Thor Ragnarok :
Man destroys his own planet because he didn't want to share it with his sister after she broke his favourite toy.
Passengers are delayed getting to NY as several disembarked half way (nicked from somebody describing the way the Muller report was summarised)
JFK: man got shot by someone
stolen from here:
Apocalypse Now; it's like the Wizard of Oz
Woman by the name of 'Debbie' enjoys a lot of sex in a city called 'Dallas'
Man shaves without a beard whilst his mate screams at a tree. If it bleeds they can kill it.
Some fish find another fish.
The Day After Tomorrow.
(only valid on a Thursday).
Reservoir Dogs
Bank robbers get shot.
Fight Club
Man hits himself
The Wizard of Oz.
Girl goes to strange land and kills the first person she meets then joins up with three fugitives and goes on to kill again.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Mother uses advertising to promote the work done by the local police force.
Apocalypse Now
Man goes on an oriental boat trip of discovery.
A journey through foliage in order to get a ride on a helicopter.
Star Wars
Hostorical spiritual awakening with a sub-plot of incestuous romance.
Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Archaeologist pointlessly dashes around the world and achieves nothing.
Character has a mysterious birth, performs a couple of miracles, dies then comes back to life before leaving for good.
Game of Thrones
Swords, tits, dragons and zombies
Passengers are delayed getting to NY as several disembarked half way (nicked from somebody describing the way the Muller report was summarised)
I quite like 'Everyone does the ice bucket challenge'
Game of Thrones
Swords, tits, dragons and zombies
"Peter Stringfellow's Lord of the Rings"
Cool Hand Luke
Man with communication issues proves somebody can eat 50 eggs.
Haunted gravestone turns monkey into a killer. Monkey's descendants find another haunted gravestone then build clever computer. Computer says no. Last haunted gravestone turns out to be hollow.
Man who kills robots is a robot or not.
and a unicorn
Rain Man
Dustin Hoffman is more likeable than Tom cruise
"The names MacAllister. Kevin MacAllister"
Mad Max-Fury Road: This way. That way.
Half of the cast are blue
the smurf movie
Citizen Kane: rosebud's a name for a clitoris sledge.
The Karate Kid:
Old man tricks child in to doing household chores. Beats up some other kids and mocks a war veteran.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Two cowboys rob lots of banks then get shot dead. And a bicycle
The Incredible Hulk: a good man with astounding anger management issues gets chased by the nasty military
Man struggling to find his place in a changing world goes fishing
Planet of the Apes: Descendant of monkeys gets lost and thinks he's in a place where monkeys rule but really he's on the monkey planet all along only the monkey descendants on the monkey planet blew up aforementioned monkey planet because they didn't like the other monkeys on the monkey planet and thereby left the monkey planet to the monkeys.
(Yes I know apes and monkeys are different but that's part of the explaining it badly bit)
LOTR entire trilogy
Except it's explained really rather well.
Finding Nemo
Man's wife was brutally murdered shortly after giving birth, leaving his son physically disabled and then in a twisted turn of events the son was kidnapped and his father chased the kidnapper thousands of miles with a mentally disabled woman to get him back.
Haunted gravestone turns monkey into a killer. Monkey’s descendants find another haunted gravestone then build clever computer. Computer says no. Last haunted gravestone turns out to be hollow.
So that's what it was about.
Lord of the Rings: elves, basically.
Bonus description - Touching the Void: man crawls to ridiculously bad soundtrack.
Alien Covenant
Idiots in Space!
(though I think that's a pretty accurate description)
I much prefer willstaffs Finding Nemo synopsis. Brill.
Bloke lost then found.
PS Still like the film though.
Star Wars:
Man falls in love with his sister and has his hand chopped off by his dad, who'd had his arms and legs chopped off by his surrogate Uncle. His nephew kills his best friend then blasts his own mum into space.
Basically, Space.
Man regrets answering public phone.
12 monkeys:
Time travel, spider eating, kidnap, amateur dentistry shenanigans... Or severe mental illness... You decide.
Top gun:
Sweaty homo-erotic volleyball, some planes go whoosh, Goose dies, Tom loses his confidence, gets it back, beats the baddies (and by extension communism).
Meat covered, time traveling robot, murder/kidnap shenanigans... Or severe mental illness... You decide.
The departed:
Bostonian, Irish gangster shenanigans, everyone kills everyone else, only Marky Mark survives.
Days of thunder:
Top Gun, but in cars, and without the volleyball...
Die Hard:
Man attempts to save his failing marriage, end up endangering several civilians with gunfire and explosives...
Bumbling simpleton loses a boxing match, but gets a girlfriend...
Beauty and the Beast:
Grumpy, bearded, rich hermit kidnaps old bloke. Old blokes daughter negotiates a hostage swap. She suffers a slow descent in to insanity and starts talking to cutlery. Locals attempt to rescue her, but stockholme syndrome. Villagers die.
Nuclear weapon testing. BOOM! BLAMO! Giant lizard. Lots of property damage
Finding Nemo:
A bit like Taken, but without Liam Neeson.
Grave of the Fireflies
Two children go on wonderous adventures in post-war Japan, eventually they are re-united with their absent mother.
Lord of the Rings (all of them)
Extended Picnic
Fat ugly blokes can get laid too. But only when they stop chasing hotties and find a fat ugly woman.
Star Wars.
Impressionable youth gets radicalised by religious hermit.
Goes on to blow up a military base.
The Matrix:
The drugs do work.
Taken 2 - n
You saw the first one right?
Nuns on the Run
2 failed bank robbers explore religion and cross dressing
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
man takes boy into the woods and is chased by police.
Children of the Corn:
Threats to withhold pudding don’t go down well