Saddle-sore and ana...

[Closed] Saddle-sore and anatomy of a saddle

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Just completed a long ride over two days on the Grand Union canal. One of the really limiting factors for me was the saddle sore I was getting.

I know that saddle choice is a very personal thing but with specific areas of pain developing, I was hoping that others may be able to suggest certain features in the design of a saddle to counter these 'symptoms'.
Maybe saddle pain is inevitable in some way but am interested to hear from those who spend upwards of 5 hours or so on the bike.

I currently use a Charge Spoon saddle which is great for shorter bursts, at least I've not had any problems until now, but over the two days I was riding I got a hell of a lot of discomfort.

Without wanting to give you all a mental picture, the harder areas between my baby equipment and the waste chute took most of the discomfort. I suppose on the Charge Spoon there is effectively material there so its always in contact.

My other issue seemed to be a deadening of my inner thigh muscles I think from contact to the saddle. I thought perhaps my padded inner short and shorts were rucking up but no, not really, pretty tight and flat.

So, what features should I be looking for do you reckon? Is there a guide for position and tilt? I found on the canal I was constantly getting bounced forward onto the nose of the saddle and had to keep reseating myself. Does this suggest too much forward tilt? I wanted to tilt forward to lessen nose contact.

More padding at the rear? Thinner nose? Cut- out section all the way to the nose?

I mean seriously, how do TDF riders etc cope? Is that what the banned substances are for?

Any advice appreciated..

Posted : 22/02/2013 3:09 pm