hahah!somafunk - Member
Bad Lip reading does Donald Trump, quite funny
slowoldman - MemberPeople who want to use waterboarding need to first be subjected to it.
Well. I think anyone who understands it's a pretty horrendous torture and still wants to go with it, that's one thing, at least it's honest.
But I think it's pretty reasonable to ask people who pretend it's no big deal to a) explain why in that case they still think it can be useful, and b) put their money where their mouth is. Just 1 waterboarding session... Well, in the case of that chap up the page, let's do 2 or 3 because it's only torture when you do it a lot.
I think we'd soon see either a lot less support for waterboarding, or a lot of people who're still up for it, unexpectedly confessing to being terrorists.
Unfortunatley, it's people like ninfan and jamba that people like Alpha wind up getting killed for.
Yep, me and Jamba, nowt to do with Tony Blair and his Labour Party chums like Jack Straw.
ninfan - Member
Unfortunatley, it's people like ninfan and jamba that people like Alpha wind up getting killed for.
Yep, me and Jamba, nowt to do with Tony Blair and his Labour Party chums like Jack Straw.
Pointless rebuke. As far as I can see, it was in no way a partisan observation but one about attitude and 'debating' technique.
Yep, me and Jamba,
I was a bit puzzled by that too.
The insane bloodshed of the last 15 years or so was entirely down to a tiny handful of nutters driving aircraft into towers and then the West overreacting to that by starting un-winnable and counter productive Guerrila wars.
George 'W' is a keen mountain biker but despite that I'm not sure you and Jamba fit into either of those parties really.
Oooh, she [i]does [/i]have big hands.
live stream trump and may
A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb. A bomb.
Sorry, was I thinking out loud there?
Actually went alright for both, as far as these things go. Short and sweet, but very friendly(and even funny) and no mess ups.
Interesting thing was on torture, trump stated his belief that it works, but he's going to defer to his top general on the matter(who's stated that it doesn't apparently?) So interesting enough there, See how that plays out.
In general from a UK perspective regarding the brexit negotitions(whether you are for or against). It can only be a good thing on them to look like you are firm friends with the US I guess. (My biggest concern there is how that manifests itself in a UKUS trade deal.)
One another observation, seems a slight less scatty trump, bit more focused I thought.
Actually went alright for both, as far as these things go. Short and sweet, but and no mess ups.
Well I guess it depends if you think arming and training Osama bin Laden and deregulating the banks was a mess up.
Or whether being so affected by alzheimer's that your wife has to tell you what to say was a mess up
Or whether getting sacked by your own party because you force a hated tax onto people was a mess up.
One another observation, seems a slight less scatty trump, bit more focused I thought.
That'll be the Ritalin that the CIA have slipped into his official Whitehouse meals over the past week, they take a few days to show effect so i expect Trumps next live appearance to involve a happy-clappy sing-song session involving "Kumbaya" and lots of holding hands followed by a finger painting session.
I was thinking he's been taken into the smokey room!
I found the Trump quotes of him having relationships that he though would work, and ones that he thought wouldn’t, with the outcomes being the opposite, interesting at a press conference dominated by the UK/US 'special relationship’.
And yet China are one of the major countries you want the UK to do business with after Brexit.
Nope, I absolutely did not say that. China is the sort of country the UK should not seek a tariff free trade deal with.
A reminder of my priorities
boader deal with Commonwealth
What does Australia and New Zealand make that we want?
Sheep, NZ makes sheep, and cheese.
What does Australia and New Zealand make that we want?
Presumably the same things we sold you before you unceremoniously sidelined us in the 70's.
I'm not sure why you're so keen to renew the acquaintanceship at this stage, though Jambalaya.
A reminder of my prioritiesNZ
But small countries like scotland could never get by on their own..
new zealand population errr 4.5million!
Apologies if done, but I can't be arsed reading through the crap. This tickled me.[url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38777263 ]
[/url]"I don't necessarily agree, but I would tell you that he will override because I'm giving him that power," Mr Trump said of General Mattis.
So. this is going to be his line everytime he discovers that el presidente doesn't have the power and that most of his crackpot ideas will be reigned in by real politicians. It's going to be such a disappointment for all the little Trumpettes out there.
[quote=captainsasquatch ]So. this is going to be his line everytime he discovers that el presidente doesn't have the power and that most of his crackpot ideas will be reigned in by real politicians. It's going to be such a disappointment for all the little Trumpettes out there.
I wouldn't get too optimistic about that - he's suggesting deferring to his cabinet member, most of whom are cronies with agendas and plenty of crackpot ideas of their own. I suspect Mattis is one of the sane ones though (he does at least have relevant experience unlike many/most! and checking the confirmation vote he had almost unanimous cross party support)
"So. this is going to be his line everytime he discovers that el presidente doesn't have the power and that most of his crackpot ideas will be reigned in by real politicians."
That's my take on it.
jambalaya - Member
And yet China are one of the major countries you want the UK to do business with after Brexit.
Nope, I absolutely did not say that. China is the sort of country the UK should not seek a tariff free trade deal with.
I totally agree.
No tariff free deal at all.
Even other Chinese in Asia think you are fool if you do that.
...Mad Dog Mattis one of the sane ones. I mean I agree. It would be very wrong to judge the man by his soubriquet.
Haven't you guys watched Generation Kill? Mattis is completely batshit crazy!
kimbers - Member
check this slightly creepy picturehe really does have tiny hands
its like shes leading a child, literally and figuretivly !
I doubt President Trump is going to hold hands with any of the EU bureaucrats ...
I notice that hers is the dominant hand.
The insane bloodshed of the last 15 years or so was entirely down to a tiny handful of nutters driving aircraft into towers and then the West overreacting to that by starting un-winnable and counter productive Guerrila wars.
From an American centric point of view the 15 years of war were a resounding success, sure Europes been bombed and Syria and Iraq have hone to shit - but AQ were decimated and there has yet to be a major attack on US soil.
10 quid says Donald bones May and May resigns to be the new first lady. You heard it here first.
May has always struck me as being the kind of weirdo that would love a creepy mysogynistic rapist as a husband, especially one with power and money.
May has always struck me as being the kind of weirdo that would love a creepy mysogynistic rapist as a husband, especially one with power and money.
And she likes it up the gary.
there has yet to be a major attack on US soil.
Which makes Trump's crusade against muslims, and immigrants in general, even more bizarre.
It's not at all bizarre - check who's in the White House.
jekkyl - Member
he really does have tiny hands
Are those people mocking President Trump "small hands" different from them accusing President Trump of mocking the "reporter"? That is the question.
People do think alike don't they ...
you appear not to think at all
"Are those people mocking President Trump "small hands" different from them accusing President Trump of mocking the "reporter"? That is the question.
People do think alike don't they ..."
zippykona - MemberAnd she likes it up the gary.
It's not often I genuinely laugh out loud at a post, but I like to acknowledge a post when I do.
Do you suppose once they were out of shot he made a grab for her pussy?
Soooo, May (the female pm) is fair game for anal jokes now that she held Trump's hand.
May's ass got patriarched
And to think that some of you didn't believe in #WomensMarch.
slowoldman - Member
Do you suppose once they were out of shot he made a grab for her pussy?
hhmmm ... something not right about that question ... hmmm ... are you hiding something?
"Soooo, May (the female pm) is fair game for anal jokes now that she held Trump's hand.
May's ass got patriarched
And to think that some of you didn't believe in #WomensMarch."
Good point.
some good (sic) sexism going on here - is that fighting fire with fire?