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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Absolutely, but being a drunken idiot doesn’t normally get you 3 years inside.

    If it’s all over the media that gangs of fascist thugs are causing chaos, needs to be stopped and everyone had already been read the riot act,  then you also need to factor in the ‘being a nobhead’ premium

    Full Member

    Riots are a bit like traffic jams, in that you don’t get to participate without also contributing.

    Full Member

    If it’s all over the media that gangs of fascist thugs are causing chaos

    You think your average stella drinking chav watches the news at ten or reads the guardian? More likely they’ve heard from their mates that it’s kicking off somewhere and the cops are getting some payback so they want to go and have a look for some free entertainment. If I were a far right agitator wanting to organise a riot I’d be planning for and depending on the local idiots to present themselves as unwitting cannon fodder. I doubt many of those who are about to get sent down for a few years are far right agitators or organisers, they’re not stupid enough to get involved themselves when they can get gullible idiots to do their dirty work for them.

    Riots are a bit like traffic jams, in that you don’t get to participate without also contributing.

    On the contrary, I’ve been in quite a few situations that could be described as a riot and I can assure you I didn’t plan on it or contribute to it when it was happening. It’s very easy to get involved without any intention of taking part or contributing.

    Not that I think thats the case with these riots, clearly those attending have deliberately gone there with the hope or intention of it kicking off. Some will just be there to watch and record it on their phones, but that doesn’t make them innocent and they can probably expect stiff penalties if they end up getting nicked.

    Full Member

    there it is in black and white; 11 people now liking a post that’s probably copied straight from a Tweet, that’s totally made up meaningless horse-shit, but makes for a slick one liner to get folks wound up

    Well if we’re talking about “totally made up”, you’ve concocted quite a dish of it yourself, with the exception of the “11 likes” bit, which I suppose is accurate at the time I write this. As for the sentencing remarks, as you say, a quick Google will tell you the judge’s “reasons” for imposing the sentence he did, and you can judge for yourself (geddit ???) whether they make sense, and whether 5 years for non-violent “disruption” is fair in a system where a person gets much less for violent assault. Your hero talks about the JSO defendants being “fanatics”; how much more fanatical is setting fire to someone’s place of refuge?

    Full Member

    I notice that a part of the judge’s sentencing remarks focuses on the cost of the JSO protests and the injury to a police motorcycleman.

    Full Member

    they’re not stupid enough to get involved themselves when they can get gullible idiots to do their dirty work for them.

    In most cases the instigators are not even in the same country. I notice premier league bell end Laurence Fox is the latest to head abroad to avoid getting a knock on the door for incitement. He really is just a crap Tommy Robinson tribute act

    You think your average stella drinking chav watches the news at ten or reads the guardian? More likely they’ve heard from their mates that it’s kicking off somewhere and the cops are getting some payback so they want to go and have a look for some free entertainment

    I’m still sticking to my ‘being a nobhead’ premium applying, whether they watch the news at ten or not. If you’re not bright enough to fathom out that the TV cameras are there so it’s not your average kick off, then you probably need sending down for your own protection

    Full Member

    I notice that a part of the judge’s sentencing remarks focuses on the cost of the JSO protests and the injury to a police motorcycleman.

    Indeed – neither of which have any comparison to violent assault.

    Free Member

    Aren’t they two different cases DrJ? The person getting 3 years being unconnected with the arson/attempted manslaughter-murder?

    Full Member

    Labour has to admit to inflaming the issue as well


    Full Member

    Aren’t they two different cases DrJ? The person getting 3 years being unconnected with the arson/attempted manslaughter-murder?

    Yes they are, you are correct. We will have to wait and see if the arsonist gets a substantially bigger sentence.

    Full Member

    the Police describe a protest being assessed as low risk

    They asked the “community leaders” who re-assured them it would be peaceful. I dont think they would have been so quick to take the word of someone planning a “far right protest” as you put it. Turned out to be anything but peaceful (shock) with armed men walking around the streets and some smashing up the pub. (Including one of the community leaders caught on video doing so). The idea of a ‘community leader’ is absolute nonsense as evidenced. The police are fearful of the reaction from muslims, so once again turn a blind eye to their crimes.

    comes across as a perfectly sensible approach

    It comes across as treating one group of people differently to how they would treat another. To suggest otherwise is deliberately antagonistic or at least contrarian.

    Free Member

    “Yes they are, you are correct. We will have to wait and see if the arsonist gets a substantially bigger sentence.”

    Edit, hang on. Found a non paywall version and it’s not talking about rioters.

    Full Member

    Turned out to be anything but peaceful (shock) with armed men walking around the streets and some smashing up the pub. 

    To be fair, that only kicked off because some moron in the pub stepped outside to offer them a fight, then got a bit of a shooing and to be protected by the guy who originally put him on his arse. You should watch the video of the community leaders speaking to the pub people.

    Free Member

    I notice premier league bell end Laurence Fox is the latest to head abroad to avoid getting a knock on the door for incitement. He really is just a crap Tommy Robinson tribute act

    Which is particularly funny when one remembers that ‘Tommy Robinson’ is a stage name too.

