A few points…
1. If the OP’s complaints were about the service he had experienced in a bike shop then I’m sure there would be less criticism of him for “whingeing” about it. There seems to be a taboo about saying bad things about MTB holiday companies on public forums, perhaps because people feel churlish if they do so – even if they have had a crap holiday – becuase they have spent time in the host’s home, want to be friends with them or perhaps because they fear being shouted down by loyal customers.
2. I’ve only been on a couple of organised bike holidays, and both have been really enjoyable in spite of a few minor irritations. It sounds like the OP had many more irritations and felt prompted to share them – which I am grateful for.
3. STW is hardly a “baying mob”. If anything the default response on here is to tell anybody with a complaint to MTFU and to take the opposite side. Which suggests there is merit to the OP’s complaints.
4. Yes the compamny involved is more than one person’s livelihood, but a better initial response could have shut this thread down. Instead it was petrol on the flames really.
5. I really don’t like the word “legend” in it’s current geezer-ish usage, but Kiwidave IS a legend.