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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    ^^ Apologies! It’s not specifically illegal but can count as harassment.

    Sorry for not checking properly.

    Full Member

    Hampshire and Isle of Wight PCC Donna Jones (Tory, shocker…), just wants to let the government know that the rioters are just misunderstood little flowers…

    That is outrageous, for all kinds of reasons. Though I couldn’t help but chuckle at the total lack of self awareness that she, representing the party of government for the last 14 years, tried to blame the government of the last 4 weeks. Never liked the idea of PCCs especially as they have become political roles.

    I appreciate the sense of karma in seeing protectors getting hit, or imagining creative ways to punish them, but talking hard man fantasies on social media is how this shit started. We need to be better than that.

    Free Member

    To take up the point about school summer holidays…

    Why do we think this is typically a time when rioting happens – especially far right?

    It’s unlikely to be anything to do with school itself – a bunch of thugs who never went to school anyway and whose kids, grandkids and great grandkids (status usually attained by the age of 45) are highly unlikely to have attended school either.

    Isn’t it just a combination of no football and the heat getting to their primitive brains driving them into a frenzy?

    On the police response – pretty good, but not enough rubber bullets.

    Full Member

    ^Thats a new one, blame the immigrants for taking all the jobs. I thought their main grievance was that they don’t work and get everything for free?

    Full Member

    The bloke that got bitten in the arse by the lube dog has already been in court where, well, he cried.

    Rioter is much less gobby as he cries in court after police dog bit his arse

    Video further down shows him walking into court with the older guy that will also be sentenced in September.

    Full Member

    @poopscoop not sure if I’m giving too much benefit of the doubt but that bloke with the criminal record that can’t make the connection. Surely that’s a set up ? People aren’t that dense are they? If the answer is yes then well done the reporter letting him sign his own stupidity cheque.

    Full Member

    SYL is complaining today that he has been tracked down (by the Daily Mail among others) to his hotel in a foreign country and his kids are scared people are coming to get them.

    I’ve yet to see any reports of anyone throwing bricks through the windows and then setting the hotel on fire.

    Alanis Morrissette has been put on standby.

    Full Member

    Tommy Robinson and others just openly lying now online:


    Free Member

    Sheers, a former McDonald’s worker, was filmed yelling insults at police officers, shouting ‘don’t touch me, I pay your wages’

    So much hilarity to unpack in one sentence.

    Full Member

    SYL is complaining today that he has been tracked down (by the Daily Mail among others) to his hotel in a foreign country

    That’s SYL who has now decided that he’s not English and is traveling on an Irish passport now.

    Full Member

    ^Thats a new one, blame the immigrants for taking all the jobs. I thought their main grievance was that they don’t work and get everything for free

    Schrodingers Immigrant?

    Though, more seriously,  the failure to rehabilitate and retrain inmates to give them a better chance of employment on release is another failure of (multiple) governments that has led to these kind of issues in that section of society.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    It has, but such schadenfreude is worth repeating

    Full Member

    Full Member

    not sure if I’m giving too much benefit of the doubt but that bloke with the criminal record that can’t make the connection. Surely that’s a set up ? People aren’t that dense are they? If the answer is yes then well done the reporter letting him sign his own stupidity cheque.

    If only it were a setup eh? :(

    Full Member

    don’t know if its bin dun but this really made my day: https://metro.co.uk/video/southport-rioter-gets-hit-head-brick-takes-low-blow-3243115/?ito=vjs-link

    Where have you been?!

    You. Are. A. Disgrace!


    Full Member

    Apparently Farage is one of those calling for Parliament to be recalled over the disturbances. The government is ruling it out for now.

    I’d recall Parliament. And read out the lies Farage spread on Twitter that helped fuel the violence. Make the toad faced arse accountable to the electorate for his actions.

    Free Member

    not sure if I’m giving too much benefit of the doubt but that bloke with the criminal record that can’t make the connection. Surely that’s a set up ? People aren’t that dense are they? If the answer is yes then well done the reporter letting him sign his own stupidity cheque

    Never underestimate the stupidity out there. Populist politicians certainly don’t – and that is the main reason we are where we are.

    Full Member

    The school holidays also coincide with the summer break from football. All those firms not getting to meet up for cordial drinks and a game of chess or backgammon must be a bit bored.

    I’m not implying that all of the throbbers involved are members of football firms, but I’d be amazed if there aren’t the usual suspects well known to match-day Police in the mix; worth remembering that the EDL formed as a result of members of the Luton Town firm.

    Full Member

    Where have you been?!

    You. Are. A. Disgrace!


    Gravel riding in France ;)

    Full Member

    Gravel riding in France ;)


    Full Member

    You lucky, luck bar steward! :D

    Full Member

    Apparently Farage is one of those calling for Parliament to be recalled over the disturbances.

    Which is a broad hint that recalling Parliament is a bad idea, because it just gives him an opportunity to grandstand. This is something that needs to be dealt with firmly by the executive, without a running commentary from the legislature. All they’ll do is bloviate and make things worse.

    SYL is complaining today that he has been tracked down (by the Daily Mail among others) to his hotel in a foreign country and his kids are scared people are coming to get them.

