is the “rape cartoon”.

    Free Member

    Your absolutely ridiculous question does not deserve an answer from anyone

    But since you have specifically moaned about “two-tier policing” it is in that context a perfectly reasonable question.

    That’s actually quite a tight corner. Is the poster actually going to try to get out of it? Or slink away quietly?

    Free Member

    I would like to setup an area in the UK where all the far right can live happily together with only white British born people allowed.  We could all sit and watch as their society completely fails but only then they may learn that they are 100% reliant on other people that they don’t like or who don’t agree with them.

    Free Member

    I would like to setup an area in the UK where all the far right can live happily together with only white British born people allowed. We could all sit and watch as their society completely fails but only then they may learn that they are 100% reliant on other people that they don’t like or who don’t agree with them.

    I indulge in fantasies like this too. I’d love it if the financial and standard of living hit that resulted from Brexit was applied solely to those who voted for it – via some kind of tax. Obviously they would be allowed to keep any overall Brexit dividend when it arrives – ha ha ha.

    But life isn’t like that. It would have been great if Brick Dick (remember him?) had been physically marched to the back of a queue to start again when he racially abused hospital staff. But to do that consistently, the NHS would need its own police force (not just one copper and a security guard).

    If one thing winds me up about these thugs it is their hypocrisy. They have access to free education – many don’t attend or disrupt – then they moan that they can’t get a job. They have access to free healthcare – often provided by immigrants, literally serving their needs – they abuse them. They have protection from higher up organised crime via the police – they spit at them and chuck bricks. All of the above are not perfect, but they’re a damned sight better than much of the world.

    Ultimately the punishment for not playing by our (very lenient) rules is to be taken out of society for a bit to reflect on their attitudes.

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone – said a bloke a while ago.

    Full Member

    I would like to setup an area in the UK where all the far right can live happily together with only white British born people allowed

    Well maybe we could just amend our agreement with Rwanda?

    Full Member

    I believe the Falklands have been mooted?


    Full Member

    I believe the Falklands have been mooted?

    I feel for the penguins ;-)

    Full Member

    I believe the Falklands have been mooted?

    Might deter the Argentinians as well? Either way it’s a win.

    Full Member

    All joking aside about the Falklands, you do have to include Musk in here as a ‘bad actor’ as well..

    Full Member

    It’s hard enough to get a tradey as it is, don’t make it harder.

    Full Member

    I would like to setup an area in the UK where all the far right can live happily together with only white British born people allowed.

    I’m not sure that’s what all these racists want. I remember seeing a video up the thread with a cockney bloke saying it’s not his country any more because there are no pubs or betting shops. That’s got bugger all to do with race and everything to do with economic changes. Pubs and betting shops aren’t disappearing because there are too many muslims, but because of capitalism. Of course he and his mates don’t know that, but how do you explain that to them? In france they put a lot of effort into preserving traditional french culture. Maybe that’s something we need to do here? Not betting shops obviously but there’s something around protecting local pubs and other stuff like markets etc rather than leaving them to the ravages of capitalism.

    Full Member

    Susepic your huge Byline article focuses intensely on Stephen Lennon’s alleged Russian links but it seems to completely fail to mention his indisputable Israeli links.

    There is a reason that Lennon can afford to operate from a 5 Star luxury hotel in Cyprus whilst his followers are rioting in British cities – and it isn’t because “journalism” pays so well.

    There is an angle to this that no one seems to want to talk about – Stephen Lennon’s extremely strong links with Israel. The IDF doesn’t let just anyone stand armed on one of their tanks to pose for a publicity photograph.

    And the Times of Israel is not known for cultivating anti-Israeli conspiracy theories. So when they claim of the strong backing and financial support that Lennon receives from pro-Israeli sources believe them

    Why are US ‘pro-Israel’ groups boosting a far-right, anti-Muslim UK extremist?


    The Philadelphia-based think tank Middle East Forum is one of the British extremist’s biggest sponsors. Daniel Pipes, MEF’s president, confirmed to The Times of Israel that his group has spent roughly $60,000 on three demonstrations defending Robinson’s legal trial.

    Robert Shillman, a US-based billionaire who gives frequently to Israeli institutions, financed a fellowship that payed for a position Robinson held in 2017 with a right-wing Canadian website, The Rebel Media

    Other groups, including the Gatestone Institute, an Israel-focused think tank, and the far-right David Horowitz Freedom Center, have published a series of pieces defending Robinson. One on the Gatestone website was titled, “Swift Injustice: The Case of Tommy Robinson.” 

    Stephen Lennon very clearly has massive links with Israel. The worrying thing is that apart from the backing and financial support Lennon gets from pro-Israeli groups whether this was in anyway linked to the riots.

    The riots in major UK cities are easily the greatest crisis that Keir Starmer has faced in the extremely short time that he has become UK prime minister. An extremely short time in which UK policy has shifted significantly against Israel – we now have a (Jewish) Attorney General who strongly backs sanctions against Israel, the UK has dropped its objections to an arrest warrant on war crime charges for Israeli ministers, and most recently the UK has stopped all arms sales to Israel.

    The UK government will obviously know of Lennon’s strong zionist links and one theory claims that he was looking/waiting for an excuse to kick things off to send a message, the tragic events in Southport provided this, despite no actual links with Islam.

    Personally I think that Lennon not organising any riots in UK cities during the 14 years of Tory rule but organising them within a month of a Labour government is just a coincidence.

    Full Member

    But since you have specifically moaned about “two-tier policing” it is in that context a perfectly reasonable question.

    If you would go back and read the post, I didn’t moan about treating brownies remembrance day differently. Is that even classed as a protest?

    The comparison was the police response to a group of white men smashing the place up, to a group of Muslim men smashing the place up, which as described by the man on the video from WMP, was markedly different.

    That’s actually quite a tight corner. Is the poster actually going to try to get out of it? Or slink away quietly?

    Clearly you’d prefer people you disagree with be silenced

    Free Member

    Clearly you’d prefer people you disagree with be silenced

    If they’ve got nothing of use to say, I would suggest the onus is on them to silence themselves.

    Full Member

    Pot kettle etc

    Full Member

    Robert Shillman

    Is that nominative determinism ? Bob is bad

    Full Member

    Still haven’t answered the question.

    Full Member

    Still haven’t answered the question.


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