Been caught speeding and lying about it? You're in good company, apparently!
"What I do know is that I am in good biblical company along with Joseph, Moses, Daniel and his three Hebrew friends who were each found guilty by the courts of their day."
Will the next chapter of her story be in the fiction section where it deserves to be?
It worked for Dino and Sammy...
Harry, that's perfection!
I saw that and wondered why it hadn't made it to STW.
I reckon she should now play the ****ist card. Afterall we have no idea of how many of those calling for her to be kicked out have convictions:
Tony Blair was PM with a conviction for a sex offense.
Godspeed to her, I say!
Godspeed to her, I say!
Are you calling her a Black Emperor
Tony Blair was PM with a conviction for a sex offense
should've gone with this:
That site is drivel, snide innuendo and utter rubbish, not to mention blatantly homophobic and downright nasty. The implication throughout is that is someone is homosexual, they are attracted to children, is thoroughly distasteful.
I give that site less credence that Bojo's Brexit plans...
<edit> Actually, sod it. Reported.
Check out the convictions before you rubbish it.
My point here is that a black woman has her legal problems all over the media whilst other white male politicians with convictions have them quietly brushed under the carpet.
"I'm not really into conspiracy theories"
but here's something about something "alleged"/"said to" have happened with no evidence other than a politician's email (and we all know how reliable politicians are).
Check out the convictions before you rubbish it.
What, someone with the same name as Tony Blair's middle name means it's him? Yeah, right...
Well now start checking out all of the other cases on that News Punch page. Here's one for starters:
Here’s one for starters:
Well there doesn't seem to be any criminal activity in that story whatsoever.
This has taken a rather unnecessary change of direction....
Tony Page's convictions for indecent behaviour climed on the News Punch site are confirmed by the Independant article, gobuchul. keep checking.
This has taken a rather unnecessary change of direction….
says one of the most notorious thread hijackers, tangent takers and enigmatic thread title writers in MTBforumland.
Does anyone know Edukator out in the real world? If so,please let him know that jivehoneyjive seems to have hijacked his login.
It' me honest easy enough to prove, here's an appropraite song:
Do you have the time to listen to me whine
About nothing and everything all at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it
Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or am I just stoned
I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams
She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down
I went to a whore
He said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause it's bringing her down
Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all…
It’ me honest easy enough to prove,
I won;t believe it until you spend 6 months arguing with Mark about who owns your posts and whether he has to delete them or not.
Tony Page’s convictions for indecent behaviour climed on the News Punch site are confirmed by the Independant article, gobuchul. keep checking.
They took place between 89 and 95, way before he was an MP. He only ever received a conditional discharge for the offences. Hardly a criminal sexual predator.
The rancorous atmosphere was made worse by the fact that Mr Page's previous convictions for indecent behaviour were made public in the middle of the fight.
Mr Page, who is gay, was forced to say that he had been convicted of behaviour no worse than that found in a Coronation Street plot line.
Makes you think
My point here is that a black woman has her legal problems all over the media whilst other white male politicians with convictions have them quietly brushed under the carpet.
What utter bollocks.
Who has had a PCoJ swept under the carpet?
White male Chris Huhne was all over the rags when he was charged with PCoJ, as were the Hamiltons when they tried their defence for speeding, so well known and publicized that they lent their name to that particular defence.
Yer chattin' shite.
What about Clive Betts then? Still an MP, despite misleading immigration officals and abusing the expenses system, and avoiding the higher stamp duty rate:
My point here is that a black woman has her legal problems all over the media whilst other white male politicians with convictions have them quietly brushed under the carpet.
Note the subtle difference in language employed here. Anyone would think she hadn't just been found guilty!
Know your bullshitters kids.
Hopefully she'll be imprisoned.
Ted Heath then, sbob. Once again there is pretty much nothing in the media because yest it was brushed under the carpet with the complicity of MI6. You'll find it if you Google enough.
As for Chris Huhne he was given a cushy job for the boys, we'll see if the same generosity is shown to a lady speeder.
whilst other white male politicians with convictions have them quietly brushed under the carpet.
It's almost like we need a Sword of Truth and Justice to put this right. Huhne would have thought it was impossible for a white politician to be imprisoned for perverting the course of justice?
As for Chris Huhne he was given a cushy job for the boys,
Prison kitchens, I think.
Your cluthing at straws there Ed, she got exactly the same treatment, she now faces the prospect of being removed as MP at critical time. What is happening is exactly within the law. Given her previous career was either a lawyer or solicitor then she knew exactly what the implications were
What about Clive Betts then?
When was he found guilty of PCoJ?
Oh, he wasn't. Pathetic attempt.
