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  • 6 music weekend schedule changes (2021)?
  • ElShalimo
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    Has this been announced yet or is it just whispers & rumours?

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    Tom Robinson and Nemone both mentioned on Twitter that their Friday night shows are ending.

    I think Lauren Laverne said this morning there is an announcement tomorrow.

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    Radmac, Huey, Craig, Amy, Now playing with Tom, Guy.

    wouldn’t be sad to see Liz go. Giles and Cerys are manageable

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    If they replaced Lamacq with Craig Charles I’d be happy.

    Liz Kershaw is woeful.

    Free Member

    I also wonder how Lamacq manages to stay. When he was shielding and Craig Charles took over that slot became brilliant and it really showed how poor Lamacq’s show is.

    But I can listen to his shows, where as Liz Kershaw and Amy LaMay are two big switch offs for me. I just cannot stand to listen to them. I’m now worried that Liz Kershaw will be on when I am having to drive to drop my son off at his Mum’s on a Sunday evening. No chance of getting nts in the car.

    I’m praying the freak zone remains as I think that’s my favourite 6 music show.

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    I’ve been listening to Gilles since 1998 and his original Worldwide Show on Radio 1, used to be on at midnight on a Wednesday night, its only 3 hours a week, please let me have my happy place on a Saturday afternoon.

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    Was Giles still in Throtch in 98? ;)

    I can’t watch any of the Brian Pern stuff on BBC4 without immediately thinking of Giles Perterson…

    You’re right that six music should be diverse, and it’d be rubbish if we all liked the same stuff. I just wish he wasn’t on slap bang in the middle of Saturday afternoon. Let’s be honest, most of the stuff he plays has got ‘midnight on a Wednesday’ written all over it 😃

    Free Member

    The biggest issue I’d have with Liz Kershaw moving to an ‘interview’ show for me would be that she sounds absolutely thick as mince on the radio. I’d rather her playing music rather than talking ffs!

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    Liz Kershaw moving to an ‘interview’ show

    Talking to people is her weakest attribute it’s bloody painful.

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    +1 @Nick. It’s part of my Saturday now, or if I’m busy I’ll always listen to the whole show on BBC Sounds.

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    I assume the news is a statutory obligation placed on any broadcaster so they wouldn’t be able to get rid of it even if they wanted.

    Thankfully Radio Caroline has no news and only 2 ads every half hour.
    If you don’t like one show you’ll probably like the next. The man before 9am is a colossal prick.
    However ,we had the most amazing top 15 yesterday. I was well and truly educated with bands I’d never heard of.

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    Liz Kershaw reality divides opinion doesn’t she :-)

    Free Member

    Erm she seems like the one unanimous opinion on this thread!

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    I love/hate 6music the same way I love/hated John Peel shows when I was a youngster.
    I will put up with(for me)the 25% that annoys, as I know that something brilliant will come along and completely stop me in my tracks.
    No other station does that for me and I don’t do local/commercial shite radio.
    The only person I skip/switch off on 6 is the Kershaw,she needs to go to Smashie and Nicey FM (or Radio Caroline) ;-) 🤣

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    One if my little pleasures is on the occasional Friday evening when the perennial supply DJ, Tom Ravenscroft, is standing in for Lammo and still does his 10pm slot he refers to the Iggy Pop show as “Iggy in the middle”.

    Full Member

    One if my little pleasures is on the occasional Friday evening when the perennial supply DJ, Tom Ravenscroft

    Yes, I’ve grown to really like Tom Ravenscroft. I like that he uses the word ‘rad’ 😊
    I would have him on air over many of the others.

    I also like a bit of the other subbie, Huw Stephens and his soothing Welsh tones.

    Yeah, some of the stand-ins I prefer to the main slots.

    Full Member

    Talking to people is her weakest attribute it’s bloody painful

    A million times this. It’s bad enough when she’s opening and closing that flapping hole beneath her mouth by herself but when she’s talking over, interrupting, or just demonstrating how *** thick she is ‘in conversation’ with somone else I’d rather slam my balls in the car door than listen to her.

    ‘hi ya’. **** off.

    Free Member

    Knowing very little about Liz Kershaw, I looked her up. This is my favourite bit of trivia:

    “In 1984 Kershaw formed a band called <i>Dawn Chorus and the Blue Tits</i> with her friend and neighbour <i>Countdown</i> presenter Carol Vorderman”

    Full Member

    Erm she seems like the one unanimous opinion on this thread!

