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  • Another entitled dog owner… 😡
  • johndoh
    Free Member

    Not sure which camp I am in then. I love dogs and own two of them yet I don’t want other people’s dogs jumping up at me when I am riding my bike.

    I am similar – I have a dog but I don’t expect her to jump up at other people (she does sometimes if someone comes to her to pet her but I apologise if it happens). I also do not expect other dogs to be allowed to come up to her when she is on her lead and I particularly hate it when people let their dogs come up to us if we are sat eating (ie, during a walk when we break for lunch). On several occasions I have had people just nonchalantly say ‘don’t worry, he’s just after your food’. Well yes, that is obvious, but keep your dog under control and do not let it stick its head in our bag of food.

    Full Member

    There’s a lot of comment on here about people training their dogs perfectly. It is a process and doesn’t always work perfectly, a bit like riding a bike, sometimes you fall off, although I’m assuming that’s not that case with all the keyboard warriors who must be awesomez!

    For Matt, his wife shouldn’t have to put up with that, dogs should not be allowed to bother people and they certainly shouldn’t be shouted at if they object to the dog approaching them.

    There is a massive rise in dog ownership at the moment, I’d count as one of them too. Training is really important to me but it’s not to everyone.

    Full Member

    I really sympathise with Matt’s wife.
    I too have a fear of dogs, due to being bitten a number of times.
    Our neighbour’s mutt runs out barking and jumps up at people. The owner shouted ‘what’s it done to you’. when I told the dog to get away.

    There has been a huge increase in dog ownership over the last year. Most of these dogs are not trained and are obese. Only yesterday I had to ask a townie* couple to put their 2 dogs on leads, as they were entering open fields and moorland with pregnant ewes and ground nesting birds on. They can’t seem to read the signs.

    *Townie – as they had waddled from the car without any suitable clothes on. There was snow on the ground and 2 dgrees temperature wise. The dogs were wearing bows and stuff, so looked like lap dogs.

    Free Member

    Am I understanding this right – someone on this thread has actually, seriously and honestly, admitted to deliberately killing someone’s dog?

    Full Member

    I just presumed it was a troll tbh

    Full Member

    I’m with the Muslims when it comes to dog ownership. I’ve never understood how anyone can have a creature living in their house that smells so bad because it’s, by its nature, filthy.

    Dog owners – you may have got used to it, but your house stinks. Really. You can try and tell yourselves otherwise, but you’re wrong. Dogs are absolutely minging animals.

    Full Member

    I was bitten as a young child by a dog that was just “playing’. My youngest son at age 4 had 2 dogs, off their leads in a public space but immediately next to a play park, jump up and 2 paws’ worth of claws scratch him. On this occasion the dog owner then threatened me when I suggested they should be on a lead next to a childrens’ play park – this seemed a reasonable suggestion and was not made in any form of aggressive way by me. Dog owner walked right up to my face and shouting told me he’d get the dogs to “rip me to bits” if I didn’t eff off. Off he walked with his pal twirling a very heavy looking metal chain style dog lead.

    Now, I am wary of dogs having been bitten etc. I like dogs generally. I’d even go so far as to say I’d always liked the idea of having a dog as a pal, but I am allergic to (it would seem) all animal fur, hair etc. My kids have always held this against me. My best mate had dogs and they were great although they were much older and definitley not so bouncy!

    Yesterday, on my morning pedal, I was chased by 4 dogs and one lady had to fight to restrain her Jack Russell which was tearing at it’s lead to get at me – full Jack Russelll scary teeth baring. I swear there was evil in its eyes. Not sure she would have managed to restrain it if her pal hadn’t been there too, as both of them had to hold it back. I was at least 6-7 meters away from them as the path split in 2. I endeavour to slow down, always ask to pass or wait if its a narrow route etc. I try to say ‘morning’ to folks I pass generally. I’m not perfect, I don’t claim to be. I have no issue with responsible dog owners, just like I have no issue with responsible anyones! Yes, even car drivers and the rare white van man – especially the one who picked me up off the ground after another car had clipped me.
    Total ramble of thoughts, but I actually did have a question…whilst I know it would not stop bouncy dogs and muddy paws on clothes etc. would all dogs having to wear muzzles in public be an option, or even be any help? It’s a genuine question from a position of ignorance, but as there are clearly lots of dog owners on the forum I thought I’d ask. Thanks

    Free Member

    Let’s Go Fishing with Uncle Binners

    Full Member


    The unholy stench off them is just one of the things I don’t get about dog ownership. Another is wandering around after an animal and picking up its shit. You do have to ask about who owns who in this relationship.

    Baffles me.

    Should I go on? I’ve got more… ;)

    Free Member

    Dog owners – you may have got used to it, but your house stinks. Really. You can try and tell yourselves otherwise, but you’re wrong. Dogs are absolutely minging animals.

