How do you get burnt-on stains/crap off the non stick griddle/hot plate thing without removing the non-stick layer??
We accidentally nuked some meat last week and it's a bugger to completely remove.
Mine goes in the dishwasher at home. Currently away on holiday, i did a similar thing last night, used a plastic scourer we have in the van, cleaned it up perfectly
Mine cleans really easily. Maybe I've never burnt stuff quite as bad, but it always seems to come clean with a soak and scrape with a plastic spatular then dishwasher at home.
Tried that but the BBQd meat/halloumi combo won't bloody budge
Cadac = gas fuelled frying pan.
Get a Webber charcoal job & just leave it scruffy/burn the crap off/scrub with wire brush.
Sorry, no help just couldn’t resist.
Get it hot & add water to let it steam off?
Our flat plate thing is dead easy to clean - the griddle thing is a PITA. To be honest, even with a sponge scourer and 3 years of use, the coating has never come off but as above, I'd be tempted to try and heat it and see if it'll shift...
Soak it in a bowl of warm water and washing powder - our go to for anything that sticks to any pans.
Cadac make a spray foam cleaner what we used on ours. Sprayed it on, left it and hour, scrub & rinse. Its probably a caustic soda mix or sommert.
Thanks All
Having scraped it with a wooden spoon most of the recent sooty deposits are gone but there are patches of black burnt-on stains. I'll try some of the suggestions above
When you're stripping and cleaning check the gland-nut that holds the jet for terminal meltage.