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  • Another entitled dog owner… 😡
  • funkmasterp
    Full Member

    Just read the description for that Dragon Soop ESQ. Sounds terrible and seems to be the new alcopop for today’s yoof. No worse than what I drunk in my teens (Mad Dog 20/20, Barley Wine etc) and I don’t recall stealing pensioners bins and setting fire to bus shelters.

    From ‘bloody uncontrollable dogs’ to ‘bloody kids’ in the same thread. Bravo STW, this is like being in somebody’s bitter grandads head!

    Free Member

    Think less mad dog, more buckfast. I have it on good authority the caffeine mix is lethal.

    Free Member

    No worse than what I drunk in my teens (Mad Dog 20/20, Barley Wine etc) and I don’t recall stealing pensioners bins and setting fire to bus shelters.

    You didn’t and nor did I but quite a few people did. Some ended up in fights others ended up all relaxed.
    People, like dogs, are all different. Some see nothing wrong with their dogs behaviour, others hate it.
    As an autistic person I can’t deal with all sorts of things that ‘normal’ people don’t even notice but we just have to get on with it and accept we are not all the same don’t we.

    Full Member

    it is also a vampire law so that explains why the government has never had to put it into UK law

    Bloody unelected mythical creatures telling us what we can and can’t do. Take back countrol !

    Full Member

    Yeah, before they bleed us dry! Drexit

    Full Member

    fully expect one of the mods to shut this down shortly.

    He’s an utter count, the one I mean ;-)

    Full Member

    It has become a rather high stakes thread.

    Free Member

    Well vampires definitely don’t like dogs/wolves unless What we do in the shadows was not based on reality?

    Free Member

    What about dog soldiers?

    Full Member

    What about dog soldiers?

    What’s your problem? He’s only being friendly.

    Full Member

    You can tell that’s in Scotland as the army are shooting it as it’s not at heel.

    He’s an utter count, the one I mean

    Not a fang?

    Full Member

    What about dog soldiers?

    We are going to need a bigger lead!

    Full Member

    People, like dogs, are all different. Some see nothing wrong with their dogs behaviour, others hate it.
    As an autistic person I can’t deal with all sorts of things that ‘normal’ people don’t even notice but we just have to get on with it and accept we are not all the same don’t we.

    Have a plus one from me!

    Full Member

    Is it just me or is a good part of this problem is that there are just too many dogs? Should the sale of dogs be restricted in some way? I regularly see people with 3,4 or even 5 dogs. What about a licence system? I freely admit to not being a dog fan, but I don’t actively dislike them (we had them at home when I was a kid). I’m just a wee bit fed up of dog filth everywhere and dogs chasing me when I’m running or cycling. Not too unreasonable?

    Full Member

    Jesus H Corbett, what a thread. It’s a week old and it’s taken me a week to read it.

    Here’s the answer: HUMANS TRUMP DOGS. That’s it, end of thread.

    “He won’t bite / he’s just being friendly / 99 percent of something I’ve just made up / people running around making them excitable / cross out dogs and put children / whatever the hell else narrative” – it’s all irrelevant. Bottom line is that two legs > four legs.

    It’s not about a fear of being bitten and it’s blinkered for owners and apologists to focus on that. Hell, it’s a straw man to focus on risk bites, a few folk might but most people don’t think that they’re about to get savaged by every pet that passes them by. Rather, people have a right to go about their day without being harassed by someone else’s hound no matter how cute they are.* Phobias aside they might simply not want slobber on their arms, muddy paws on their pants or just not like dogs. And that takes priority over your precious pooch.

    (* or the dog)

    Full Member

    I’ll back that up with a couple of anecdotes.

    I like dogs. I wouldn’t want the responsibility of owning one because they’re too needy, I’m struggling right now with kittens. But if I had say a partner with a dog who took full responsibility for it then I’d be good with that.

    In the last week I’ve been for a walk with two dog owners and their dogs. The first was on Friday with my mate Leaon and Monty who is 40-50kgs worth of Black Labrador. Monty hangs on Leaon’s every word. We encounter people or other dogs, some of whom are riving on the end of a lead going batshit, Leaon quietly goes “sit” and Monty’s arse hits the ground so fast and hard that it leaves a dent. Monty is awesome. We brought them into our back yard for a socially distanced cup of tea afterwards (and a bowl of water for Monty), the indoor cats overreacted in a panic but the dog barely blinked because Leaon told him not to.

    This afternoon I went out with my partner, her sister and the sister’s dog “Prince Rory”. Prince Rory is one of these handbag-sized dogs, I dunno, some sort of Jack Russell cross maybe? And it’s a little prick, I despise it. Walking down a bridleway, people coming the other way going “oh, isn’t he cute?” The sister goes “he’s not very friendly,” they go “oh” and step back but it’s too late because Prince Rory is suddenly giving it BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK at them. Off lead.

    The sister is a professional dog groomer.