    Yeah, we know, and we don’t actually care.. 😉 😁

    Full Member

    We have two dogs, they’re gorgeous happy friendly things, no danger to anyone. HOWEVER!!! They’re my dogs not yours, not anyone out on a ride, run, walk so I keep them with me on a leash by if I see people coming on the trail running biking etc. drives me mad when dog owners do this it’s just not bloody on. I’m not holier than thou, mine have said “hi” to people, I wasn’t watching, picking up poo, they came from an adjoining trail, my fault my dog’s. I couldn’t get them back to me and apologise quickly enough to the (admittedly un bothered) people but it’s still beside the point, my dogs should be with me not you.

    Gutted that your wife’s lovely walk was ruined mate. 😢 these people sound like utter gobshites

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Do you still smoke or is it just vaping now, binners?

    Free Member

    ….just one of the things I don’t get about dog ownership. Another is wandering around after an animal and picking up its shit.

    It would appear that you have more in common with loads of dog owners than you first thought. 😉

    Am I understanding this right – someone on this thread has actually, seriously and honestly, admitted to deliberately killing someone’s dog?

    IIRC, said dog was attacking him, the owner was doing nothing [effective] to prevent it.
    Sounds perfectly reasonable under the circs. ( Heavy emphasis on the
    in IIRC)

    Full Member

    Let’s Go Fishing with Uncle Binners


    all dogs having to wear muzzles in public be an option, or even be any help?

    I’m not sure it would to be honest..speaking as a lapdog owner and a rider of a bike who has actually been chased and bitten (not badly).

    I do occoasionaly see some dogs being walked with leads andmuzzels on, which I presume is the owners being responsible people, as they know thier dogs may nip or bite, so I encorage that.

    Something muzzels won’t help with is jumping and unintentional clawing… an aquaintence once had a boxer, dumb as a rock, friendly, but they are very strong dogs and this one didn’t know it’s own strength and wasn’t well trained. I thought it was about to slice my legs open with its claws on a few occasions when it was being ‘friendly’ with me.

    Also like licencing, muzzels would be ignored by the owners who really should be using them.

    Full Member

    Do you still smoke or is it just vaping now, binners?

    Not smoked for about 7 years now. When I smoked I always went outside to do so. Smoking indoors is gopping too

    Free Member

    You realise your house will smell too. It will smell of you, so give me my lovely smelling dogs anyday :-)

    Full Member

    We have two dogs, they’re gorgeous happy friendly things, no danger to anyone. HOWEVER!!! They’re my dogs not yours, not anyone out on a ride, run, walk so I keep them with me on a leash by if I see people coming on the trail running biking etc. drives me mad when dog owners do this it’s just not bloody on.

    Also this, 100%.
    I think the biggest misshap I had with mine whan he was a pup, we were in a beer garden, sat near a chap who had clearly been fishing and was enjoying a post fishing pint.

    My pup was on his lead, but I turned my back for 2 secconds, and guess what, he cocked his leg and pissed on the poor guys tackle box.
    That was an ‘I wish the ground would swallow me up’ moment… I of course emphatically appologised, but it was one of those ‘the damage is done’ situations.

    The guy was obviously very unhappy about this, but to his credit seemed to take it as ‘one of those things’. So fair play to him. I felt utterly terrible about that for a long time! though! :(

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood how anyone can have a creature living in their house that smells so bad because it’s, by its nature, filthy.

    You don’t have teenage boys in the house then?

    Stepson 2’s room was referred to as the Bog of Eternal Stench for a good reason, although I’m happy to report that matters improved considerably once he started to notice girls.

    Free Member

    I agree with Binners, our house does smell due to our minging mutt but we are used to it, however all our friends have dogs so it’s the norm. If you don’t have a dog then there is obviously some character flaw with you! 😉 On a serious note I would have just gone straight over put the dog on the lead and apologised for any distress. It’s about common courtesy and respecting other people’s personal space etc. Idiots will be idiots.

    Full Member

    You realise your house will smell too. It will smell of you, so give me my lovely smelling dogs anyday

    Thats a very valid point. Since I’ve been working from home all the time, all constraints on my prodigious guffing have gone by the wayside

    I suppose that its handy to have something around to blame ;)

    My mate had a staffie that he fed a vegetarian diet as he was veggie. Sweet jesus! It was like a four-legged chemical weapons programme. Its guffs were literally like mustard gas

    Free Member

    Went to the park for a rather slow couch to 5k run

    Two dogs both whippets

    Dog walker one, kept it on lead, no issue

    Dog owner two, dog of the lead, it’s tearing around the park, I’m a handy target and so get repeated clearly unwanted attention, nips at me 2-3 times, owner sits on bench ignoring everything/ avoiding me. Confront, ‘he just wanted to chase something” respond with with your dog nipped at me three times, response “he doesn’t know how to nip”, respond with next time it’s the police and the council, response “they won’t do anything”

    He’s one of those drive to the park brigade, retired, and clearly ignorant. He’s a regular so it’s bound to happen again

    Suggestions on a postcard…..

