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  • Anyone lit the stove yet?
  • bedmaker
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    Few running repairs to ours this week, so a couple of small wood fires to check it’s all good. Not lit in anger yet, but will be going 24/7 within the next few days. Single brick house – relies on air movement – gets damp and mould grows if we don’t light up as soon as colder autumn nights arrive.

    Free Member

    Bedmaker – do you find the firebricks in them Morsos break far too often?  Also, is that a control lever at the bottom of the stove as well?  I have the stand up version of that stove but no controls below the stove – just at the top.

    Full Member

    cb – yes, the rear firebrick splits pretty much as soon as the stove is used.  Having a crack in it is no major problem though.

    It does have an air control at the bottom, fitted by myself.  It was a pretty poor stove initially really.  Totally uncontrollable burn.

    I put a better air controller on, and modified the firebox shape to make it more similar to a Rais.  Along with a chimney damper, it now works much better.

    Typical Morso, easily the most overrated stoves on the market.  At the time of purchase though, wall hung stoves were thin on the ground.

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    I put ours on yesterday because there is a cold running through the house (I’ve not got it) and I’m glad I did because it was 4deg in Manchester last night.

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    Last two days:

    Free Member

    First frost in the Shire this morning:

    First frost. by martinddd[/url], on Flickr

    We don’t have a stove 😱

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    Free Member

    Replace foot with labrador, that could be a staged advert for Stove Monthly / Guardian Sunday magazine / Horse & Hound Digest.

    Our stove barely visible behind mountain of childrens toys, large fireguard, ash and mrsm’s footwear overflow pile.

    Is that really the lounge in regular use?

    Full Member

    Log burner ✅

    Flue Thermometer ✅

    Stove Fan ✅

    Kindling Axe ✅

    Neat Log Store ✅

    Vinyl Player ✅

    Top STW points dude.

    Full Member

    For gods saka B A Nana have some decency and hoover the rug before posting on Stw wont you! ;)

    Free Member

    Who has had their flue cleaned since last year?  I haven’t and am wondering whether to bother?

    Full Member

    I clean mine every year myself. Not done it yet but will have it done by the end of the week.

    Free Member

    There she is, first one of the season  :)

    Free Member

     that could be a staged advert for Stove Monthly / Guardian Sunday magazine / Horse & Hound Digest.

    Thanks, but I think Bedmakers photo looks much more staged Homes and Gardens what with his designer stove and matching 1960’s phone.  Anyhow, the answer is that the whole ground floor is totally brand spanking new (you should see the kitchen), everything courtesy of the Greek god Poseidon and Axa Insurance (with the exception of the turntable which I bought in 1988).

    Free Member

    doris please be very careful (and move those logs)  my brother is a firefighter and has been to house fires caused by logs stored beside the stove catching alight.

    Still not lit my own yet, but companion set out the loft, fireguard set up, checked beneath the stove and cleared of stray kiddies toys, several bags of kindling split and tonight I’ve brought up from the wood shed a week plus of evening burns worth of wood….probably more as the stuff i grabbed was all apple, quince and ash, nice hard woods.

    did light my parents again yesterday though after taking them another boot load of wood and more kindling

    oh and flue was swept by me back in april, about a week after i ran out of dry wood last year

    Full Member

    doris please be very careful (and move those logs)  my brother is a firefighter and has been to house fires caused by logs stored beside the stove catching alight.

    My brother in law is a fireman and nearly burnt down his house by setting fire to the log basket…

    Free Member

    lol!  too lose to the stove or something even sillier?

    Full Member

    Yep to ^. The logs if left will dry out to such a point that they will spontaneously combust, happened to an ex of mine who got a stove installed without prior knowledge of good practice, she came home to a house full of smoke and a smouldering log pile on each side of the fitted stove, her logs were stacked at least 2” clear of the stove walls unlike yours which are touching.

    edit : had my flue swept/cleaned last month for the first time in 3years of use, got half my stoves tiny dustpan of ash and debris to clean out so I’ll next get it swept in 2021 or thereabouts

    Full Member

    I would have done if both the karkalugn and flue had not needed servicing. The bloke has a waiting list, so it looks like no fire indoors until Christmas.

    Free Member

    ta for the pointers. There usually isn’t quite that much wood piled there, because i’m too lazy to bring it in from the shed more than 5 minutes before I need it, and I’m always careful to ensure that the only logs touching the stove are at the base where it doesn’t get so hot (I could put my hand on it).

    But i’ll be more careful in future!

    her logs were stacked at least 2” clear of the stove walls unlike yours which are touching.


    Full Member

    Down her right on the coast sandwiched between the sea and the downs it’s not yet even kicked the heating thermostat on in a fairly draughty 1920s property.

    I guess it’s the sea keeping us warm, it’s still lovely for a swim, only 10 miles north of the downs they’ve had frost, we’re nowhere near that stage, will be back to 20deg this week.

    still, stoves are life affirming, I’ll get mine lit and open a window. 🤗

    Free Member

    I’m lit.

    Full Member

    Log burner

    Flue Thermometer

    Stove Fan

    Kindling Axe

    Neat Log Store

    Vinyl Player

    Top STW points dude.

    I don’t see a walnut hammer, though.

    Free Member

    Not yet – didn’t have it swept last year so now waiting for a sweep as don’t want to risk it. Unfortunately his first free appointment was 12 Oct… :(

    Free Member

    I succumbed last night…. well actually MrsSB did.

    I was out mowing one of the paddocks and it was getting chilly so I thought I’d surprise her with the fire – got inside and she’d already lit it!

    T’was very nice :)

    Full Member

    Nope, cos the several grands worth of Jotul gas “stove” that the Mrs bought won’t light, ignition unit has failed after 10 months.  Oh, well.  Looks nice though :)

    Full Member

    I was out mowing one of the paddocks

    The STW’er O’meter just exploded…

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