    Free Member

    “It comes across as treating one group of people differently to how they would treat another. To suggest otherwise is deliberately antagonistic or at least contrarian.”

    Not really, they just assessed one group as likely being a problem and another less so and applied their resources on the basis of that assessment. With the caveat they may not have got it right.

    Full Member

    Not really, they just assessed one group as likely being a problem and another less so and applied their resources on the basis of that assessment.

    An assessment that an 11 year old could have told you was incorrect, and was based on their prejudice towards that group.

    Full Member

    You think your average stella drinking chav watches the news at ten or reads the guardian?

    Can I even drink Stella now without falling down the STW status-o-meter?

    Free Member

    “An assessment that an 11 year old”

    You probably should take an 11 year olds assessment with a pinch of salt.

    “and was based on their prejudice towards that group.”

    Not evidenced by the link you provided.

    Full Member

    An assessment that an 11 year old could have told you was incorrect, and was based on their prejudice towards that group.

    To be fair, that only kicked off because some moron in the pub stepped outside to offer them a fight, then got a bit of a shooing and to be protected by the guy who originally put him on his arse. You should watch the video of the community leaders speaking to the pub people.

    Full Member

    Back on Andr*w T*te, the right are now turning on him, turns out he’s actually trans and is therefore a globalist plant:

    Full Member

    It comes across as treating one group of people differently to how they would treat another. To suggest otherwise is deliberately antagonistic or at least contrarian

    Do you think they should treat a Brownies remembrance day parade the same as an neo-nazi white pride parade?

    Full Member

    The funniest thing the Home Secretary could do right now is revoke “Tommy Robinson”’s UK citizenship on national security grounds. It would be more valid than the Begum case as he’s currently on the run abroad from the UK courts using his Irish citizenship.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I saw the Tate transgender stuff earlier (I’m a researcher of protest so monitor a few telegram groups etc) words fail me really. As a species we probably weren’t ready for the internet! Certainly not a Hobbesian anything goes approach to it anyway!

    Full Member

    Better we revoke his irish citizenship.

    Full Member

    Tristan Tate is in a bit of a froth about the result of women’s gymnastics. I suppose I should have guessed that’s what he’d be watching.

    Full Member

    It is amazing how much fear a halfwit with access to the internet can cause. Some quite worried individuals are having to be reassured on Muslim dominated local WhatsApp groups after someone posts completely unverified reports of the far-right local targets.

    Stuff which is clearly nonsense. Yesterday someone posted an apparent far-right claim that they were coming for “P*k*s wogs and other foreigners” in Croydon today. It had to be pointed out that this was clearly design to do nothing more than instil fear and not a call to other far-right thugs as there was no time or place mentioned.

    Muslim women have by all accounts seen the level of hostility towards them ramped up recently because they are easy to identify, so that makes them more prone to worry about far-right mobs descending locally.

    Croydon would be a very obvious target for the far-right because it has a huge Home Office immigration centre but it is not far-right territory and the police locally say that they do not have any intelligence of local far-right targets.

    Nevertheless people are obviously worried, mosque attendance is down, Muslim women are discussing not wearing their hijabs, and a false rumour circulated that a Norwood mosque had been attacked. I am told that the police have 4 vans parked outside the main Mosque just reassure people.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Croydon would be a very obvious target for the far-right because it has a huge Home Office immigration centre but it is not far-right territory

    I think Croydon could get very stabby, very quickly for any knucklehead racists.

    Full Member

    I see the right honourable member for Clacton has said he can’t be done for incitement as he was simply relaying information he’d received from that recognised news source…

    *checks notes*

    … Andrew Tates Twitter account

    You really couldn’t make it up. Surely there’s grounds to charge that **** with incitement by now?

    Full Member

    I see the right honourable member for Clacton has said he can’t be done for incitement

    Is this after the Dishonorable Tool for Clactons latest “I condemn violence but you just be careful” messaging?

    Full Member

    Jeezus this is stomach churning. If people are listening to this diatribe no wonder that there is rioting going on.

    He lies with so much conviction and passion that even I for a nanosecond start to doubt the truth. Top class gaslighting.

    Full Member

    It’s making him an awful lot of money Ernesto. All from the safety of his sun lounger in Cyprus

    Free Member

    A few didn’t get the memo that Brighton has no time for racism and hate.

    5 whole fascists up against a wall with a line of police separating them from a street full of lefties. A steel band and a brass band too just to show them how we do things here. ?

    Not sure if this link will work but here goes.



    Edit that should be the band above

    Full Member

    5 whole fascists up against a wall with a line of police separating them from a street full of lefties. A steel band and a brass band too just to show them how we do things here. ?

    I bloody love that!

    Full Member

    Seems like it’s the same all over the country. :D

    Free Member

    Middlesbrough shops all closed down again.Nobody about,sirens blaring of all day.Shop and pub owners must be struggling.

    Full Member

    They were probably online all last night slagging the cops off for “2 tier policing”… Today, they want to be best buddies. :D


    Full Member

    Just up the road from me.

    No fasc  turned up to this asylum solicitors office (I think)… Just anti fasc demo. :D

    I think those convictions that are all over SM and the TV are having an effect.

    Full Member

    Its very difficult to find a riot near me, need some sort of map.

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