    Full Member

    Tricky, isn’t it. I’d be smacking that dog on the nose, if I’d already given the owner the opportunity to control it yet it still nipped at me.

    Free Member

    I’d rather not be taking it out on the dog, but if it keeps this up it’s going for a 5k run at week 9

    Full Member

    He’s one of those drive to the park brigade, retired, and clearly ignorant. He’s a regular so it’s bound to happen again

    Suggestions on a postcard…..

    Pfff… tough one, see also inconsiderate self intitled cyclists, drivers, walkers etc. etc. Some people just don’t care.

    Full Member

    No need to hurt the dog at all, just give it a clear non-verbal signal to back off. Only after giving the owner the opportunity to recall it of course.

    Full Member

    Suggestions on a postcard…..

    Treat it with chocolate. Police won’t do anything…

    Free Member

    The unholy stench off them is just one of the things I don’t get about dog ownership.

    In the morning our Collie smells like its been sleeping in the McVities Biscuit factory on Stockport Road… :)

    Free Member

    Treat it with chocolate. Police won’t do anything…

    My Google search history is now incriminating

    Plus it’s not nice to the dog and it’s the owner that’s the issue

    Full Member

    This seems to be a regular theme.

    I must admit that since my kids have become more relaxed around dogs there has been less incidents with dogs when out walking. The dogs must sense and be attracted to people who are nervous.

    Free Member

    I must admit that since my kids have become more relaxed around dogs there has been less incidents with dogs when out walking.

    Or perhaps you don’t register it as much as it has stopped being an issue?

    Full Member

    Suggestions on a postcard…..

    Police and/or dog warden. The police might not do anything first time, but if you’ve been nipped a few times already there are probably others who have too. At the very least the police or warden would hopefully have a quiet word.

    Most dogs have a natural prey instinct where they want to chase something, whippets and greyhounds more than most I think. In my limited experience once they get chasing they’ll nip. We had a bit of a run in with a big greyhound a couple of months ago, was left to stretch its legs across the local park. It knocked my two dogs over a few times and kept nipping at them.

    Full Member

    Dog owner two, dog of the lead, it’s tearing around the park, I’m a handy target and so get repeated clearly unwanted attention, nips at me 2-3 times, owner sits on bench ignoring everything/ avoiding me. Confront, ‘he just wanted to chase something” respond with with your dog nipped at me three times, response “he doesn’t know how to nip”, respond with next time it’s the police and the council, response “they won’t do anything”

    Whippets are usually quite delicate nervous little things. Undoubtedly you running made it think, game on. At this point the owner should have called it back so what follows is simply some advice from an owner of a very similar type of dog, I don’t want and am not interested in any debate on rights or wrongs. Mostly whippet are many things but they ain’t brave. I reckon had you stopped, annoying I know, bent down and bellowed **** off, or something more polite if you are more polite than me, it would likely have been scared half to death and left you alone. You could kick it but likely you’d miss as they are super agile little things and if you did connect it might well break!

    And if it does nip, take pictures of any injuries and go to police.

    Full Member

    Guessing the majority of folks moaning about dogs haven’t got any/ever owned one ?

    Sometimes dogs are unpredictable just like humans !

    Full Member

    Sometimes dogs are unpredictable just like humans !

    And their owners are responsible for dealing with that, not berating people for asking them to. Dogs do stupid things, owners need to gain control of them and apologise when they do so with other people who don’t want to deal with them.

    Free Member

    When I get chased I carry on, baring my teeth, swerving the bike if possible and absolutely roaring obscenities at the mutt and the owner.

    The only time i’ve actually been bitten is when I stopped.

    Too many dogs around at the moment….Shitting, pissing ,barking and generally being a nuisance such as chasing, biting.

    Full Member

    respond with next time it’s the police and the council, response “they won’t do anything”

    I’d go to the police / dog warden now if that’s his attitude. Then when it happens again you don’t need to threaten him, just inform him. I suspect he’s bluffing you and as a creature of habit won’t be hard to find. Get photos of dog, nips and owner and soon he’ll be squealing apologetically.

    Full Member

    Guessing the majority of folks moaning about dogs haven’t got any/ever owned one ?

    Sometimes dogs are unpredictable just like humans !

    Massive **** facepalm!

    Free Member

    You know, the way a lot of people on this thread feel about dogs, I feel about children.. Would I be justified in giving one of them a smack or feeding them something poisonous if they wouldn’t leave me alone and the parents refused to call them back? 🤔

    Full Member

    That depends. Has a child ever bitten you or curled out a massive steaming turd on your garden?

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