Orange p7 with alfi...

[Closed] Orange p7 with alfine hub

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Ok after looking at the rohloff hub and trawling the internet over wknd have decided on the 8 speed alfine hub, had to admit that i was not going to tour for mths across the world on mtb, so could not justify the massive rohloff outlay.
I will be fitting the alfine on a sliding dropout orange p7, question, do i need different dropouts for the alfine as at the mo its got standard dropouts for qr axle. Where does the cable run from hub to shifter?
Any pics of orange p7 with alfine that can be posted up so i can look would be good. How reliable is the alfine hub after the few yrs that its been out? have there been any real problems? thanks

Posted : 05/09/2010 1:11 pm