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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Full Member

    Is it a counter protest if no opposition turns up?

    Full Member


    Blimey, look at the size of the anti fascist crowd in Walthamstow this evening, the police estimated 5 thousand, and apparently as yet not a single far-right protester.

    I read recently that the 2011 London riots came to end by the police deploying overwhelming numbers. It seems that the 2024 far-right riots might be defeated by overwhelming numbers of anti fascists.

    An important important lesson to be learnt no doubt

    Edit: Looking at that Daily Mirror clip again that anti fascist crowd in Walthamstow looks much bigger than 5k, it’s absolutely massive.

    Free Member

    What if they gave a riot and no one came?

    Full Member

    I was quite ashamed to be English or British at the weekend.

    Not tonight.

    It’s not a victory yet, but it has potential to be a turning point.

    Full Member

    Was at the counter protest in Newcastle tonight was great to see so many out standing together against all the hate. We might not have won but this is how we win!

    Full Member

    Slightly off-topic, but good to see Robert (arsehole) Jenkrick getting put down by one of his own: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clynl828yp0o

    Article said:

    “In a social media post, Baroness Warsi said: “Every day before we start parliamentary business in the Commons and Lords we say a prayer and praise God – we say our parliamentary version of Allahu Akbars at the heart of democracy – a process Robert Jenrick is a part of.

    “This language from Jenrick is more of his usual nasty divisive rhetoric – he is such a tool.”

    I love the segue from good diplomatic language to telling-it-like-it-is.

    Edited to allow for formatting incompetence

    Full Member

    MCJnr has met Baroness Warsi and she is very no nonsense!

    A real shame she has stayed a Tory, I think she’s doing it just to spite them.

    Full Member

    I just discovered there was an anti immigration protest planned in Cheadle tonight. Cheadle FFS? Anyway, no-one turned up. Well no-one apart from the counter demonstrators.

    Full Member

    It comes across as treating one group of people differently to how they would treat another

    Walthamstow this evening provided the explanation for that two tier policing which apparently concerns you tenburner

    Thousands of antifascist protesters on the streets of Walthamstow……no riot at all.

    Had there been a couple of hundred drunken EDL thugs on those same streets and a riot would have been all but certain. There would have been no other reason for them going there.

    Maybe you can’t see that but the old bill certainly can.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s absolutely inexplicable this supposed two-tier policing, isn’t it?

    Full Member

    Tonight has gone some way to rebuilding my faith in humanity, good work counter demonstators and all those from on here who went out there to show the fashy pricks just how unwelcome they are.

    Extra points for making Elon sad.

    Full Member

    “This language from Jenrick is more of his usual nasty divisive rhetoric – he is such a tool.”

    Love Baroness Warsi – no idea why she’s Tory-aligned but like Rory Stewart she kind of reminds you that traditionally they’re nowhere near as corrupt, dishonest or inept as the current shower.

    Free Member

    If I hear one more idiot bleating on about “uncontrolled immigration” I’m going to lose my shit.  NOBODY IS ADVOCATING FOR UNCONTROLLED IMMIGRATION!  Same with “stop the boats!” anyone think that we shouldn’t be doing that as a priority?  It’s literally in the new government’s manifesto.

    What’s happening are not “anti-immigration” protests or demonstrations….. these are racist/xenophobic riots.  There is no more a connection to immigration as there is to the terrible Southport incident – it’s just idiots allowing themselves to be manipulated by people with an agenda (often one purely based on enriching themselves).

    Anyone throwing a rock/punch should be getting a knock on the door and a court appearance, and at least community service.  Those doing the coordination/leading should be getting custodial sentences for sure.  Those at the top should be getting prosecuted for inciting racial hatred – including a few MPs/their wives.

    Farage’s Trumpian “some people are saying” schtick needs to be put an end to – his intent is clear.

    Free Member

    Love Baroness Warsi – no idea why she’s Tory-aligned but like Rory Stewart she kind of reminds you that traditionally they’re nowhere near as corrupt, dishonest or inept as the current shower.

    One (or two in this case) swallow doesn’t make a summer.

