Home Community Chat Forum What snacks can you chomp on until they’re coming out of your ears?

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  • What snacks can you chomp on until they’re coming out of your ears?
  • binners
    Full Member

    Binners, theres versions of those Sausages with a) pickle or b) English mustard embedded from Marks I think which take even those to another level

    You do realise @Kryton57 that giving me that information technically makes you a pusher?

    Full Member

    Snyders of Hanover, Jalapeno pretzel pieces.

    Oh god yes!


    Pork Scratchings

    Honey Roasted Cashews

    Pork Scratchings

    Honey Roasted Peanuts

    Pork Scratchings

    Flaming Hot Giant Wotsits

    Pork Scratchings

    Salt & Pepper Cashews

    Did I mention Pork Scratchings?

    Full Member

    You do realise  @Kryton57 that giving me that information technically makes you a feeder?


    Full Member

    Pigs in blankets, pretty much the only good thing about Xmas

    Mimi millionaire chocolate bites, a box of 20, less than an hour

    Boasters biscuits , probably gone in 15 mins

    Strange thing is i can leave unopened boscuits, sweets, eastet eggs etc alone in a cupboard for weeks, however once opened… All gone

    Full Member

    Scratchings, wasabi peas, green olives, Dairy Lea triangles.

    Full Member

    I know what you mean about dairylea triangles. When it comes to allegedly cheese-based substances, I can chew one of these like a Mars bar. God only knows what it’s made of, but it’s delicious

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Pretty much anything that can’t outrun me.

    Nuts. Chocolate. Peanut M&Ms. M&S Belgian chocolate coated peanuts.

    Free Member

    Last week I meant to have a handful of those chilli and lemon chips. Then finished the entire family bag to myself with a nice hoppy beer *burp*.

    The taste, texture, flavour is a sublime confection of culinary genius. The way they curl exactly around the tip of the tongue and then zap the tastebuds with rolling waves of lime and crisp chilli, garlic, perfect seasoning and crisp-floury explosions of crunchy goodness.

    Also rans:

    Salted peanuts
    Chilli peanuts
    Ten Acre Hickory BBQ crisps (utter perfection as far as crisps go)


    Free Member

    Co-op sea salt and Chardonnay vinegar crisps.

    Free Member

    *oops, lemon, not lime.

    And fudge. Fudge is addictive.

    Discovered some dairy-free cranberry fudge recently which I thought would be foul and yet turned out it was epic. Needless to say it’s gone, all gone. There was some fighting.


    Co-op sea salt and Chardonnay vinegar crisps.

    ^ Can vouch for these being at least the saltiest and vinegariest crisps I’ve every tried. Too extreme for my delicate chops, but they do what they say on the pack!

    Full Member

    Polish kabanos, rarely would they make it all the way from the shop to my front door.
    NB not chomp, devour.

    Full Member

    I’d also normally say walkers lime and coriander poppadoms but sadly can’t eat them now as they set off my ibs

    Full Member

    Jaffa Cakes.

    A little avenue of pleasure down which I no longer stroll……..

    Full Member

    Plain chocolate digestive biscuits.
    Like crack to me. I did a job at the factory they’re made at. Usually when I’ve been in a food factory, the last thing I want is that food, I bought and inhaled a packet on the way home.
    Interesting fact for a biscuit addict, the chocolate texture isn’t deliberate, it’s just from the conveyor I’m told.

    Full Member

    To be honest, any snacks! But my fave are M&S Cheese Tasters.

    Full Member

    Strange thing is i can leave unopened boscuits, sweets, eastet eggs etc alone in a cupboard for weeks, however once opened… All gone

    If I know it’s in the cupboard I’ll have to really resist eating it. Crisps, biscuits, ice cream etc. I have been known on many occasions to buy a pack of pork scratchings, chocolate digestives or Mars Ice Creams and them not survive leaving the car park. My record is 4 Mars Ice Creams in the time it takes me to walk from the till to the car! As they are always on offer of 2 packs for £2 I then sit in the car and eat the other 4…

    Full Member

    Similar to OP and exactly as cb200 – my butcher’s chipolatas at Christmas.

    Full Member

    Those new giant flaming hot Wotsits. Man, I demolish a bag that would keep a family fed.