    Back in the house afterwards Prince Rory went for our cat. I love animals, I like dogs, but I’d cheerfully put Prince Rory into low Earth orbit propelled by a size eight.

    If you’re out in public with a dog, you need reliable recall or a lead. It really is that simple. Pick one, there is no option three here unless you’re a bellend. People > dogs and it’s the square root of **** all to do with “he’s never bitten anyone before”.

    Full Member

    Sensible dog owners get annoyed at being tarred with the same brush as the idiots, but don’t see why they should have to modify what they do because of it. Non-dog people want everything done the way they say and won’t compromise

    Sensible dog owners don’t need to modify their behaviour, because they’re sensible. If they’re being asked to modify their behaviour then they aren’t sensible dog owners. QED.

    Non-dog owners, in the context of this post at least, generally just want to be left in peace to enjoy their walk. This really shouldn’t be an outlandish request. Where’s the compromise you’re proposing here, “oh, it’s OK, he’ll only get you slightly covered in the sheep shit he’s just been eating”? I might like dogs, I might not like dogs, but the call to choose to accept interaction with one is mine and not yours or the dog’s.

    At the risk of repeating myself, people > animals.

    Free Member

    Sensible dog owners don’t need to modify their behaviour, because they’re sensible. If they’re being asked to modify their behaviour then they aren’t sensible dog owners. QED.

    It’s a bit like driving though isn’t it? Not many people self identify as shit drivers and not many people will self identify as irresponsible dog owners.

    Full Member

    It’s a bit like driving though isn’t it? Not many people self identify as shit drivers and not many people will self identify as irresponsible dog owners.

    It’s a bit like all drivers labelling every cyclist as a nuisance who shouldn’t be on the road.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like all drivers labelling every cyclist as a nuisance who shouldn’t be on the road.

    It’s exactly like that, has this place suddenly turned into the daily wail?

    There’s a tiny number of people reading this forum, a smaller number reading this thread, a smaller number who own dogs, and the vast majority of those will be responsible anyway. So for all the whinging and pompous declarations of “I will not let your dog inflict it’s behaviour on me” I doubt even a single dog owner reading any of this crap will modify their behaviour, either because they don’t have to or they don’t recognise a problem.

    Still at least it gives the bored middle aged an outlet to vent their spleens.

    Free Member


    Suddenly?! :D

    I sometimes have to double check I’m not in the daily mail readers comments section

    Free Member

    Here’s the answer: HUMANS TRUMP DOGS. That’s it, end of thread.

    Indeed and some humans choose to have dogs and this doesn’t excuse abuse of dogs or killing them if a dog approaches you. Nor does it excuse dog owners form not training their dogs or cleaning up after them. If you get unwanted attention from a dog then take it up with the owner. If they’re not a dick they will be apologetic I’m sure, so long as you’re not abusive then all bets are off. Not sure how I would act if I was profusely apologising to someone about my dogs behaviour and they hurled abuse at me…would probably result with a swift retraction of my apology and a tirade of verbal abuse back..and I’m half Glaswegian and well schooled in the art of verbal abuse, so not many people can trump me when it comes to verbal abuse. We can all be dicks when we want to be. It’s an affliction all humans suffer.

    Is it just me or is a good part of this problem is that there are just too many dogs?

    Think this is a big part of the problem. Lockdown has not only seen an increase in dog ownership, probably from alot of inexperienced dog owner newbies (me included) as well as a restriction on where people take their dogs for walks. Also couple that with people who wouldn’t normally take a walk around their local villag/town/estate suddenly peeling themselves away form whatever box set they’re watcing, then you have a much higher rate of dog/human interactions. So no surprise there is an increase in complaints and problems..it is inevitable. Now that lockdown is easing it will be interesting if we see this reduce as more people take their dogs further afield for walks like alot of dog owners would normally do.

    Full Member

    Well this thread has certainly been something of a rollercoaster that must be on at least it’s third revolution now.

    It all comes down one thing at the end of the day, people can and will be dicks who are incapable of seeing how dickish they are even when called out about it. OP had that issue, as have many others who have shared anecdotes on this thread.

    Are there too many dogs. Yes, absolutely. And I say this as a dog owner. Dog rescues are full to bursting and having to turn perfectly healthy dogs away ( almost certainly to get euthanised ) because of lockdown puppies. Puppies that, if people who got them actually took an ounce of responsibility and properly trained & socialised them would not have turned into canine hooligans. Even at hooligan stage, if people took their responsibility seriously enough they could resolve it but no… easier to just give them away.

    As the owner of a large canine athlete who was a complete hooligan when we got him I am not going to deny that the journey was hard – it is. It took time with a good trainer who spent more time training me than the hound.

    Just like anything else, being a good dog owner is a skill that you have to learn. Some things you can just tick off – the easy ones are discussed in this thread. Pick up the crap, put your dog on a lead when asked, don’t let it near other people or dogs unless you have appropriate permission. Very simple things that don’t require any skill – just a bit of decency and common sense. The skill is training your dog like the Lab that @Cougar mentioned – I know I neither have that level of skill nor an animal that will respond in the same way – so my hound stays on the lead everywhere.

