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  • Back to work tomorrow, how do you feel?
  • jimster01
    Full Member

    I’m heading into the office for the first time in almost three weeks, looking forward to getting back to a routine.

    Although may not last the day.

    Full Member

    Was in just enough over the last 2 weeks to not have that horrible feeling of being out of it for 2 weeks, but still had plenty of time off.
    Only thing I’m not looking forward to is having to change my route in due to roadworks starting today, plus everyone else back on the roads…

    Free Member

    It’s going to be a very long day.

    Full Member

    Off to struggle to the boulangerie, then have to get the kids to ski school. Sun’s bright. Travails.

    Full Member

    I couldn’t face it so decided to pop over to Austria for a cheeky weeks’ skiing instead. Next Monday however will be super depressing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Wasting your lives in front of computers, in meetings and boring PowerPoint presentations. Nooooo thanks. Not for me.
    I’ve done 4 days between Christmas up to Saturday, and it’s been bliss. No traffic, got some tidying up and organising done, fixed a few bikes, eaten a bit of cake, that sort of thing.

    Yup, definitely sounds like you have the most fulfilling job there.

    Free Member

    All good, was in Friday so no back to work shock here, Jan should go quickly lots on then it be Feb and almost spring. :D

    Full Member

    I got really stressed and couldn’t sleep yesterday… After Reading some work emails.

    this will continue until august when my contract finishes. I’ve not decided whether that’s good or bad

    Full Member

    Really busy last few months of last year made the 2 weeks off over xmas very welcome. Glad to be back in though. Lots of work to do though but all looking good for this year too.

    Free Member

    @Poddy – not all office jobs are boring drivel.

    Some jobs that happen in offices are all about engineering and making things just like anything in a workshop.

    Full Member

    I was meant to be back in today but due to a small crash on Saturday I.have my left ankle in a cast for a week due to a small fracture and tissue damage! Probably wander back in Wednesday all being well!

    Free Member

    No such thing as christmas off where i work (our team even had six poeple on duty christmas eve night shift!) but now i am still sat up in bed on first of fourteen days leave. Contemplating a list if jobs to do, helping my mum move house and a 29er to clean up, split up and sell. Lovely.

    Free Member

    Feel like shite as I have only slept for 3 hours … :x

    Free Member

    On shift 3 of 8. Then I get 11 off. Can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Full Member

    it appears all the crap I left on my desk eleven days ago, hasn’t magically gone away…

    Full Member

    Properly scared to open outlook.

    Full Member

    Well despite many distractions and not wanting to be back in, I arrived back in to the offer of a promotion, temporarily, while they recruit, and please would I help write the job description and re-organisation. 8)

    Free Member

    500 emails to sort out……one mass delete and i’m done! If its important, they’ll me again or give me a call! Piece of p155!

    Full Member

    I’m very tempted to do that. Just braved firing it up. 605 unread mails. Email really has become a work impediment.

    Full Member

    Last day of hholidays being spent in pain after bouncing off the ground yesterday.

    Still I’m sure the kids will appreciate having their minds expanded with education.

    Free Member

    almost 3 weeks off here too. i traveled down south and arrived at about half ten. i was spotted getting out of my taxi and somebody came outside to drag me into a meeting before id even taken my coat off.

    Full Member

    Christ on a bendybus! I’d mentally blanked it out of my mind but we’ve a new resident in our office. He was transferred from our other office, despite our protestations, and to their undisguised glee. He used to be here, and we’d got rid of him once. We thought for good. Now, much to everyones obvious despair, he’s back.

    He is the most dour, miserable, abrupt, negative, utterly joyless, ill-tempered old git you could ever have the misfortune to meet. He’s like Marvin the Paranoid Android, crossed with a BBC sitcom writers idea of an overly curmudgeonly Yorkshireman. He’s a vacuum that could sucks the energy and enthusiasm out any room. He’s like a gloomy grey smog who’s constant, and unremitting negativity envelops everything around him.

    He’s all I sodding need today. I want him dead already :twisted:

    Full Member

    First day back today, spent most of the break hot/cold/hot/cold, coughing, etc, as did most of the family. Not sure if I’m still unwell or just had enough for the day, but I could do with an afternoon nap :)

    On the plus side I didn’t spend the last two weeks over eating and I reckon I should be well enough to get back on the bike by the end of the week – new year, new me!

    Free Member

    I worked a bit over christmas so today is my first day of three days off. Yes I feel smug.

    Well despite many distractions and not wanting to be back in, I arrived back in to the offer of a promotion, temporarily, while they recruit, and please would I help write the job description and re-organisation. 

    I could have misjudged the above, but surely if you are good enough to dig them out of the crap now, they should be giving you the permanent promotion and recruiting for your current role?

    Full Member

    First day back. Half the department in the US are being made redundant in two months. A close colleague died on Boxing Day. The ride in and 100+ miles/week “base” do not compensate. Should be an interesting year.

    Free Member

    Today was bad, but not as bad as it could have been.

    At least I took some precautions against our IT halfwits by setting up a load of frigged reports for when (not if) they bugger up all the time measures on the system. They got me with a new one today, but I know my way around the stuff well enough to be able to rebuild the data myself. Only five minutes late whilst the team from the other half of the business got an absolute hiding. I gave them a heads up about it a few weeks ago, but I don’t think they listened.

    Unfortunately our place of work has become an absolute basket case of paralysis by analysis. “Ooh we’ve got a problem. What we need is a report”. No, what you need to do is acknowledge what the real challenges are and make some difficult decisions lads. Unfortunately innovative thinking is actively discouraged by my workplace, not that there’s any time for it anyway as we prepare yet another cut of the same data to try to make someone feel good about themselves.

    Even spouting about the place on here is making my piss rise in temperature, so I’m going to stop. It pays the bills. End of.

    Full Member

    Not so good. The remains of this virus along with a migrain and pulled back muscle have taken there toll today. Went straight home and laid in the quiet dark for a few hours. Now struggling to sleep but seem to have gained a temperature.
    Is night nurse a food group? They are making a mint from our house alone.

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