    Oh and those Rocky Road bites from Aldi. Once they’re opened there is none left in less than 15 mins.😁

    Full Member

    Lebkuchen biscuit/cake type edibles
    Salted cashews
    Any biscuit covered in a good quality chocolate
    Proper liquorice
    jaffa cakes
    Water biscuits with blacksticks cheese
    Pipers crisps
    my homemade brownie bites
    co op lentil crisps
    crab sticks

    Free Member

    There should be laws against milk choc digestives washed down the hatch with cool gold top jersey milk:

    Full Member

    KP dry roasted nuts. 🤤

    Free Member

    Jaffa Cakes

    Full Member

    since we started looking after our grandaughter ive discovered these…..

    so yummy

    always used to love farleys rusks even as an adult and thought i still would, but i was disappointed to discover theyre too sweet for me now.

    these apple biscotti jobbies are just perfect, i can eat packets at a time. they go a bit mushy in your mouth, arent too sweet, and theyre for baybeez so got to be full of goodness right? ;-)

    Full Member

    Snyders of Hanover, Jalapeno pretzel pieces.

    I can’t risk having them in the house. I have no self control with them. Dangerous.

    Full Member

    The snack cupboard is bare. If full I’d be the size of a garden shed.

    Full Member

    Interesting fact for a biscuit addict, the chocolate texture isn’t deliberate, it’s just from the conveyor I’m told.

    And, it’s on the bottom half of the biscuit, not the top. You were holding it upside down all these years.

    Snyders of Hanover, Jalapeno pretzel pieces

    The cheese flavoured powder on the cheese ones is opioid based.

    Free Member

    Pork scratchings.. the proper ones with pigs lugs, nipples and noses in… the ones that are a bit moist…

    Its a wonder i am alive…

    Minature pork pies with a brown sauce dip… this is me being posh.

    My other half sits and judges my working class pleasures from her middle class pedestal.

    Full Member

    Dipping mini pork pies in brown sauce is one of life’s essentials

    Full Member

    Co-op sea salt and Chardonnay vinegar crisps.

    2 ‘sharing’ (ha!) packs for £2 at the moment in my local coop…that’s me ****!

    Free Member

    Yeah but the deal meant that they had sold out at our local Co-Op yesterday so had to make do with the much inferior Tyrrells version.

    Free Member

    Roast beef and mustard Brannigans crisps
    KP salt and vinegar peanuts
    Dark chocolate digestives (milk choc ones are horrid)
    Mint Kit Kats

    I can’t keep any combination of these in the house at the same time as I will replace entire meals with them

    Full Member

    Crisps and cheese, pretty much all varieties of both.

    Free Member

    Roast potatoes
    Kallettes – roasted with garlic, salt and lemon, they are vegetarian scratchings and one bag is not enough but it’s veg so it’s ok, right
    Cocktail sausages before I stopped eating meat and those tinned ones that were questionable meat anyway

    Peanut m&ms
    Leibniz biscuits
    bourbon biscuits

    I have a problem

    Full Member

    the other week I asked on here about Costco and people told me about all the extra shite I’d be coming home with, as well as a telly

    Nobody mentioned the kilo packs of dry roast almonds ! – man, they’re good

    I used to be all about the minstrels+skittles (mixed together of course)
    Don’t do that any more, now I’m diabetic 🙁

    Full Member

    I consider myself a snack omnivore so it’s a yes from me for all of the above. Apart from brown sauce. Pork pies and sweet chilli sauce, brown sauce is the only sauce we don’t have at home, and we have a lot

    Full Member

    Crisp, pretty much any flavor and make but given a choice either boring ready salted pretty much any make or Tyrell’s smoked paprika.

    Full Member

    “Sharing bag”? Dafuq?

    Liquorice allsorts.

    Full Member

    Cadbury’s Mini Rolls, particularly the Raspberry variety. I once ate a whole packet while driving back from the local supermarket.

    Full Member

    My Nan used to run a pub in the 70’s and while all the beer and spirits came from the brewery, she was allowed to use the local cash n’carry to buy all the crisps, peanuts, (do you remember those cards with the peanuts on behind the bar where as you sold more it revealed more of a lady with her top off!) to sell, as that was indeed ‘pub grub’ in those days.

    And pork scratchings. One day I went with her and she bought me my own card of Mr Porky’s. I think it was 24 packs. I’m still embarrassed at how short a time they lasted, and I was shitting ‘well lubricated’ stools for days after.

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