Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone spotted any bread flour or plain flour for sale?

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  • Anyone spotted any bread flour or plain flour for sale?
  • BadlyWiredDog
    Full Member

    There are 16kg bags of bread flour on eBay – just search for ‘bread flour 16kg’ – going for about 30 quid once you add in postage for rapid delivery.

    I bought a 16 kilo sack of white bread flour on amazon for £16 delivered a couple of weeks back, but no longer available now.

    Full Member

    Just ordered a big bag from here & yeast


    Free Member

    I went to the hop shop yesterday and got a kilo of bread flour which I turned into two tasty loafs last night /this morning

    They had run out of fresh yeast though so I had to use the dried.

    Full Member

    I’ve a pretty consistent supply in my village shop, white bread, wholemeal, rye, plain, self raising, yeast……
    Advantages of owning a shop….

    Full Member

    Managed to order a 16kg sack from the local farm shop. £2 per kg is on the expensive side, but still works out cheaper than buying bread from the local deli.

    Full Member

    Just ordered a big bag from here & yeast


    Thanks for that, I’ve just ordered a few bits from there. Postage is £7.95 which is a bargain IMHO.

    Full Member

    I’ve a pretty consistent supply in my village shop, white bread, wholemeal, rye, plain, self raising, yeast……
    Advantages of owning a shop….

    eventually the customers are going to manage to break the door down and get in :-)

    Full Member

    If you are any where south of Bristol, Arthur David delivered me a 25kg sack, which is going to keep me going till after Christmas

    Free Member

    We got 16kg from a local pie shop that was selling off surplus stock. My wife now seems to be on some kind of time challenge to use it was quickly as possible- we have 16 croissants ready for tomorrow breakfast!

    Free Member

    I just go into Sainsbury’s and get some off the shelf.

    Full Member


    I just go into Sainsbury’s and get some off the shelf.

    Post Pictures up as well

    Free Member

    What for?

    Genuinely they’ve gad flour the last two times i went in!

    Free Member

    Genuinely they’ve gad flour the last two times i went in!

    Not had any when I’ve been in.

    Local garage had bread flour though.

    I have plenty bread flour but I could use some plain though as I would like to make a cheese cake but hey ho.

    Last night I used the self raising to make batter for onion rings.

    Free Member

    Waitrose in Henleaze, Bristol had loads of different sorts in this evening, including plain. First time in a week or so.

    Full Member

    I just go into Sainsbury’s and get some off the shelf.

    I haven’t been in a supermarket for at least 4 weeks now but I’m reliably informed they haven’t had any bread flour or yeast for ages.

    Our nice local “Eco” shop has flour at the moment but even they’ve been struggling to get hold of it and don’t have yeast.

    Full Member

    Oh seriously it’s been so annoying, people probably buying 3 packs a time just because they want to do baking etc… we had to get some donated to us from my Lasses NHS work colleagues as we couldn’t find it ourselves AND it’s gluten free we need!

    Full Member

    +1 for Thomas Ridley, the missus is delighted. Great range of stuff 👍

    Free Member

    Both of our town baker’s have a range of flour always in stock and fresh yeast as well. It’s just the supermarkets that can’t now cope with the demand for packing flour into small bags.

    Full Member


    Both of our town baker’s have a range of flour always in stock and fresh yeast as well. It’s just the supermarkets that can’t now cope with the demand for packing flour into small bags.

    Really, care to elaborate

    Free Member

    There’s breakfast ready! Aw proud of myself! :lol:

    Full Member

    They look spot on seosamh77, how many are you feeding at breakfast though :o

    Just to make it clear I’ve worked in flour milling for 30 years and there is no shortage of flour at all. Just because you can’t buy it in the supermarkets is because the usual buying pattern is 15% of households buy 1 bag of flour a week, this has been the case for years so who the hell is going to build a packing plant that can do 85% more than is required?
    No one is the answer the margins on flour production are so tiny its laughable, our plant produces 400 tonnes of flour a day.
    Not one gram of that flour is in a bag it’s all in bulk tankers.
    We had 2 packing lines until 2013 and the smallest packs we did then were 10KG which were an utter pain in the arse.

    The base line is the UK and pretty much everywhere else isn’t set up for the public buying little bags of flour.

    If you want flour and you are prepared to have a little bit more than usual go to your local bakery, they will be more than happy to sell you flour as the profit on that will probably be better than the bread they sell.

    Sorry if this looks like a rant, but the amount of guff spouted about flour in the last weeks has really got on my wick. I’m sure it’s the same for most people in an industry when you see stuff written that is utter shite.

    Free Member

    They look spot on seosamh77, how many are you feeding at breakfast though 😮

    Bread is a not so secret weakness of mine, they’ll not last, one scoffed already! :lol: even more prouder of myself, defo got it this time! at last!

    Interesting post btw, cheers.

    Full Member

    Bread is a not so secret weakness of mine, they’ll not last, one scoffed already! 😆 even more prouder of myself, defo got it this time! at last!

    Interesting post btw, cheers.

    Really good crust, what’s the crumb structure like?

