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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Caring patriots looting… a vape store. A vape store.

    Full Member

    It’s not very obvious from that 5 sec clip!

    Free Member

    there were a handful of posters who had worked out exactly where the line was and were masters at dancing on the knife edge.  And they knew it.  Always pushing at boundaries but never quite going far enough for us to issue a ban without being inconsistent in our moderation

    Don’t be coy let’s have full list of names past and present.

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    Full Member
    It’s not very obvious from that 5 sec clip!

    Yeah, it wasn’t actually the clip I thought, there is one about where they have completely shoved the window in and are carrying stuff out.

    Full Member

    Don’t be coy let’s have full list of names past and present.

    I suspect Cougar isn’t daft enough to do that.

    Full Member

    It’s not very obvious from that 5 sec clip!

    Windows magnifier and zoom in to about 400%. Shop is full of people and in the last second we can see a young boy walking in too. In fact there seems to be a number of kids in that mob.

    As ever GB news while appearing to speak about lawlessness are including their usual about immigration when the two shouldnt be in the same conversation.

    Full Member

    I’ll take your word for it! Can’t zoom

    Full Member

    Its a built in windows feature. just enable it on your taskbar.

    My eyes arent what they used to be, and sometimes text is hard to read, so the magnifier is great for that. Just zooming in 150% makes a massive difference.

    Full Member

    Yeah it’s working for me now. Couldn’t do the zoom feature earlier

    Full Member

    Just to inject the occasional bit of humour these riots need in order to not completely disaster of (some of) humankind:

    Free Member

    Just seen the news and one of the leaders in the Sunderland riots is wear a bright orange railway hi-vi vest…. how thick are they! Perfect for the police to film and track that halfwit, stands out from the crowd perfectly.

    Full Member

    We’ve been told to expect two hostile demos tomorrow in Central London, one by the far-right and one by the pro-Israeli zionists, but both are now expected to be small.

    LittleMissMC and her mum are down in London tomorrow to see a show – God help any numbskull fascist who interferes with the Musical Theatre Massive!

    Full Member

    Mean Girls?

    Full Member

    Mean Girls?

    They can be, but they’re going to see Next to Normal

    Full Member

    Oh blimey. My wife went a couple of weeks ago and has booked again. They are going to need a lot of tissues.

    Full Member

    I don’t recognise these so-called patriots. I recognise Darren though, and they are way more Darrens among us as i think we’re about to find out.

    Full Member

    Money will be Farage’s downfall, like Al Capone. There’s very strict rules about funding and reporting now he’s an MP. He may well come to regret actually winning once journalists get a proper grip and start investigating him instead of using him as a source of cheap and easy content.

    Full Member

    Bleedin ell,  that Darren is the Man!

    He’s got a proper gift of the gab. He should stand for election – I would love to see him having a televised  head-to-head debate with Nigel Farage, he would destroy him.

    Thanks for posting.

    Full Member

    Powerful stuff from Darren, what a guy.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Burning the local Citizens’ Advice Bureau is the best way to express the concerns of ordinary, working people.

    Whatever happened to those water cannon that Boris tried to get for London, out of interest?

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    Full Member

    Darren +1

    Full Member

    Bravo Darren. It sounds like his looks, background and voice make people assume he is something he is not. People like him needed to help educate others in tolerance because let’s be honest people.are more like to listen to someone that looks and sounds like them than they are a middle class politician.

    Darren reminds me Jeff Innocent interviewed on the Josh Widdecombe and Rob Beckett podcast.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    FFS now getting more live YT stuff from Manchester, one seems to be one of them ‘auditor’ ****s

    *hits report

    Full Member

    A friend of mine is in Manchester today.

    She has anxiety issues (and terminal cancer), her mum is with her and fragile, having buried her father (ie my friend’s grandfather) earlier this week.  They’re scared witless, they’ve bundled into a taxi to escape.

    These idiots don’t see this, they don’t see the impact they have on normal people just wanting to go about their day.  It’s all a big laugh, get tanked up on beer and who knows what else, put some windows through, have a ruck with the popo, hopefully give a few foreigners a slap.

    Full Member

    In Hyde Park Central London ATM, I cannot believe how huge the demo in support of Palestine is. It wasn’t given massive publicity so I suspect that recent events has influenced the huge turnout. Even by usual standards the Muslim turnout is enormous.

    I haven’t seen one single EDL type despite the fact that they are supposed to be assembling just up the road, not even at Victoria train station.

