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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Full Member

    Said it before, it’s like wetherspoons has shut down and the regulars are looking for something to do, looking at the state of them in that video, i doubt there’s a job between them, and they’re moaning about immigrants running this country down!

    Good to see the police getting in quick on the Manchester video, after all the airport stuff, they’re going in and getting hurt doing their job, hope some respect is given instead of trying to bring them down.

    Full Member

    So , to condense this down to a simple action / reaction statement.

    A young man stabbed and killed some even younger children, for unknown reasons. . Because he wasn’t a WASP all the lazy , self entitled , thick , aggressive, chip on their shoulders morons now think it’s acceptable to show their true, full on racist traits by civil disturbance, , violence and aggressive behaviour towards the police or anyone who isn’t white.

    Because their own life choices have not given them the life that they think they deserve, it must be someone else’s fault right? And that nice man on the telly says it’s all the hundreds of foreigners landing on our beaches and getting free TVs and hotels fault that they don’t have a nice car , and a nice house in a nice area . So let’s hurt people , destroy and burn property , steal things and generally be a knob as that will make it better?

    Full Member

    Nazi scum off our streets.

    Full Member

    @singletrackmind – more or less, yeah. But that nice man has been on the BBC so many times that he must be telling the truth, right? Meanwhile that clever chap Mr Musk is helping out with making information freely available.

    Full Member

    The day before the horrific events in Southport one of my neighbours had friends around. Super loud conversation you couldn’t avoid overhearing (I was outside fixing bikes). The short version is that one of the guests was adamant that a civil war was coming to the UK, and would be caused by Muslims, but that “we” shouldn’t wait and should “fight back” now. All that followed was actually very USA focussed (gun laws etc). There’s a lot of international and internet carried incitement and affirmation of these views and actions.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    the guests was adamant that a civil war was coming to the UK

    To be fair Enoch Powell promised them that a race war was about to kick off over 50 years ago.

    Full Member

    The absolute, sheer, cretinous state of it.

    To be fair it wouldn’t look so bad if they could access an NHS dentist, and we all know who is responsible for that.

    Luckily I have no problem accessing an NHS dentist, who happens to be a lovely lady from Baghdad.

    Full Member

    Sat in hospital at mo, gastroscopy. Five NHS folks looking after me. All fantastic, all the people the idiots are rioting against.

    Working hard on a Sunday morning. Wonder what the rioters are doing this morning?

    Full Member

    ^That’s the Master Race??

    Full Member

    No , it’s a like the video ai love child of an audition for the Walking dead and a 1980s Colgate sponsored school education video on toth decay

    Full Member

    Wonder what the rioters are doing this morning?

    Thanks to the wonders of camera phones and social media, shitting themselves every time a car stops outside their house or their doorbell rings.



    Full Member

    Where the **** is that nicotine stained frog looking Copper Nano Tube this morning?

    These are your people this is your fault. Surely you should be basking in the glory not hiding like a coward in a pond.

    Full Member

    Fast forward to today, folk in local social media are going “they’ve cut benefits for pensioners, why can’t I have a free five star hotel like all the illegal immigrants get?”  Seriously, I literally read this earlier today, people believe this shit.  I think by this point they want to believe it.

    You’ve seen it before in Brexit, people just want to believe fairy tales,the actual facts are irrelevant.

    Simple single answers to everything.

    A five star hotel minus its staff , is just a small room but the that’s not how it’s presented.

    The best quote I’ve seen for a long time is.

    Social media is an outrage machine. It is designed for emotional contagion and its aim is to keep our eyes trained on the feed.

    Full Member

    He’s come out and condemned it absolutely.

    Oh no wait, that was the 2011 riots. Still I assume he’ll say the same this time.

    Full Member

    Social media is an outrage machine. It is designed for emotional contagion and its aim is to keep our eyes trained on the feed.

    It’s mad when you remember a geeky Harvard IT guy started a website to rate women in his class because his girlfriend dumped him and now we’ve got riots on our street thanks to that

    Free Member

    Said it before, it’s like wetherspoons has shut down and the regulars are looking for something to do, looking at the state of them in that video

    Why is it every single one of these far right ***** caught on video looks exactly like the stereotype of a far right **** I have in my head.

    Because social media is feeding your outrage as much as it is theirs. It’s the new automated propaganda machine, but far more effective than an A1 poster because the algorithm is getting realtime feedback to help you find what your want to be most outraged about. And the only war it cares about is the one to post as many interstitial adverts between clicks as possible.

    Meanwhile on farrighttrackworld the feed is full of counter protestors who all have pink hair, dreadlocks and smoking a joint.

    Full Member

    Social media is an outrage machine. It is designed for emotional contagion and its aim is to keep our eyes trained on the feed.

    There’s also the decision by Elon Musk, under the guise of ‘defending freedom of speech’ (yeah, right), to reinstate the Twitter accounts of Tommy Robinson and his band of thugs and give them a platform

    I also notice that the likes of Braverman and Jenrick who referred to the Palestine protests as ‘hate marches’ and tacitly aligned themselves with Farage and Co have been awfully quiet since it’s all properly kicked off

    Somebody put it well about those two and other senior Tories… they’ve rowed out too far to the right and now they realise they can’t get back to the shore

    Full Member

    Full Member

    People’s lives are shit and getting shitter, but instead of looking for the reasons why they can’t do the things they want, see a doctor or dentist, or afford to buy stuff, they have been offered a scapegoat and gratefully accepted it.

    It’s a tale as old as time.

    What shocks me is how social media and the terrible state of political discourse has emboldened people to think that populist, far-right, racist tropes are just an acceptable conversation point everywhere, like the weather or the football. We are seeing the sharp end of normalised bigotry, and it feels like we’re starting from a 1970s square one to deal with it.

