I have a road bike that has no pannier mounts. Now and them I will need to carry panniers (1st aid box, wine bottles) so was looking at the Topeak Beam.
Anyone got one? Are they ok? Anything else I should be looking at?
Yes and I like it - Don't have the fold down pannier version. I replaced the QR with a bolt as the lever can brush my legs. I chose a V to get teh weight lower.
A sadlebag is an alternative - had a Nelson Longflap, but I prefer the Beam rack - I can also swap bag to my recumbent that sports an MTX rack permanently.
I’ve done the same as TiRed before works just fine. I used the v type with the side frames.
The levers are flawed and and can be easily replaced with a long allen bolt and a few washers to bridge the gap to the clamp( and makes it more theft proof)..word of warming ..on oversized boardman seaposts i had to do it up REDICULOUSLY tight not to move on the post...so not too friendly on carbon if its slipping a lot...but otherwise for light load its ideal..check your post to wheel clearance ..the dimensions are easy to find to make sure it won't foul the wheel(allowing travel In ss bikes) wasnt heavy duty enough for my uses..
I haven't used it, but the Thule Tour Rack ( https://www.thule.com/en-gb/gb/bike-accessories/rear-bike-racks/thule-tour-rack-_-100090 ) looks like a viable option as well; well, maybe except price-wise...
Or on the axle for the bottom fixings - see Tubus for examples of how to do it
I had a seatpost mounted rack - held the load really high and slid around
Also consider tailfin...it mounts to a special axle and a rubber strap on the seatpost ..can get a complete package of rack,axle,2×bags for around £320 ..its very unique and non interchangeable but it's a truly universal fit..
I have an x3(alloy arch and double alloy topstays) on order to be delivered in september cost me £319 with 2 super light bags and qr axle...
I also have experience with the seatpost clamp mount ..highly recommended...solved getting a rack that could carry 15kg+ on a alloy race bike..