Sommet VRX, love, next question? 🙂 Reviews say 99% of bikes are too short unless they have stupidly long reach or 1 metre wide bars. The Sommet has longer reach than an Enduro 650b or a Capra. Those bikes being “short” has hardly held them back sales wise…….
I got the Sommet in the sale, great value considering X1, Reverb Stealth etc, I have just put on some carbon bars I had and changed the forks to a set of Mattocs, oh and the rear tyre was made of lead….
Not looked at the 2016 ones but expect great value again. TO remain unbiased, Canyon also great, can’t really go wrong with either. Both have same potential issues with warranty being online purchase only but I suspect with Vitus (ie CRC) things would be simpler plus their stock levels tend to be more accurate than Canyon..