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  • Another entitled dog owner… 😡
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    Would I be justified in giving one of them a smack or feeding them something poisonous if they wouldn’t leave me alone and the parents refused to call them back?

    If a child was hitting you, or stealing your food, and you asked their parent to intervene… would you expect them to refuse and just say “he’s just after your food”, or “he doesn’t usually hit people”.. no, you’d expect them to retrieve their child. If they didn’t your options for your next step would be quite different to dealing with a dog, because, and this hopefully won’t come as a shock to you… children are not dogs, and visa-versa.

    Full Member

    Sandboy, if you have time to get a phone out and start recording, why not just reach down and hold its collar or distract it by giving it a stroke.

    Unfortunately the dog wasn’t wearing a collar and the owner was no more than 5 meters away. Had I grabbed his dog there’s a good chance he may have become more angry and the incident escalate into something else.
    We just wanted to get our dogs out of the car with minimal fuss and he just couldn’t see that.

    Full Member

    That depends. Has a child ever bitten you or curled out a massive steaming turd on your garden?

    Er…… Yes 😁😁😁😁

    Dogs do on occasion do unpredictable things, apologising and trying to make it right are then the way to move forward. Just like that time a car driver pulls out on you and you stop to berate the driver at the next lights and they wind down the window and apologise and you just say, ok, just try to look next time. As opposed to those **** who try to run you over and then blame you.

    Full Member

    Having just had to scrape a dog egg out of the bottom of my SPD shoes because some ignorant **** didn’t think to pick it up, then yes. If some ignorant **** let’s their child run feral shitting everywhere why not.

    Free Member

    You know, the way a lot of people on this thread feel about dogs, I feel about children.. Would I be justified in giving one of them a smack or feeding them something poisonous if they wouldn’t leave me alone and the parents refused to call them back?

    Username checks out…

    Free Member

    Dog owner two, dog of the lead, it’s tearing around the park, I’m a handy target and so get repeated clearly unwanted attention, nips at me 2-3 times, owner sits on bench ignoring everything/ avoiding me. Confront, ‘he just wanted to chase something” respond with with your dog nipped at me three times, response “he doesn’t know how to nip”, respond with next time it’s the police and the council, response “they won’t do anything”

    My response would be along the lines of “They will when I tell them that there’s a flasher in the park matching your description and they’ve got a nuisance dog too”.

    The argument is always with the owner, not the dog.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of dog owners and dogs are absolutely great, but there does seem to be an increasing minority of ****s out there with dogs over the last few months.

    Always had dogs when I was a kid and have wanted one for years but never been the right time. Now I work from home a lot more it seems like a good opportunity, but I have been largely put off by the number of selfish ****s who have got dogs recently. I have a relative who I can no longer walk with because he lets the dog off at every possible opportunity, inevitably leading to a lot of low level confrontation – really makes my teeth itch! Hopefully it’ll calm down a bit post lockdown.

    I can understand why people would talk about being aggressive towards dogs or owners in these situations – it is really maddening, but honestly it’s not the answer in the vast majority of situations I think.

    Free Member

    The argument is always with the owner, not the dog.

    Well yeah, it’d be quite hard to argue with a dog. I mean feel free to give it a go.

    Free Member

    Well yeah, it’d be quite hard to argue with a dog. I mean feel free to give it a go.

    Bit like arguing with a troll.

    Free Member

    Guessing the majority of folks moaning about dogs haven’t got any/ever owned one ?

    Yes, we had several dogs when growing up.

    I still hate dog owners who don’t keep their mut on a lead. I’ve seen too many bites, sheep paying the price or simply scaring or annoying other people from their sweet little innocent pooch who’s never done such a thing before and wouldn’t ever expect it from their unpredictable animal.

    Free Member

    Bit like arguing with a troll.

    Great simple comeback, well done you.

    Free Member

    Username checks out…

    My aching sides..! Did you come up with that all by yourself?

    If a child was hitting you, or stealing your food, and you asked their parent to intervene… would you expect them to refuse and just say “he’s just after your food”, or “he doesn’t usually hit people”.. no, you’d expect them to retrieve their child. If they didn’t your options for your next step would be quite different to dealing with a dog, because, and this hopefully won’t come as a shock to you… children are not dogs, and visa-versa.

    Just as there are plenty of idiotic, selfish, entitled dog owners (of whom I despise and despair), there are plenty of parents who are just as bad with their offspring.

    Here’s the kicker – as humans, we have the capacity for abstract reasoning, malice, premeditation, and so forth. Dogs, and other animals, do not. They are purely and solely a product of their training, their life experiences, and the situations they have been in, through no fault of their own. Animals are innocents, they cannot be “good” or “bad” in the way that humans can. Which means, if there is a dog behaving inappropriately to the situation, it is never their fault. Your quarrel is not with them, it is with the person responsible.

    Full Member

    You know, the way a lot of people on this thread feel about dogs, I feel about children

    I’m similar.

