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  • what's your favourite dinosaur?
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    i like dinosaurs :D do you? oh you do! of course you do :D what’s your favourite?

    Free Member

    Triceratops or Stegosaurus.

    Free Member

    Styrackosaurus. As a kid I was given a model kit of one with a wind up clockwork mechanism. With some help from my father I managed to put it together and get it wound up and walking.

    Free Member


    I might go and see it this week actually.

    Why? Because I can! :D

    Free Member

    Pretty brave winding up a dinosaur

    Free Member

    Went to the Natural History Museum on Saturday, it was fab.
    Not quite a dinosaur, but there was a dodo skeleton, thought that was awesome.

    For dino, I’d have to go with the ol’ triceratops.

    Free Member

    Went to the Natural History Museum on Saturday, it was fab.

    And you is not tell me? :cry:

    Full Member

    triceratops or stegasaurus for me

    cant wait till kimbers jr is old enough to appreciate dinos!

    Full Member

    Tyrannosaurus types. Specifically this one:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    And you is not tell me?

    Thought about you, was a family thing though and Lydon is scared of you.

    Free Member

    that massive one in the sea which is like 30m long and was on the Planet Dinosaur programme recently – wasn’t it called ‘X’ or something?

    Free Member

    CaptJon – Member

    Pretty brave winding up a dinosaur :lol:

    Free Member

    Why he is scared of me poor child? 8O

    Free Member

    Things seemed to have moved along a lot in the world of dinosaur’s since I was a lad so I need to do more research.

    Free Member

    You know him, meek and mild little boy.

    He liked the pangolin, not quite a dinosaur either.

    Free Member

    Either Mosasaurs or John McCririck

    Free Member

    meek and mild little boy


    They’ve got jars of intestinal worms and that in there. And I love the rocks room. Got space stuffs in there!

    ‘These are the oldest things you will ever see’

    I’m still freaked out by that.

    Free Member

    Rod Stewart.

    Free Member

    That giant bird on David Attenborough’s programme last night.. Like a 200 storey Maribou Stork/bat/lizard..
    It was picking up Brachiosaurs like a Blackbird picking up caterpillars..

    (some or all of this may have been in my imagination..)

    Free Member

    Arn’t the meteorites far older than the dinosaur skeletons? (and many are replicas)

    It boggles the mind, how they move a meteorite around the world and how unimaginably old those meteorites are…

    Free Member

    TSY may i recommend the aforementioned ‘planet dinosaur’ which is available on the BBC’s iPlayer! it was that show that made me realise how dinofacts had developed since i was an enthusiastic young fellow.

    i still love dinos like i was a kid, thinking i might get my left arm tattooed with a loada dinosaurs having a sexy party.

    Free Member

    No, don’t do that…

    Free Member

    I like the stegosaurus, because it has a thagomizer and I like that the word ‘thagomizer’ is starting to see more widespread use. However, my real favourite dino has to be the Ankylosaurus, just for its sheer Johnny Knoxville Jackass talent of being dumb and being tough

    Full Member

    Stan (Manchester Museum)


    Free Member

    it was that show that made me realise how dinofacts had developed since i was an enthusiastic young fellow.

    Ohhh! What’s changed?

    Full Member

    Did you know, there’s no Brontosaurus these days? It’s an Apatosaurus, apparently.

    No, me neither.

    Free Member

    ahh reverse psychology, you’ve convinced me. now i just need to decide exactly how sexy the sexy dino party will be…. hmmm, would a velociraptor look silly in a party hat?

    CM – not changed per say… more ‘developed’ with the useful new science stuff they keep developing, super special medical scans of fossils and such. all very clever.

    Free Member

    Did you know, there’s no Brontosaurus these days?

    I knew that

    It’s an Apatosaurus, apparently.

    I didn’t know that/

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I didn’t know that

    I am, however, buggered if I know why.

    Free Member

    Things seemed to have moved along a lot in the world of dinosaur’s since I was a lad so I need to do more research.

    Where have they all come from? When I was a kid we had the stegosaurus, the dippy one, t-rex, triceratops and the flying one. That was it! Did they just discover a load more to make Jurassic Park more exciting?

    Free Member

    Ohhh! What’s changed?

    We’re living in a new golden age of dinosaur discovery.
    John Hurt said it and he should know! (He’s an actosaurus.)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I am, however, buggered if I know why.

    In fact, similar to ducks’ legs. Two of them were both the same.

    Some bloke found a little one, called it (now i know it was) Apatosaurus, then he or maybe someone else, found a much bigger one and thought it was a different animal so called it Brontosaurus. Then they realise that they already had one of those, so they could get rid of it

    Free Member

    there was the land before time and jurrassical park, these were the only dinosaurs most kids knew about it seemed in my generation. i got a bit obsessed and learnt about other ones but i think recent digging in countries that hadn’t really been checked for dino fossils has really opened up the worldwide picture of different versions of the dinos we know and love.

    i blame binners of course.

    Free Member

    Phil – I’ve seen some of them… it is the reason that I don’t feel able to comment at this moment.

    Some of the dinosaurs starring in that current series take the pish out of my old fav’s.

    Free Member

    my kids joke one

    Free Member

    I am, however, buggered


    Brontosaurus sounds better. Sounds beefy and mean. Apatosaurus sounds like a baby milk product gone wrong. :|

    Free Member

    i blame binners of course.

    More than reasonable, You know that eyeball-licking thing? Well, it’s a throwback trait to his ancestral heritage:

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