    Full Member

    Nation braces for weekend of far-right violence with 35 protests in wake of Southport stabbing

    Sorry to ask a dumb Q, it’s been an unusual week here and I’m out of the loop a bit. What is actually being protested here, is there still a load of kuckleheads kicking off over the idea that the offender was an immigrant or Muslim, or is now just because he was Rwandan? Or are they just kicking off because they’re bored morons? I think I know the answer but…

    I don’t remember anything like this happening after Dunblane or Hungerford? The offenders were white and there was no Tommy Robinson, Farage or Tate on SM seeing an opportunity.

    Full Member

    Quite simply, the Tories spent the last 14 years making these people poorer along with damaging the NHS, social care, council budgets etc, and the likes of Farage etc managed to convince these people that it’s all the fault of foreigners.

    They got Brexit done, now they’re going after anyone who isn’t white

    Full Member

    ^ yeah thought as much. I suppose in a weird way I was interested in how long the SM BS was lasting. “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes” supposedly, but how long a lie lasts .. maybe it doesn’t matter once the mob mentality is engaged.

    There needs to be charges applied to those in positions of influence who stoke this. Freedom of speech yes, alongside the responsibility of how loud your speech can be and accepting the consequences. If there aren’t any consequences we have a real problem.

    Full Member

    CNN News 18 seems to have decided to platform Tommy R today. Owned by Discovery/Warner. Wonder what’s going on there? Indian news channel but the host is a Canadian, Erza Levant.

    Guess it’s a bit like Sky News Australia/Sky News UK. Very different.

    Free Member

    They got Brexit done, now they’re going after anyone who isn’t white

    Brexit was the vehicle. Not the destination. For lots of bad actors in various fields.

    Full Member

    FFS now getting more live YT stuff from Manchester, one seems to be one of them ‘auditor’ ****s

    I don’t mind idiots livestreaming other idiots, helps the police identify rioters and get them arrested, processed and jailed.

    I haven’t seen one single EDL type despite the fact that they are supposed to be assembling just up the road, not even at Victoria train station.

    I get the feeling that while smashing up undefended shops and lobbing bricks is great fun, they would run a mile if it looked like Cable Street mk II was about to kick off, and without the Met on their side like last time.

    Full Member

    I bloody love Darren.

    Edit – just seen a post from Notts Police regarding two marches in the city today, and warning anyone looking to cause trouble to not bother.

    Full Member

    “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes” supposedly, but how long a lie lasts .. maybe it doesn’t matter once the mob mentality is engaged.

    This, really.

    The mainstream media run headlines about immigrants, then post a retraction in a small box-out on page 16 a couple of days later.  The truth doesn’t matter, the damage is done, the seeds are planted.

    Fast forward to today, folk in local social media are going “they’ve cut benefits for pensioners, why can’t I have a free five star hotel like all the illegal immigrants get?”  Seriously, I literally read this earlier today, people believe this shit.  I think by this point they want to believe it.

    Full Member

    CNN News 18 seems to have decided to platform Tommy R today. Owned by Discovery/Warner. Wonder what’s going on there? Indian news channel but the host is a Canadian, Erza Levant.

    It’s little more than Narendra Modi’s BJP party propaganda outlet and is biased towards his anti Muslim stance, it has also platformed spokespersons from the RSS right wing Hindu nationalist party so it’s entirely fitting for the channel to platform the likes of Yaxley-Lennon

    (I spent 6 months in India and still email/converse with folk I met out there so get snippets of news and stuff from them)

    Free Member

    These idiots don’t see this, they don’t see the impact they have on normal people just wanting to go about their day.

    Let’s hope everyone who’s caused all this disruption and huge amounts of damage get even stronger sentences than the Just Stop oil protesters. Won’t hold my breath…

    Feeling pretty depressed about the state of world today Tbh. These riots and the whole disgusting rhetoric over the women’s boxing. It’s just culture war after culture war.

    Full Member

    I don’t remember anything like this happening after Dunblane or Hungerford?

    Exactly my thoughts when things first kicked off. Only the white British community are allowed to have deranged murderous lunatics, we expect much more from black and brown people.

    I bloody love Darren

    He’s amazing isn’t he? Not only is he eloquent and speaks in a manner which the man on the street can understand, but he is very clearly speaking from the heart.

    I hope it’s not the last we hear from him.

    Full Member

    The mainstream media run headlines about immigrants, then post a retraction in a small box-out on page 16 a couple of days later.  The truth doesn’t matter, the damage is done, the seeds are planted.

    No consequences and we have a real problem.

    The majority of the media can do one, waste of time and no credibility. SM too, it just brings the morons on either side to the top via the algorithms. I learned all I need to know about people from those around me. No Muslims or immigrants ever trashed my town, I’ve never been threatened by a group of out of control Muslims or immigrants, they’ve never taken anything from me.

    Darren speaks for me too (great clip, I’d deleted twitter but there are some gems on there and that’s one of them)

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