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  • All frontline NHS to be double jabbed to keep a job
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    … though of course, “talking about” is meaningless in isolation. People talk about things all the time, that’s how we reach a consensus that it’s a bad idea to do something.

    Again (I seem to be using that word a lot of late) this is bread and butter for the tabloids, “the EU is talking about [some random thing that might be unpalatable to us]”. Well of course they are, they talk about it and then they go “yeah, that’s bloody stupid, but now that we’ve talked about it and agreed that it’s bloody stupid we can put it to bed and move on.” But that doesn’t sell newspapers.

    Whether that’s what’s happening in Canada I do not know, I’ll ask my Tame Canuck and find out if you like.

    Full Member

    Canada are talking about an additional health tax on the unvaccinated population.

    Aren’t some European countries proposing this as well…? People of a certain age choosing not to be vaccinated to pay extra tax to help fund the negative effects of having unvaccinated people who could be vaccinated in the community. Like tax on tobacco, or alcohol. Go ahead, smoke and drink away, but pay for your choices. It’s partly bribing/pushing people to act in their own interests, and partly raising funds to pay for the burden created by many people making the same choices.

    Of course “talking about it”, and not actually implementing it, might be a way of nudging people towards vaccination.

    Full Member

    Whether that’s what’s happening in Canada I do not know, I’ll ask my Tame Canuck and find out if you like.

    So I did this. She replied:

    “First off, it’s Quebec doing that, and only Quebec, a province that frequently gets away with violating human rights because they are allowed to protect Frenchness. They even have a different legal system. I agree it’s a slippery slope though, does that mean people who break their leg doing something stupid or risky should pay an extra health tax, what about smokers, people who drink alcohol? People who get into at fault car accidents? Instead of a tax it should just be fines, like the fine you get for smoking within 10m of a building entrance, if you put people at risk with your shitty health choice then you get fined. It’s essentially the same thing but has far less potential long term abuses.”

    Full Member

    Interesting – my mate is from canada, well, UK origionaly. I forget if he lives in Quebek or not, he recently moved house and if memory serves, moved to Quebec from another Canadian province.

    He basically said the same thing to me as your friend said to you. :D

    Full Member

    as readers may remember I mentioned earlier and Ernie tried to strawman

    So now you have sly personal digs at me when I’m not even on the tread Cougar?

    Ok since you want to rake over what was mentioned yesterday how about you explain why you had a covid test an hour after visiting someone in hospital?

    Why didn’t you do it an hour before your hospital visit? Or did you do it an hour before and an hour after your hospital visit. So you regularly test for covid throughout the day?

    And what makes you so sure that you probably caught it from an anti-vaxxer? You haven’t explained that either.

    I look forward to your sanctimonious and patronising answer, and the obligatory personal attack of course.

    Full Member

    And what makes you so sure that you probably caught it from an anti-vaxxer? You haven’t explained that either.

    Speaking purely on my own behalf, we know that vaccinated people carry a lower viral load, so are less likeley to catch it from other vaccinated people in the first instance, less likely to become ill from it, and are less likely to infect another vaccinated person. et cetera.

    It’s hardly an outrageous position to be comming from, it’s just logical.

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