    Find some more less awful tories and see if you can get the number into double figures.

    Free Member


    Exactly – it is mostly controlled via Visa’s and processing of people seeking asylum.  There is an element of lack of control when visa’s run out, people come on holiday and stay, students stay on after degree etc,. but I doubt they are even thinking about those cases when protesting.

    Full Member

    Quick sanity check please:

    The latest from my GB News colleague is that “apparently mobs of Muslims in parts of London are stopping cars and beating up/jostling* anyone who’s white”

    I know the counter protests have been peaceful, but are there any pockets of more aggressive behaviour? I can’t see anything, even on <apologies> GB News website. I’d like to get all bases covered and facts sorted before challenging.

    * I don’t remember the exact wording, I tend to zone out during these lunchtime rants

    Full Member

    Love Baroness Warsi – no idea why she’s Tory-aligned but like Rory Stewart she kind of reminds you that traditionally they’re nowhere near as corrupt, dishonest or inept as the current shower.

    The economic policies (and many others) they both supported are as much responsible for the current situation as the culture war. The culture war isn’t separate to everything else that the tories (or neoliberalism in general) have been doing. All Warsi and Stewart have done is put a better veneer over the policies of deprivation, division and inequality that have become mainstream.

    The latest from my GB News colleague is that “apparently mobs of Muslims in parts of London are stopping cars and beating up/jostling* anyone who’s white”

    The opposite is definitely true, there are confirmed cases of white rioters checking cars and attacking occupants of Asian descent. So while it isn’t impossible that asian communities have retaliated by adopting the tactic used against them, I think it much more likely at the moment that the fascists are just spreading more lies as a cover for their own behaviour.

    Free Member

    “The opposite is definitely true, there are confirmed cases of white rioters checking cars and attacking occupants of Asian descent. ”

    On car related attacks. The guy that went for some occupants of a car with a petrol hedge trimmer has been arrested.


    Free Member

    The latest from my GB News colleague is that “apparently mobs of Muslims in parts of London are stopping cars and beating up/jostling* anyone who’s white”

    It is more for them to prove it rather than you try and disprove something someone has made up.  Ask your colleague exactly when they saw it so you can check it if you can be bothered.  Your colleague sounds like a **** to me so I wouldn’t waste the time personally as it won’t change what a **** he is.

    Full Member

    They’re just scrabbling because thier boys took a massive L last night.

    And yes, this isn’t about migration, it’s about bigotry and hate.

    Hypothetically if the UK stopped all inwards migration tomorrow these people would still be mad because they’d still be seeing brown faces about.

    This is why appeasing headbangers never works.

    Free Member

    On R4 now a government minister is having to publicly assure the police that they have government backing.

    Braverman, Patel, Jenrick etc. This is on you. I can’t express ably in words the contempt I feel for you in getting us to this point. But I’ll try.


    Full Member

    I know the counter protests have been peaceful, but are there any pockets of more aggressive behaviour? 

    With all the tensions and genuine fears that Lennon/Farage supporters have been causing all week it would be amazing if there wasn’t.

    Similar to Walthamstow Croydon was prepared for counter protests against the far-right but unlike Walthamstow there was never any credible evidence that it might happen – Croydon was never on the list of far-right targets.

    However a bunch of, by all accounts, mostly Asian youth did take to the streets and there were 8 arrests for throwing bottles at the police etc. Apparently there were no more than about 50 involved and their ages were typically 15-16 years old.

    Because there wasn’t a “general mobilisation” in Croydon there was a lack of older more sensible people to keep them in check. Croydon has a problem with anti social youth behaviour anyway

    Full Member

    On R4 now a government minister is having to publicly assure the police that they have government backing.

    Earlier on R4 a Chief Constable was saying that [paraphrasing] at least they have the support of the Home Office as that wasn’t always the case previously.

    Full Member

    It’s quite amusing seeing the furious back-peddling going on from people who’ve now realised they’ve called this one wrong and totally misjudged the public mood.

