Hi everyone,
Looking to replace the battery in a Mk1 Joystick, anyone provide me with the specification of the battery so I can do some googling.
I know MTBatteries will / can provide me with a battery but that's at £23 ish .
Must be able to source something similar online for less.
Obs needs the internal circuit protection and with both the fly leads to connect end cap circuitry to.
Thanks in advance.
just get from mtb batteries.Mark is good guy
Mine (not a MK1, about 2008 vintage) was an 18650. I got a nice 50% capacity boost.
If you look on the bear bones forum someone did a replacement using longer wires a d copper washers as contacts. If you have space it means the next replacement doesn't require soldering. I shamelessly copied and it hasn't set my head on fire yet.
how much do exposure charge?
Exposure want £50 to replace the battery !.
New batteries from RS Components UK are around £15 - £20
Company wants to be paid for labour as well as parts shocker