    Oh before flour milling I was an engineer in a big bakery

    Full Member

    Lots of fresh yeast coming from Ocado on Sunday, and they’ve had plenty of flour for a while now.

    Free Member


    Really good crust, what’s the crumb structure like?

    Was excellent, lots of holes and not too tight, will get a picture tomorrow if I mind! :lol: Nice and crispy crust, nice chew to it and great flavour aswell. Which was basically the kneeding, managed to get it to the silky thin strechy way it should go to with out breaking, folded twice, with resting for 45 mins each after, before cutting and pre shaping etc . Have also discovered that 15 minutes at full pelt(235/240c) in the oven, with a bath of water at the bottom, then release all the steam and dry bake it at the end for 7 mins is what gives it the good crust.

    The mix I used was fairly precise as well, 500g bread flour(100%), 73% (365g) water, 7g packet yeast, (1.8%) 9g salt.

    Got a good base to experiment from now I think.

    Full Member

    Just to make it clear I’ve worked in flour milling for 30 years and there is no shortage of flour at all. Just because you can’t buy it in the supermarkets

    Its all very well you having loads in a mill but if you cant buy it in the shops any normal person would call it a shortage.

    Full Member

    Only if they are not listening to someone who knows what they’re talking about….🤦

    Full Member

    None in Morrisons here this am.

    Look in the curry / rice bit in your supermarket. 10kg bags of Atta / Chapatti flour which is brown duram wheat and fine for making bread

    That’s a fancy supermarket luck just to get gram flour here.

    That’s a top tip and an example of what makes this place so great!

    Not a single bag of flour of any description in the baking isle of my local Tesco. Always 5 or 6 10 kilo bags of chapatti flour in the Asian isle.

    Free Member

    Exactly what you said Mr Overshoot. Both of our local bakers buy in bulk for there own needs but also bag up 1.5kg bags for resales and sell 50g blocks of fresh yeast. Because its a manual process at the level of the local bakery they can easily up the amount they bag etc. Unfortunately everybody only supports the big supermarkets that are incredible fine tuned machines that are also very inflexible when something changes rapidly. The only downside is that right now they are having to use plastic bags as the supply of paper bags has also run out.

    Free Member

    Joe, those look brilliant!. Get a go at sourdough, 5 days of **** about feeding a starter, and you’ll never need yeast again.

    Full Member

    Only if they are not listening to someone who knows what they’re talking about…

    Reading what they wrote about.

    Still doesnt mean I can buy flour.

    Full Member

    You’re correct, staring at the empty shelves in your local supermarket is the best way to buy flour

    Full Member

    @seosamh77 mouthwatering!

    Selection of different flour available from farm shop in Headbourne Worthy, near Winchester.

    Full Member

    You’re correct, staring at the empty shelves in your local supermarket is the best way to buy flour

    You are quite amusing, its like listening to Gavin Williamson say we dont have a shortage of PPE its just not in the hospitals in the UK its in Turkey.

    Not a single bag of flour of any description in the baking isle of my local Tesco. Always 5 or 6 10 kilo bags of chapatti flour in the Asian isle.

    I’ve used it for bread, pizza dough and to make suet crust pastry so far, as well as chapatis and nans. Seems to be fine. Making apple crumble with some later, I’ll report back.

    Full Member

    A note on this, the local Morrisons ( Leeds Holbeck ) is now selling 1kg bags of plain bread flower from their own supplies to suppliment the shortage. It was 60p.
    I think if there isnt any on shelves you could try ask the bakery and they might be able to get some!
    Same with wholemeal too.

    Full Member


    Still doesnt mean I can buy flour.

    I know it’s a STW disease but you’re just being pathetic. You know that if you get off your arse and go to different shops, or look on the web then you can get flour. It may not be the usual size, or the usual supplier but it is out there.
    It just requires you to stop behaving like an muppet

    Full Member

    You are quite amusing, its like listening to Gavin Williamson say we dont have a shortage of PPE its just not in the hospitals in the UK its in Turkey.

    More akin to it not being in the cupboard you usually find it, but in another room along the corridor a bit. Oh and maybe not in the same coloured cellophane that it is usually is but it is the same stuff and does the same job and is available.

    Full Member

    Please guys I’m sorry I wrote my little piece yesterday, I wouldn’t have if Id known it was going to cause ructions!

    Anyway please get back to baking & lets see the results :)

    Full Member

    just been to our local(ish) bakers and got 6kg for me and 6kg for my daughter. owner said they dont have a shortage there.

    few more loaves of soda bread whilst im building up my sourdough starter methinks….

    Full Member

    I know it’s a STW disease but you’re just being pathetic. You know that if you get off your arse and go to different shops

    I do apologise, my government, useless as they are, have suggested not making unnecessary journeys so I’m limiting my shopping to once a week at one place. Its only had chapati flour when I’ve been in for over a month. I’m quite happy with that but it certainly doesnt mean there is no flour shortage. You of course can go wandering off to your local artisan bakery if you like, my village doesnt have one. I’m also avoiding buying stuff online as I dont want to be responsible for delivery drivers having to work and get ill just to bring me 10kg of flour. Maybe that makes me pathetic but I couldnt really care less about your opinion, so you crack on champ.

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