    Free Member

    Sensible dog owners don’t need to modify their behaviour, because they’re sensible. If they’re being asked to modify their behaviour then they aren’t sensible dog owners. QED.

    And who decides what is deemed sensible? Does sensible mean they do what you think they should?

    Free Member

    Out on cross bike last night, riding through a forest and on an adjacent path about 30 to 40ft away I could hear a women shouting frantically to try and control her angry barking dog.

    I Didn’t think much of it until I looked behind and the same big angry barking dog started chasing after me. Probably only lasted for 10s, but it started closing at one point and I was getting very worried. I’m a dog owner, so use to dogs, must be even worse for someone who is scared of dogs.

    Would hate to think what would have happened if it caught me, or worse still if it had chased a child that couldn’t ride fast enough to get away from it. It really didn’t look like it was friendly and chasing me for cuddles.

    The woman really didn’t have any control over her dog.

    Full Member

    If you get unwanted attention from a dog then take it up with the owner. If they’re not a dick they will be apologetic I’m sure

    Yes but by then it’s too late. Some (most, I don’t actually know) don’t want an apology and didn’t want the attention.

    Full Member

    A dog passed me yesterday, off it’s lead a few feet in front of its owner, the dog was wagging its tail, the owner and I greeted each other good morning.

    Free Member

    I’m a dog owner, so use to dogs, must be even worse for someone who is scared of dogs.

    Why didn’t you just quickly train it as it was chasing you and get it to sit and stay. Apparently as a dog owner that should be easy enough :-)

    Free Member

    kerley 😂 it may be easy, but that was the last thing on my mind!

    Drac well I had lots of similar situations to yours too. In fact the majority of my interactions with dogs and their dog owners are like that. When riding I am always considerate around dogs, I slow down and take my time when passing them, as I never want to scare/spook a dog in case I reacts badly. But last night was nearly a change of underwear moment. I was genuinely worried the dog was going to bite me if it had caught me.

    Free Member

    A combined path/bridleway isn’t a great place to let a dog off its lead, but then many owners seem infinitely entitled.

    Full Member

    How wise is this bridleway, how busy is it, is through tress or open fields?

    Seems like bad place for out of control cyclists to be riding, there could be you kids out with their parents.

    Free Member

    I’m speaking about the TPT, for example. One section of the user code says don’t block the path.

    It’s a designated cycle route.

    Full Member

    A dog passed me yesterday, off it’s lead a few feet in front of its owner, the dog was wagging its tail, the owner and I greeted each other good morning.

    Outrageous! That tail could have wagged a child’s face clean off or taken the eye out of someone doing squats/tying a shoelace. Bring back docking!

    That should be good for another page.

    Free Member

    Have we not finished putting everyone in their little boxes yet? Accept it, dog owners don’t give a toss about your whining. Drac has it correct, just like car owners think cyclists are uncontrollable dickheads, you guys think most dog owners are idiots who cant control their mutts.

    At the end of the day i hope you have managed to make yourself feel better but with maniacs driving about trying to kill you i would say you have bigger things to worry about.

    Finally, my little schanuzer must have read this thread. He has been a model of behaviour recently, even managing to recall when other dogs are running about. Maybe i will qualify as a responsible dog owner one day but if i dont, well i will climb inside my box and live with it.

    Free Member

    A combined path/bridleway isn’t a great place to let a dog off its lead, but then many owners seem infinitely entitled.

    Go on then, why?

    Free Member

    a lot to unpack here.
    While i have total sympathy with the OP and MrsOP, i really do,


    and many of the comments along those lines reads a lot like a Daily Heil Article about cyclists.
    you want to be careful going on about kicking dogs and owners being thickos, cause plenty of people think that about us cyclists.

    Getting physical with a dog is 50:50 going to get you punched by the owner, risky business.

    The only tactic i think you can get away with (and it only applies when on the bike), is to play them at their own game:

    if you’re getting chased by a dog, adjust your speed so the dog cant catch you, but can definitely keep up and keep interested. Run them into the next county, then leave them there.

    maybe the owner will keep the on the lead (if they ever get them back)

    Free Member

    Go on then, why?

    Because you are demanding that cyclists get out of the way of your dog on the cycle route, as if your dog had right of way.

    Would you do the same on a road?

    Free Member

    Seems like bad place for out of control cyclists to be riding, there could be you kids out with their parents.

    Why are the kids not on leads or walking to heel?

    Full Member

    if you’re getting chased by a dog, adjust your speed so the dog cant catch you, but can definitely keep up and keep interested. Run them into the next county, then leave them there.

    We covered this scenario a few pages back. Apparently encouraging a dog to chase you risks them dying of exhaustion. So I’m afraid you’ve become what you were criticising earlier in your post. Sorry about that.

    Free Member

    Another option would be to stop therefore no longer being the dog’s prey. I won’t be doing that though as it will play havoc on my segment times.

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