    Full Member

    In some positive news, fat incoherent swastika man has been arrested

    Full Member

    These are your people this is your fault. Surely you should be basking in the glory not hiding like a coward in a pond.

    Some people believe that he shouldn’t be given the publicity which he clearly craves.

    I disagree, I believe that this is a unique opportunity to nail the bigoted racist ****

    If he could be held responsible in the eyes of the general public for the criminal damage and violence, including against police officers, in Britain’s cities, then I reckon that it could likely be the beginning of the end of his political career.

    Which is presumably why he appears to be keeping very quiet ATM.

    Full Member

    In some positive news, fat incoherent swastika man has been arrested

    The one who was complimented on his “awesome” and “pure British” tattoos, despite the fact that the most prominent one was Hindu, that one?

    Full Member

    Easy mistake to make “boots”/”boats”

    Same spelling in German. Makes you think.

    Full Member

    Which is presumably why he appears to be keeping very quiet ATM.

    Farage is waiting for the recriminations to reach a level where he can say ‘the elites’ are ‘picking on him’, at which point he will grift more money off his supporters.

    Full Member

    I went in to Hull centre to help clean up this morning. Council had done a great job already and a group of us waited to clear up the leftovers (literally, from Greggs). Still alot of agitators around which was unsettling but great to meet many others wanting to counter the hate with brooms and bin bags.

    Full Member

    Why is it every single one of these far right ***** caught on video looks exactly like the stereotype of a far right **** I have in my head.

    If it Quaks like a duck….

    Full Member

    I heard a funny coment the other day…

    Getting face tatoos is a good way to ensure you’ll never have a job that pays more than basic.

    Full Member

    It’s mad when you remember a geeky Harvard IT guy started a website to rate women in his class

    Get it right. A geeky Harvard IT guy got his mates to start a website and then took all the credit.

    If he could be held responsible in the eyes of the general public for the criminal damage and violence, including against police officers, in Britain’s cities, then I reckon that it could likely be the beginning of the end of his political career.

    Sadly, I fear that the operative word here is “if.”

    Full Member

    One of our local union reps had face tatoos, he was quite successful in his career and being a union rep couldn’t be further from the right wing.

    Full Member

    The great irony is that now so many of these ‘True Brit’ nationalist groups a actively funded from overseas.

    Used to be Russia pre-2022 but deep-pocketed Right Wing Christian Nationalist groups in the States are now Ol’ Yaxley Lennon’s main sugar daddies.

    We also can’t ignore the role of Tiktok (and by extension the Chinese government) actively promoting the most inflammatory content to drive division, this was a major factor in the Gaza protests and I’m sure they’re at it again now.

    Free Member

    Getting face tatoos is a good way to ensure you’ll never have a job that pays more than basic.

    Depends on the industry and if they can afford to discriminate. Whilst it’s not common it’s not unknown for people with facial tattoos to make good money. I suppose the difference is whether they’re properly done or just inked on your mates couch after a crate of lager and a few lines.

    Almost like the aesthetic is down to the what rather than the how.

    Full Member

    One of our local union reps had face tatoos, he was quite successful in his career

    I have a friend with a facial tattoo.  It’s a pretty little spiral next to her eye rather than a swastika.  I believe it’s her only tat, though I don’t know her well enough to confirm with certainty.

    Full Member

    ^That’s the Master Race??

    I just laughed loudly in a quiet cafe.

    All the politicians and talking heads who were so quick to call out the Palestinian “hate” marches need to be quickly called out and condemned for not condemning these protests.

    Full Member

    What shocks me is how social media and the terrible state of political discourse has emboldened people to think that populist, far-right, racist tropes are just an acceptable conversation point everywhere

    This. I hear it more and more from people I really wouldn’t expect to hear it from. I had to call out a mate on Monday after the Southport horror after he casually said ‘there’s too many coming in, something needs to be done’. I know for a fact he’s not racist, but he’d swallowed whatever he’d read on facebook or twitter and felt confident enough to repeat it in public. He even tried to defend himself when I told him he was talking bollocks.

    I don’t really know what the solution is, but this is the inevitable result of anti-immigrant political messaging from Farage and rightwing tories, and in no small part the failure of left of centre and centrist politicians to make the case for immigration and explain how we benefit from it. If we fail to make the argument for something (like Darren above) then the vacuum is filled by extremists from on the other side and that’s what the majority hears the most until it becomes normalised.

    Full Member

    there’s too many coming in, something needs to be done

    2016 has normalised all this, and the genie isn’t going back in the bottle anytime soon.

    Free Member

    Farage is waiting for the recriminations to reach a level where he can say ‘the elites’ are ‘picking on him’, at which point he will grift more money off his supporters.

    He is already on something new I believe, some sort of anti WHO thing.

    Full Member

    2016 has normalised all this

    Yeah. Racism and hatred of immigrants didn’t exist before then did it?

    Full Member

    I didn’t say it created this sentiment, I said it normalised it. Hearing “your mate” repeat such phrases, rather than someone you consider a “wrong ‘un” is now something many of us have had to get used to. If anything, 2016 was a big step backwards. Perhaps “re-normalised” would be a better way of putting it.

    Full Member

    Farage is waiting for the recriminations to reach a level where he can say ‘the elites’ are ‘picking on him’, at which point he will grift more money off his supporters.

    Who cares if his supporters want to give him money?

    There is no way that the riots are going to be popular with the voting public, his responsibility for feeding the rhetoric which has led to them should be highlighted.

    This an opportunity to hammer Farage

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