    I expect my children to behave. They’ve been taught/trained to be respectful.

    If one of them isn’t, or is upsetting someone else, then they and/or I am responding and apologising.

    I did so last week when one of mine sped past a hillwalker, making her jump. Turns out she was deaf and hadn’t heard him. Cue an apology from me, and him made to go back to her and also apologise. Turns out she was impressed with his riding and asked if he raced…simple, respectful human interaction.

    Yesterday was the total opposite. The dogs weren’t aggressive – it was the owner who ignored someone who was scared, a direct plea to help and then threw really nasty abuse about when challenged.

    I still do think this is a minority.

    Full Member

    Your quarrel is not with them, it is with the person responsible.

    I think just about every post in this thread says exactly this.

    Free Member

    On a side subject, we do have a bit of an eccentric local character who would frequent the local pubs with this maladjusted spaniel and leave it off the lead. The spaniel would invariably try and crawl into your lap, regardless of whether or not you wanted it there. Chris – the owner – has a bit of a temper and was barred from one local for hurling a glass at a barman who implored him to “keep the effing dog on a lead or else you’re barred”. His reasoning is quite simple, he’s lonely and thinks that a cute spaniel is a great conversation opener, he’s not a dafty by any stretch of the imagination, but he’s quite socially inept and cannot fathom why a smelly, muddy spaniel is not welcome when you’re wearing your best suit, trying to enjoy a post work pint in the pub.

    There are a few people like Chris out on the trails.

    Full Member

    In the morning our Collie smells like its been sleeping in the McVities Biscuit factory on Stockport Road…

    Ginger Nuts?

    Off he walked with his pal twirling a very heavy looking metal chain style dog lead.

    Now, I am wary of dogs having been bitten etc.

    I’d be wary of the owner, as I’m sure you were.

    Full Member

    muddy spaniel is not welcome when you’re wearing your best suit, trying to enjoy a post work pint in the pub.

    There are a few people like Chris out on the trails.

    There’s not many in suits though many do seem to be very precious about getting dirty when out in the countryside. Luckily the shops are now re opening so the white trainer brigade won’t need to step off tarmac or concrete for a while.

    Full Member

    You mean it’s OK to have a dog jump up at me and wipe it’s muddy paws on my trousers because I’m not wearing a suit?

    Full Member

    You mean it’s OK to have a dog jump up at me and wipe it’s muddy paws on my trousers because I’m not wearing a suit?

    Do I, how did you work that out?

    Free Member

    I’m with the Muslims when it comes to dog ownership

    Do you really need to say “the muslims” thats such a generalisation. Its sorta… well is offensive to me any way

    Full Member

    Dogs – unquestioned loyalty :)

    Humans – manipulating – vindictive – angry – unpredictable – unreliable – lying – cheating – vain – selfish – narrow minded – dogmatic ;) – hypocrites – sadistic – deluded – negative – entitled – dishonest – violent – envious – arrogant – egotistical – conceit – cruelty etc etc etc ;)

    Free Member

    if whippet man is a regular at the park and you think he drives there just follow and take photos of getting into car, reg number,he’ll be easy to find and as a bonus upset too :-)

    Free Member

    I can understand why people would talk about being aggressive towards dogs or owners in these situations – it is really maddening, but honestly it’s not the answer in the vast majority of situations I think.

    Your suggestion on a postcard is?

    if whippet man is a regular at the park and you think he drives there just follow and take photos of getting into car, reg number,he’ll be easy to find and as a bonus upset too 🙂

    I live next door to the park and I expect my kids to be able to play there unmolested. Couch to 5k means I’m running there regularly and it’s a great summer evening frisbee spot so I’m going nowhere.

    I suspect he’s had comments before and seeing as he never called it back, absolutely no recall. Following up isn’t going to be an issue if he doesn’t take the constructive criticism and put it on a lead. He’s had his warning, police and council are the next stage

    Free Member

    Do you really need to say “the muslims” thats such a generalisation. Its sorta… well is offensive to me any way

    What if they’d said ‘I’m with the Christians when it comes to working on Sundays’


    Full Member

    Do you really need to say “the muslims” thats such a generalisation. Its sorta… well is offensive to me any way

    What would you like me to say that would be less ‘offensive’ to your delicate sensibilities?

    You’ll have obviously done your homework and will be fully aware that Islam forbids keeping dogs in the house, right?

    So, in what way am I generalising?

    Free Member

    What would you like me to say that would be less ‘offensive’ to your delicate sensibilities?

    You’ll have obviously done your homework and will be fully aware that Islam forbids keeping dogs in the house, right?

    So, in what way am I generalising?

    You know what dude, whatever. The way I see it I wouldn’t say something like to describe a group of people in way you did “the muslims.” If I used a phrase like that at work I would be pulled up on it, my partner and friends would pull me up on it too. I guess I have different standards and ideals to you.