    That was the joke :-)

    its quite difficult to find a subject that stw is incapable of arguing about!

    Free Member

    Liz.kershaw remains part of the 6 music family and will present ‘legends at lunchtime’ when she interviews such legends as Pete Townsend. “So Pete what was it like playing Monterey with Jim Hendrix?”


    Free Member

    “when did you first realise you wanted to play in a band”

    “Oooooooh swinging sixties, carnaby street, mods that sounds exciting…………..was it exciting?”

    “Did you ever visit Roger daltrys trout farm?” “Oh you did” “so what was that like then?”

    “I was such a big fan of the who, I loved that song you did, tin soldiers, you looked really dapper in that union jack suit”

    Full Member

    Jamz Supernova will be taking the 13:00 slot on Saturdays.

    Free Member

    Liz Kershaw to Nile Rogers:

    – “So… what were it like in that Studio 48 club then?”

    – “It was Studio 54, man! How can you get that wrong?”

    – <defensively> “Well, I weren’t there, were I?”

    aaarghghghghgh the most toe-curling interview I have heard in years

    Free Member

    These BBC radio contracts are bombproof, unsackable.

    I think the djs get shunted around until they walk of their own accord. I’m sure management are hoping she’ll get a job at a commercial station but she won’t be flooded with job offers. She’ll be hanging onto this gravy train job like grim death. It’s inconceivable that 6 music want her to stay on. Even someone like huw Stephens probably wants a regular gig

    Pretty sure Simon mayo had Jo whiley foisted on him so he did one. And DLT and his ego had to resign live on air after a perceived slight.

    I know this is getting into bullying a woman but I just hate to see mediocrity succeed. Not even mediocrity, abject failure and incompetence. For the same reason our cabinet ministers offend me

    Free Member

    You never know she might suddenly become like paxman and interrogate Pete Townsend on his internet activities.

    “So Pete I was warned not to ask you this but I think it’s important, a couple of years ago there was a big controversy involving you and some internet sites..”

    <Townsend begins to walk out>

    “So what I wanted to ask was did you manage to sort the band website out so you could buy concert tickets directly from it?”

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matt Everett do exactly the same job “the first time” and is actually good at it?

    Full Member

    @fingerbang – it’s not about bullying a woman. Kershaw (and her brother in the past) are just not very good at their job. The complaints are about the individual’s inability to do the job they’re paid for.

    Lauren Laverne is good, Nemone too. Mary-Anne Hobbs is another that divides opinion but she’s still good at her job. People just don’t like her wishy-washy vocab talking about the dichotomous sonic highways juxtapositions etc. etc. She retains the ability to play records rather well.

    Free Member

    Please tell me Kershaw will just have a 1 hour slot?!

    I could deal with that, I work every other Sunday and my shift starts at 1…van isn’t usually out until at least 2 so I could potentially avoid her completely.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately Kershaw lives on for another (shorter) day. Hopefully she can move on somewhere else soon.


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    Mary-Anne Hobbs is another that divides opinion but she’s still good at her job. People just don’t like her wishy-washy vocab talking about the dichotomous sonic highways juxtapositions etc. etc. She retains the ability to play records rather well.

    MAH is guilty of talking some absolute cobblers but every day she turns up and drops bangers so she’s won me over. She plays music that would get her sacked on the spot from every other station in the country. I’m sitting in a beige office and she transports me to the vampire rave from Blade 2.

    Speaking of which, isn’t it Techno Tuesday today?

    Free Member

    Jamz Supernova is in for MAH now and is taking over the 1-3 slot on Saturdays I think. Today’s the first time I’ve heard her and I can’t **** stand her already. She mentioned some band or other that were ‘from the North of England’ like it was some kind of recently-discovered species then proceeded to bang on about London for five minutes. Jesus **** wept, no ta.

    LaLa, MAH and Nemone are all ace and can pretty much do no wrong in my eyes, MAH talks bobbins but plays awesome music. And this-

    I’m sitting in a beige office and she transports me to the vampire rave from Blade.


    edit- and some DJs are just shit. Edith Bowman is a good example of someone who will drive me to turn off/over if she’s on anything at all, ever, in the world.

    Free Member

    I agree, I don’t like this Jamz Supernova. She’s referred to michael kiwanuk-oo twice now.

