Tubeless anchovies ...

Tubeless anchovies / bacon strips / plugs

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Offline  chaos
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The one time I've actually needed these so far, I found my set seemed to have swollen up to the point I couldn't get them in the little prong thing let alone in the hole that needed plugging.

Are they meant to be carefully kept in a sealed environment to avoid taking on moisture or something?

Second question - what's a good source of replacements and which size to go for?  Sprockets do a set of 16 1.5mm KOM ones for £7.99 or there are Nukeproof ones on Wiggle with a choice of 1.5mm or 3mm coming in at 20 for £3.99 which seems even better value.

Posted : 09/09/2022 10:01 am
Offline  footflaps
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I used some 10+ year old ones the other day, been sat in various tool bags etc all that time and still worked fine.

Can't remember the make, bright Orange.

Went to buy some more and found some which looked similar on Amazon, so bought those. Wasn't quite what I was expecting....

New and old ones!

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]Anchovies (tubeless tyre repair plugs)[/url] by [url= ]Ben Freeman[/url], on Flickr

Posted : 09/09/2022 10:10 am
Offline  stingmered
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I’ve also found they swell up and need replacing from time to time. I think keeping away from water/air helps so sealing the best idea. Bought mine off eBay. Generic type. Cheap as chips. Worked well the other week in the middle
Of Grizedale forest…

Posted : 09/09/2022 10:12 am
Offline  johnnystorm
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Loads on ebay to choose from as well.

Posted : 09/09/2022 10:12 am
Offline  chaos
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Thanks, I did have a look on ebay but unless you're buying a large number they didn't really seem much better value unless I'm just using the wrong search terms, plus you could end up with some monster truck tyre plugs like the ones footflaps found!

I think the ones I had were from a cheap lifeline kit so could be one brand to steer clear of.

Posted : 09/09/2022 10:55 am
Offline  towzer
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I find it handy to have a mix of sizes, I think it was these but eBay suppliers come and go

Posted : 09/09/2022 11:36 am
Offline  tthew
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Only time I ever tried to use some, (in the past I've just thown a tube in) they were old and had been rattling round in a bag so long they were all squashed onto the backing so hard they wouldn't come off!

..20 for £3.99..

Doesn't seen a lot of point bulk buying something infrequently used with a limited shelf life.

Lol at footflaps purchase. 🤣 They'd have probably saved the Titanic from sinking.

Posted : 09/09/2022 12:12 pm
Offline  chaos
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Nice one, seller's fairly local as well.

Posted : 09/09/2022 12:16 pm
Offline  freeagent
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Lol at footflaps purchase. 🤣 They’d have probably saved the Titanic from sinking.

They're for 4x4 tyres - i've got an ARB branded tyre repair kit in the shed somewhere, which is basically exactly the same as the bike versions - but bigger.

Posted : 09/09/2022 12:38 pm
Offline  dc1988
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I think a lot of the plugs are often too big for the fork, I actually bent the prongs on mine to be a little wider. Peatys tubeless plug kit is actually single pronged so I might copy and cut one prong off

Posted : 09/09/2022 12:56 pm
Offline  Scienceofficer
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Towzer +1.

Punctures come in all shapes and sizes. In the early days of tubeless, I only had the little ones and found them under gunned for the purpose quite often.

The little applicator forks come in different sizes too.

The seal the punctures by being a tight fit. If they're too easy to insert, they won't so the job properly.

I've actually converted to only carrying the larger ones. I rasp the holes to a size I know they will fit instead of trying to fit the plug size to the hole. Takes the guess work out of the equation.

Another tip is to load one into the applicator in advance. Saves arsing about with gloves and filth when you need to use it.

Posted : 09/09/2022 1:30 pm
Offline  sharkattack
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I've only got one pack which is at least 6 years old but it's always been wrapped up in a bag or tool pouch.

Last weekend was the first time I've ever used them on a bike and even though it was right on the bead up against the rim it worked perfectly.

Prior to that I'd only used it to fix a puncture on a Fiat Panda at the top of an Italian Alp.

The new Peatys Holeshot tool (dynaplug rip off) actually looks pretty good.

Posted : 09/09/2022 2:23 pm
Offline  Garry_Lager
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Does the rubber soln make any difference to these plugs? It used to be included with older kits but more recent ones I've got are just pointy tool and strips.

Posted : 09/09/2022 2:28 pm