    Full Member

    I’m using ‘the Muslims’ to describe a religious group who’s teachings forbids them to keep dogs in the house.

    And unless I’m mistaken what you’re saying is that that statement makes me a racist?

    So if you could tell me how you would word it differently that would make it non-racist because I don’t particularly appreciate being called a racist?

    I’m a catholic, so if someone said ‘I’m with the catholics on the whole contraception thing’ should I be mortally offended?

    On your basis, I should, right?

    Free Member

    Just an experience to share. Not all arsehole responses mean the owners won’t change. As a kid, I recall an incident when our small labradoodle chased a runner, barking at his heels. She was not an aggressive dog but I understand why the runner would be shaken by this incident. He had a bit of a go at my Mom, she had a go back (heat of the moment) and sweary things were said. However, our labradoodle was let off the lead a lot less after this incident. When she was, it was generally in empty, open spaces.

    Full Member

    I’m using ‘the Muslims’ to describe a religious group who’s teachings forbids them to keep dogs in the house.

    Not all Muslims some see/use dogs as status symbols. I call racist !!

    Full Member

    What about Salukis?

    Full Member

    Do I, how did you work that out?

    Because of

    many do seem to be very precious about getting dirty when out in the countryside.

    Maybe I misinterpreted what you said or misunderstood what you meant.

    Full Member

    Not all Muslims some see/use dogs as status symbols. I call racist !!

    Now I don’t even know what you’re talking about as you seem to be spouting random gibberish.

    Maybe have a read up on the subject, eh? Before you go lobbing words like ‘racist’ around. You never know… you might actually learn something

    Raising or keeping a dog inside the house is not allowed in Islam under any circumstances, and even prevents the Angels of Mercy from entering the house, and deducts a large amount of a Muslim’s worship reward on every single day,

    Dr Ali Mashael, Chief Mufti at the Department of Islamic Affairs

    Full Member

    From this:

    many do seem to be very precious about getting dirty when out in the countryside.

    You take away this:

    You mean it’s OK to have a dog jump up at me and wipe it’s muddy paws on my trousers because I’m not wearing a suit?

    So how from what I wrote did you jump to its ok for dogs to jump up at people. I mean by all means debate what I write but don’t have a go at me for something I clearly haven’t written. That’s not misinterpretation it’s just plain making shit up. If I meant that I’d have said it.

    Full Member

    Nope. My kids used to be terrified of dogs but now they want one. I think it’s partly that they get to see neighbours and friends dogs who they have slowly warmed to. And partly due to the fact they’re now taller than most dogs, I’d get pretty freaked out if I came across a dog that was as big as me.

    It’s a shame that some people don’t seem to think it necessary to spend as much on training their dogs as they do buying them.

    Full Member

    This relatively recent sea change in Muslim attitudes towards dogs explains the dominant view of the animal today. While of course opinions vary and the elite in many Muslim countries keep dogs as status symbols

    Easy to copy anything off the internet and claim it as fact. Nope I’ll stick with you being racist !!

    Free Member

    hate to get involved with this, but people of the muslim faith (better?) and dogs generally don’t get on


    1. It is NOT haraam to own a dog, though it is not hygienic to keep a dog in the house.

    2. It is NOT haraam to touch a dog or any other animal. If the saliva of a dog touches you or any part of your clothing, then it is required of you to wash the body part touched and the item of clothing touched by the dog’s mouth or snout.


    Working dogs (hunting especially) are allowed. Anything else is not

    Full Member

    At the risk of derailing the thread yet further, Can you actually explain to me why anything i’ve said is racist?

    I know about the Islamic view on dogs from my Muslim next-door neighbour, Ahmed, who explained it to me as we had a guy on our road who had a massive Alsatian that he kept outside in the back yard and would bark it’s ****ing head off all night. He explained how it was forbidden to keep them in the house so it had to be outdoors in any weather. God (or Allah/Krishna ets… other gods are available… ) knows why he actually had it in the first place

    So that makes me a racist, does it?

    Could you just run me through why, exactly? Because I’m still a bit bemused as to why, other than your need to flaunt your sanctimonious virtue-signalling?

    Full Member

    I mean by all means debate what I write but don’t have a go at me for something I clearly haven’t written.

    OK. I imagine I was confused by the thread being about nuisance dogs.

    Full Member

    Control of your dog in public

    It is considered dangerously out of control not only if it injures someone but it ‘makes someone worried that it might injure them’. It is not the responsibility of members of the public to adapt to dogs being around. The responsibility lies 100% with the owner to ensure their dogs don’t upset others. It’s a shame not all dog owners realize this and the recent proliferation in ownership hasn’t helped. Not a nice experience for your wife.

    Free Member

    Minimon was ‘nipped’??? By two different dogs before his 4th birthday, it took me a lot of effort to get him to join me on walks in the countryside again.
    I now carry a 4ft blackthorn staff when I take him out, ignorant dog owners get one warning.

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