    She either knows michael kiwanuka personally and everyone else gets his name wrong, or has a weird speech inflection or has just this minute mis read his name on a press release. you know internationally renowned, mercury prize winning, london based MK

    she’s transferred over from 1 extra so looks like they’re offsetting the average age, middle aged man quota with some affirmative action

    id be raging if I was Ravenscroft or huw stephens and mrs supernova’s just got a regular weekend slot. That’s assuming a regular slot is a step up from being a supply DJ – perhaps they like it – who knows

    Full Member

    I like Gilles :) I like Huey too, although I’m done with the Funk and Soul show, I liked CC much better as the replacement for Steve Lurpack during lockdown.

    Saturday without Liz is a great thing, there’s other stuff on Sunday I don’t like (Cerys, opinion dressed up as fact and lots of factually wrong too… ) so it’s easy to avoid now.

    Shaun Keavney is good but yes a bit less waffle would make for a better show

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    They could have easily got Liza Tarbuck to replace Kershaw and she could have done a couple of hours before her evening R2 show. 2 hours of the old gag of calling dogs names and squeaking the doggie toy would be a big step up.

    Free Member

    id be raging if I was Ravenscroft or huw stephens and mrs supernova’s just got a regular weekend slot. That’s assuming a regular slot is a step up from being a supply DJ – perhaps they like it – who knows

    Ravenscroft has had a regular weekend slot for 11 years now, so I’d imagine he’s not too worried

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed the first hour of Jamz Supernova today. Just about to pop it back on.

    Free Member

    she’s transferred over from 1 extra so looks like they’re offsetting the average age, middle aged man quota with some affirmative action

    also, this is well overdue.

    From lunchtime to midnight every weekday, it’s middle aged men, and til now it’s been middle aged men from 5am til midnight on a saturday, apart from Liz Kershaw.

    I don’t have anything against middle aged men per se, not least because I am one, but 6 music could really really use some more variety, this is a good first step.

    Full Member

    They could have easily got Liza Tarbuck to replace Kershaw and she could have done a couple of hours before her evening R2 show. 2 hours of the old gag of calling dogs names and squeaking the doggie toy would be a big step up.

    If you can enjoy Liza Tarbuck’s repartee, her show is excellent. She’s like unreformed Keaveny, just mindless amusing chatter, but pulls out an absolutely fantastic mix of music. I found a Bo Diddley/ Muddy Waters collaboration album I never knew existed from one track she played last week. Like Cerys, but with fewer random Welsh poets.

    Another that I feel bad about detesting is Fearne Cotton. I’m sure she’s good at something, but her R2 show is bobbins, and more than that she has absolutely zero aptitude or charisma for presenting on radio.

    I’ll admit to reluctantly coming round to MAH though. Her presenting tics annoy the buggery out of me (“…and I need to tell you…”, “…is the name of that track” after every other track, etc), but she genuinely knows music and plays some really diverse stuff – unlike Lamacq.

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    The stage name The Black Madonna references the Black Madonna paintings of the Virgin Mary, a tribute to her family’s favorite Catholic saint.[11] In response to a Change.org petition that raised concerns of racial insensitivity, Stamper changed her stage name to The Blessed Madonna on July 20, 2020.

    In case anyone else is confused. Taking over from Tom Robinson on Saturday nights.

    Liz Kershaw – 1 hour shows, 4 episode series. Not clear how many per year but as everyone else is in agreement on here – Matt Everett does a great job at a brief that sounds the same as this, and interviews are not exactly Liz’s strongest suit. I’m told on Saturday she’s hoping to get McCartney – that really would be a waste (but his interview with Adam Buxton is a brilliant listen if you’re a fan, Podcats)
    Sunday afternoons on 6 Music is Liz Kershaw’s Legends In Their Own Lunchtime, a new strand, presented by Liz Kershaw, with four episodes per series. The first series begins on Sunday 4 April (1pm-2pm).

    I know IR35 rules meant DJs are now staff but I still thought they were on some sort of talent contract that meant they could be exited. I can only think winding liz down slowly avoids some vast redundancy payment given she’s been around so long?

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    Cant be arsed with Huey Morgan. I’m pretty sure they play a recording of the same show each week and I’m glad my weekends don’t involve being pinned to the radio. Late night working to Gid Coe I would definitely miss.

    Agree on Lamacq being as far past his sell-by date as a tin of Captain Scott’s beef stew.

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