You’ve probably already watched the whole series of Bridgerton and are ready for some new viewing. We have the perfect thing for you – a new film by Markus Stitz, covering his journey along the former Iron Curtain.
We’ve got a story in the upcoming issue of Singletrack Magazine about this trip, where you can read more of Markus’ experiences and reflections as he rides along this former boundary between worlds. On one side, his childhood home, his family, and a world of secret police and constant surveillance. On the other, the freedoms and modernity of the west. With this barrier gone but new restrictions on movement coming into play, the feature introduces the route for those that might want to ride it, plus brings the perspective of someone who lived there in those historical times to the reader – and rider – of today.
Join us today to get the next copy of Singletrack, complete with this story and a host of others, delivered to your door.
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