    Whining about not having ‘quality time’ with his family while his supporters try to burn other families alive. Shame he won’t be able to cross the British border without getting arrested in the future, he can enjoy all the quality time he wants in other countries, until his funding stream from foreign enemies dries up.

    Full Member

    I don’t know if its bin dun but this really made my day:

    He’s bin dun too……arrested several days later at the scene of an unrelated domestic incident were police officers recognised his internet celebrity status.

    He was found to have an untreated head injury so he was taken to A&E where he alledgedly racial abused another patient.

    No updates concerning the state of his testicles though

    Full Member

    No updates concerning the state of his testicles though

    Full Member

    Already dubbed ‘Eunuch Powell’ on Twitter.

    Full Member

    Whining about not having ‘quality time’ with his family while his supporters try to burn other families alive. Shame he won’t be able to cross the British border without getting arrested in the future, he can enjoy all the quality time he wants in other countries, until his funding stream from foreign enemies dries up.

    He needs some sort of travel ban put in place/ his passport flagged which will likely be copy/pasted by the EU and most other countries.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Already dubbed ‘Eunuch Powell’ on Twitter.

    Oh goodness!! :D

    Full Member

    He needs some sort of travel ban put in place/ his passport flagged

    It would be quite funny to deprive him of his British citizenship as not conducive to the public good.

    Full Member

    Which is a broad hint that recalling Parliament is a bad idea, because it just gives him an opportunity to grandstand.

    You give Farage far too much credit. The House of Commons is full of highly capable politicians on all sides who could destroy and humiliate Farage. He really doesn’t do well in head-to-heads with other politicians.

    I have seen Leanne Wood the former Plaid Cymru leader publicly humiliate Farage. In fact I reckon that Darren from Reading would destroy him in a head-to-head. Farage thrives on not being challenged. His appeal lies in his ability to both grin and hold up a pint of beer at the same time.

    If Farage is urging Parliament to be recalled it is imo a broad hint that he believes there is little chance of it happening, and that it makes him appear to be concerned about the riots in our cities which he has done so much to fuel.

    Furthermore if Parliament is recalled Farage knows full well that it will have bugger all to do with him requesting it, so he might as well call for it and appear concerned.

    Full Member

    It would be quite funny to deprive him of his British citizenship as not conducive to the public good.

    I suspect that he probably has as much right to an Irish passport as Shamima Begum has to a Bangladeshi one

    Full Member

    It would be quite funny to deprive him of his British citizenship as not conducive to the public good.

    Are you talking about Nigel Farage ?

    Full Member

    Stephen Lennon I believe

    Full Member

    I agree with Ernie – always a concern – Farage being in Parliament is the best way to expose him as the lazy, self serving hate monger that he is. A recall and a direct challenge to his role in sharing lies and fuelling hate would start to chip away at his status.

    We are assuming of course that the lazy **** would be bothered to attend – another reason to do it and test him out.

    If  Darren is not the next MP for Reading I fear an opportunity has been missed.

    Full Member

     Farage being in Parliament is the best way to expose him as the lazy, self serving hate monger that he is.

    Anyone with half a brain already knows this, anyone who doesn’t listen to an opinion outside of Farage’s’ nonsense isn’t going to pay any attention to it.

    There’s any numbers of EU parliamentarians who’ll tell you that if/when Farage could be bothered to turn up, he’d just stand up, say his piece – that to everyone’s confusion, nearly always had nothing to do with what was going on at the time, and then **** off directly. It was only later that they’d see his remarks on Twitter or Insta, out of context and edited carefully.  Farage won’t expose himself in Parliament to any scrutiny, and even if he did go, his supporters don’t care what happens in reality.

    Confronting or exposing conspiracy theorists with truth doesn’t work. It’s never going to work. They either come to the truth themselves, or they never do.

    Free Member


    This video really concerns me. Why are a small group of rioters able to break a window of a hotel and set fire to the inside when there are police stood around the corner watching them?

    There has to be a better way of dealing with them before they’re able to set fire to a building? Setting aside the fact there are possibly people in that building, the owner probably isn’t insured against civil unrest so it could end up being an uninsured total loss.

    Full Member

    Cobra meeting this morning. Hopefully they’ll be able to send some coppers up north from London to help stop people’s cars being burned out and living room windows smashed. I honestly can’t understand why in places like Middlesbrough (see link below) there are too few police available to prevent this shit from happening. They’ve had a week to organise police resources and collect intelligence, and yet nothing much seems to be happening other than tough talk.


    Free Member

    There has to be a better way of dealing with them before they’re able to set fire to a building?

    Water cannon.

    Full Member

    I honestly can’t understand why in places like Middlesbrough (see link below) there are too few police available to prevent this shit from happening

    *cough* Austerity *cough*

    Less a Thin Blue Line. More a Threadbare Blue Line

    Full Member

    They’ve had a week to organise police resources and collect intelligence,

    That’s quite funny, well done.

    Full Member

    *cough* Austerity *cough*

    Yes but there are thousands of cops in the met who could be redeployed to the regions as nothing much seems to be happening in London. I simply don’t believe there aren’t enough police officers in this country to combat this. Seems like a failure of logistics and intelligence more than anything else.

    Free Member

    Water cannon.

    What’s stopping us getting them into the hands of police forces tomorrow?

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