    I expect we’re about to see a lot of “well that wasn’t exactly what I meant when I said….” Type statements from the usual suspects today

    Full Member

    Last night’s was great to see and Newcastle was part of it, there’s another big call for Saturday too as that is a planned date for the ‘patriots’.

    In related news. This is apparently all part of the plan, it’s be orchestrated so the government can bring in facial recognition cameras to every town and city as well as digital ID. Makes you think.

    Free Member

    it’s about bigotry and hate.

    At the top level it isn’t even about that, it’s about grifting to make money.

    Full Member

    Mr Jenrick said the Arabic phrase – meaning God is great – had been “abused” by “extremists” to intimidate people.

    Much like the England flag eh, Mr Jenrick?

    That guy really is an oily weasel.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    That guy really is an oily weasel.

    And because of that he’s now overtaken Badanoch with the bookies as favourite for the Tory leadership.

    Theres no doubt that they’re heading out to the wilder shores of the far right then

    Full Member

    On the subject of oily weasels.

    Just watched GB news there and they were discussing the headlines in the express, about how many people have come out to stand against far right racism.

    Carol Malone had the audacity to say ” It is good that WE are all coming together over this”

    ‘WE’ Carol. ??

    Free Member

    Blimey, look at the size of the anti fascist crowd in Walthamstow this evening, the police estimated 5 thousand, and apparently as yet not a single far-right protester.

    I was there with my partner; I think it’s possible it was significantly larger than police estimates. Unsurprisingly, the fascists didn’t turn up.

    On our way there, 2 or 3 miles out, we saw people headed to the demo. Young and old, of all colours and creeds. We got there around 7pm, and it was already huge. It had doubled by around 8pm. Many of our friends were there, yet we only met up with a couple, such was the scale of it. It’s so heartening to see so many people coming out in opposition to fascism and racism, a real uplifting tonic to a week of utterly depressing news. And 100% peaceful, in spite of the best efforts of one police sergeant who seemed intent on trying to goad youngsters into reacting, by shouting at them for being on top of a bus stop or on walls etc. He backed off once a few of us older folk, along with some legal observers, told him to chill out and stop being such a dick. Even his colleagues seemed weary of his efforts to generate some overtime. But you always get a few trouble makers at such events…

    Good to see such turnouts in other places too; sends the message to the fascists that there’ll always be more of us than there are of them.

    Free Member

    Last night’s was great to see and Newcastle was part of it, there’s another big call for Saturday too as that is a planned date for the ‘patriots’.

    Is there anyway to see the locations of the counter protests? The more peaceful demonstrators that we can get to join in the better.

    Full Member

    The “bad actors” are playing both sides now, they are whipping up anti Muslim sentiment, and then using the rection to the violence they have whipped up to misdirect that opposition to blame the poor and benefits claimants. The situation now sums up their operating tactics perfectly, misdirect, divide and rule.

    Full Member

    Do you think they should treat a Brownies remembrance day parade the same as an neo-nazi white pride parade?

    Probably best you dont call them brownies anymore

    Full Member

    stop being such a dick.

    Why wouldn’t you agree with the police officer? Climbing on transport infrastructure isn’t a good idea. It hasn’t been designed to take a load of people on it?

    Full Member

    Is there anyway to see the locations of the counter protests? The more peaceful demonstrators that we can get to join in the better.

    stand up to racism website has a list of planned counter demo locations. Me and a few friends are planning to attend the one in Newcastle.

    Full Member

    It hasn’t been designed to take a load of people on it?

    Actually, it probably has. Street furniture specification will include design for misuse high up in the requirements. Basically you put your inner bored 16 year old mindset on and design with that in mind.

    Full Member

    Probably best you dont call them brownies anymore

    What happened – did you get locked out of the Daily Mail comments section again? You’ll get far more ‘likes’ there – it’ll make you feel all warm and loved.

    Free Member

    Six saddos stood on a poorly kempt and litter strewn roundabout on what appears to be largely deserted roads.

    The perfect metaphor for these riots.

    Probably best you dont call them brownies anymore

    2/10. Totally misses a point. Nice, slightly “you can’t say that anymore” angle, but let down by poor punctuation. And no bold or block capitals.

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