Vaude shoe

Bike Place 2016: Vaude Flat Pedal Shoes

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Available soon – in shops from March – Vaude has dipped a toe into the flat shoes for flat pedals market, and brought out 3 new shoes.

The Moab AM is a trainer-style shoe, shown here on the right with white laces and priced at £95. The Moab Low AM is shown on the left here, and has the addition of a strap across the shoe for extra security. The third shoe will be the Moab Mid STX AM, a waterproof flat pedal mid-high shoe, at £145 – not pictured because they’re so new Vaude didn’t yet have any to show us.

Vaude shoe

Whoop! Hurrah! A waterproof almost-a-boot offering for the flat pedal brigade!” we hear you shout (possibly). Well, yes, indeed, but save some of your excitement for the undersides:

Vaude shoe

Look! Green (is that alligator skin patterned?) flat sole for where you want to be in contact with your pedals, plus a grippy Vibram sole section fore and aft for when walking is unavoidable. Now when you suffer the indignity of deciding that a trail is too slippery to ride, you won’t have to suffer the double indignity of discovering it is also too slippery to walk on in flats. Don’t pretend you haven’t been there.

We’ll be doing our best to get some of these in on test. March is sooo far away, it’s a whole 28 sleeps yet. Fingers crossed we can get some soon.

Even further away, and so many sleeps that it needs a special calculator to work it out, is Autumn 2016.

Yes, after the brief interlude of warmth that is apparently going to happen some time around 9th August, there will be changing of the seasons and we will be back to dark, damp and cold. But this will not necessarily be a bad Thing, because the new colours for Autumn/Winter 2016/17 in the Chiva Softshell (£100) and Minaki Primaloft (£135) women’s jackets are rather lush, especially in the women’s range. Behold, a ‘Parrot Green’ Chiva:

Vaude Jacket

There’s a good range of petrol blues and sea greens too. Nice looking kit with lots of bike specific features. You can always buy them now in current colours if you really can’t wait, available from

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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Comments (4)

    OH MY GOD it’s like someone at a shoe company has finally tried riding with flats in winter.

    The few bits of vaude kit i have, plus tents i have used, are really well made…

    At last, my slip sliding could be at an end

    As a renowned cheapskate who never buys anything at list, I think I might be tempted to buy some as soon as they come out if they really do tick my boxes e.g.
    1/ can walk on muddy trails without doing pratfall
    2/ keep feet dry and warm ,well fairly would do.
    3/ don’t look like trainers a five year old might get for reception class
    OK they fail no. 3 but 2 out of three has me reaching for the credit card.

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