Not prison kitchens, Martin, from Wiki:
Soon after his sentence, Huhne was appointed European manager of Zilkha Biomass Energy.[82] The firm makes wood chip pellets in the United States, selling them as green energy around the world and is owned by Selim Zilkha and his son Michael, who was a contemporary of Huhne's at Westminster School. Huhne's work in sustainable energy raised concerns that a cosy relationship between ministers (or former ministers) and energy companies may affect renewable energy policy adversely.[83] Huhne's role is to be responsible for "growing the business in the European Union".[84]
The Times reported that green subsidies for wood pellets, championed by Huhne when he was energy and climate change secretary, have cost the UK taxpayer at least 400 million pounds in subsidised power stations burning American wood pellets. The report suggests ministers following European renewable energy targets falsely assumed burning trees was carbon-neutral, while in fact shipping wood across the Atlantic produces more greenhouse gases than coal, at much greater prices.[85]
Huhne is also a consultant for Nationwide Energy Services.[86]
a lady speeder
Look how the bullshitter has chosen to employ exactly the same tactic that he has just been called out for.
How brazen these shite-talkers are!
Anyone would think the woman (doesn't sound as soft as lady, does it?) hadn't just been found guilty of perverting the course of justice, a crime so serious it almost always commands a custodial sentence.
Don't let him mislead you kids!
The only thing we should be discussing here is why she has only been suspended by the labour party and not sacked.
That, and the length of her gaol term. I'd like to see at least 24 months bearing in mind how considered her perversion was.
Ted Heath then, sbob. Once again there is pretty much nothing in the media because yest it was brushed under the carpet with the complicity of MI6. You’ll find it if you Google enough.
Jesus wept, the reason there's nothing in the media is because the whole thing was concocted off the back of the deranged ravings of a fantasist who was himself charged for child sex crimes:
the investigation was utterly bungled by Wiltshire police:
And the officer in charge was investigated for misconduct:
My point here is that a black woman has her legal problems all over the media whilst other white male politicians with convictions have them quietly brushed under the carpet.
Perverting the course of justice is a "legal problem"?
Anyone know what Boris was arrested for?
So why are you trying to defend the scum bags on the list, sbob? You and others try to minimise the wrong doing of some MPs but are happy with justifiably severe treatment of another. Cheating, swindling, fiddling MPs and those acting for big corporations against the interest of the British people should be kicked out.
Here's another list for you all, more comprehensive from a perhaps more trustworthy source (to some of you), which asks the same question, why the unequal treatment?
Still "no-one", sbob?
I've forgotten what you're complaining about Ed - politicians being found guilty of crimes?
What's unequal about the treatment of other MP's in a similar position?
You and others try to minimise the wrong doing of some MPs but are happy with justifiably severe treatment of another.
At the moment she has had the whip removed, been convicted of a crime and if the receives a custodial sentence of over 1 year will be kicked out of parliament, also if 10% of her constituency have a petition there will also be a byelection.
That is not defending any body else but it stating the facts of the case as I've heard them reported.
She knew exactly what she was doing and commited a serious crime which is a breach of trust. Despite being convicted she continues to protest her innocence. She has wasted the courts time. Regardless of her sentence I think that she should step down. I'd say that of anyone of any sex, race colour or party.
So why are you trying to defend the scum bags on the list, sbob?
That's simple; I'm not. When did you stop beating your wife?
Still “no-one”, sbob?
Unless you have provided links to some white male MPs who have had PCoJ convictions swept under the rug, then no, still no-one.
I am of course guessing that you have failed to supply such evidence as I have given up reading your shite for the day, yet am seemingly confident that you haven't.
Here’s another list for you all, more comprehensive from a perhaps more trustworthy source (to some of you), which asks the same question, why the unequal treatment?
Seems to be a long list of white men whose crimes were brushed under the carpet by being taken to court, convicted, jailed and forced to resign from political parties.
Did you forget the point you were trying to make somewhere along the line?
As an aside, did the author write his impassioned defence of Salmond while inebriated? Its rambling and entirely incoherent nature seems to follow the post-long lunch school of journalism.
Genuinely not sure what that article is trying to prove - it puts up a whole list of sex offenders, all of whom have been punished in some form or other, and argues what, that somehow they were treated favourably - if that were the case then they wouldn’t be on the list!!
Also I’m not sure it is particularly helpful to Salmonds case to equate him to a load of convicted sex offenders, or am I missing something?
Damn I took a long time to write that!!
When Jan Ulrich tried to strangle a prostitute there was more sympathy for Jan than the victim on STW. You'll find the thread in CFH's threads if you're interested. Try comparing that with the reactions here. Sympathy for a violent, drunk, dope head. Then there was the incident on the plane... . Funny place this sometimes (in the bizarre sense).
Happy Christmas everybody, see you all (virtually of course) in the New Year.
Now who's playing whataboutery Edukator? How do you defend perjury?
Whataboutery wobbling over, I hope. Meanwhile,
Dunno about Jesus being my co-driver, but he did build my hot-rod...
Now there’s only one thing I can do, and that’s ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
Has Edukator suddenly turned into Jivebunny’s sock-puppet! It’s a worrying turn of events.
As an aside, did the author write his impassioned defence of Salmond while inebriated? Its rambling and entirely incoherent nature seems to follow the post-long lunch school of journalism.
It is not a newspaper in the conventional sense, it is a website produced by a group of friends which they call a newspaper, no doubt because the MSM is controlled by lizards or unionists which is even worse, no different from any questionable blog which has chosen to copy and paste a list from another questionable blog.